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USA Bio-Terrorism: WWIII Entering Biological Warfare Phase REX84 Coming Soon

The Russia Report Sixth Edition: The Coronavirus Active-Op Edition

Media Operations and the Hidden Agendas of the Coronavirus Pandemic



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Coronavirus News - World Under Bio-Attack

 “And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” – 2000 Insane Zionist Dual Israeli NeoCons


Коронавирус: официальная информация

Meet MI6's Tom Fletcher and Russia's New Patient Zero (1st Link)

Ставропольский врач с коронавирусом стала фигуранткой дела о халатности



Главный инфекционист Ставрополья завезла в регион коронавирус

News About the Coronavirus in Russia



Все контактировавшие с Мишустиным в последнее время будут изолированы

Мишустин будет находиться под наблюдением врачей в одном из медучреждений

Russian government extends entry ban for foreigners

Russian government extends entry ban for foreigners

Spread of fake news about COVID-19 must be stopped, Kremlin says


Ancestral type of COVID-19 virus mainly found in the US: study

ВАЖНО: В ЛНР ввели строгий режим самоизоляции

В ДНР выявлено 11 новых случаев заражения COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 may damage brain, central nervous system, Russian Health Ministry says

5th Column Hot-Bed Ekaterinberg Warned Over Mass Infections

Мэр Екатеринбурга получил прокурорское предостережение из-за очагов COVID-19 в больницах

Coronavirus in Russia: record amount of recoveries and eighth highest number of infections


More than 40% of Moscow’s health service involved in fighting COVID-19

WHO views nine Russian COVID-19 vaccines as promising

Number of coronavirus cases in Russia rises by 5,849 over past day

Moscow to have hospital beds for 22,000 coronavirus patients by end of week

Steady decline in coronavirus cases in Moscow possible in late June, expert says

Moscow "not halfway past" the coronavirus epidemic, mayor says

Portugal documents over 22,000 COVID-19 cases and 820 deaths

Judge rejects motion to arrest owner of Russian hostel where 123 people got COVID-19

Russia’s coronavirus case tally rises by 5,236 over past day

В Мосгордуме заявили, что уличные камеры не фиксируют езду без пропусков

МВД по Московской области отвергло возможность перекрытия дорог

04-20-2020 NEWS

Coronavirus cases in Moscow Region rise to 3,954 over past day

60% Infected Have No Symptoms

Депутат Мособлдумы умер после заражения коронавирусом

Russia’s Health Ministry approves using Chinese drug against coronavirus

Over 554 Infected People Attempted to Obtain Movement Passes

В Москве аннулировали 554 пропуска больных COVID-19 и проживающих с ними

Coronavirus cases in Russia surpass 36,700

Service Personnel, Journalists, Judges Now Need Passes to Travel 

Военных, журналистов и судей для поездок по Подмосковью обяжут оформлять пропуска

Число погибших от COVID-19 в Москве превысило 100

04-14-2015 NEWS

Russian health ministry sees worsening in coronavirus patients who start treatment late

Russian, Chinese military medics discuss fight against COVID-19

Russia passes 10,000-coronavirus-infection benchmark ten weeks after virus set in

Генпрокуратура нашла во "ВКонтакте" группу с призывами не соблюдать самоизоляцию

Serbian president says his son infected with coronavirus

Russia Begins Transfusing Survivors' Blood Plasma to New Victims

Blood plasma from coronavirus survivors transfused to first patients in Moscow

Belarusian coronavirus cases rise to 1,486

Полицейские получили право составлять протоколы о нарушении КоАП Москвы

Минсельхоз РФ предложил привлечь студентов и заключенных к посевной и сбору урожая

Российские тесты на коронавирус направлены в более чем 30 стран мира

Власти Москвы напомнили о запрете гулять с детьми в коляске и выходить на пробежки


Власти Москвы напомнили о запрете гулять с детьми в коляске и выходить на пробежки

Ten hospitals, 9 labs in Moscow converted for COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment

Kremlin says too early to speak about reducing lockdown period

Kremlin lambasts former US envoys’ ‘absurd speculation’ on Crimea

Самолет "Аэрофлота" с россиянами вылетел из Нью-Йорка в Москву

В Нью-Йорке приземлился самолет из Москвы с гражданами США

ГНЦ "Вектор" готов начать тестировать вакцину от COVID-19 на добровольцах уже в мае

Russians Are Self-Isolating, No Lockdowns or Quarantines

За сутки в России выявлено 1154 новых заболевших COVID-19

Coronavirus Tests to Be Covered by Existing Medical Policies

Правительство обещало включить анализ на коронавирус в ОМС

Слезам Москвы не верят: в регионах не рады приезжим из столицы

Комиссия ГД проверит публикации "Радио Свобода" и "Медузы" о коронавирусе в РФ


Вводить пропускной режим в Подмосковье пока не будут

The Coronavirus Sourced to 73 Countries in Russia

Коронавирус был завезен в Россию из 73 стран

04.04.2020 Moscow Region Lock-Down Supplement
Постановление Губернатора Московской области от 04.04.2020 № 174-ПГ "О внесении изменений в постановление Губернатора Московской области от 12.03.2020 № 108-ПГ


Власти Подмосковья объяснили правила передвижения на автомобилях

Moscow To Launch Mandatory Surveillance App To Track Residents In Coronavirus Lockdown


Vector Will Start Human Testing CV-19 Vaccine in Summer

"Вектор" заявил о планах летом начать проверку вакцины от СOVID-19 на людях

President Putin Addresses the Nation - Lock-Down Extended to April 30

Address to the Nation April 2, 2020, 16:50

Обращение к гражданам России

Россия приостановила рейсы для вывоза своих граждан

Шестой самолет ВКС РФ с военными эпидемиологами прибыл в Сербию

Росавиация приостановила разрешения на вывоз россиян из-за рубежа

Шестой самолет с помощью России в борьбе с коронавирусом прибыл в Сербию

Главный инфекционист ФМБА уверен в окончании к лету вспышки COVID-19 в России


Роспотребнадзор обязал ФСИН протестировать на коронавирус сотрудников и заключенных

В Крыму установят блокпост на мосту из Кубани и введут карантин

Для больных COVID-19 москвичей создадут мобильное приложение

Роспотребнадзор обязал россиян держать дистанцию друг от друга не менее метра

В Москве количество жертв коронавируса достигло 16

FVEY/Yandex Quietly Brings Mass Surveillance to Russia

"Яндекс" начал измерять уровень самоизоляции жителей крупных городов РФ

Песков сообщил о регулярных тестах Путина на коронавирус

Главврач больницы в Коммунарке заразился коронавирусом

Главврач больницы в Коммунарке заразился коронавирусом

Режим обязательной самоизоляции введен в четырех регионах Центральной России

Почти половина регионов России ввела режим самоизоляции из-за коронавируса

7 Year Prison Terms Approved for Quarantine Violators

Госдума разрешила сажать нарушителей карантина на семь лет

Минюст предложил приостановить регистрацию браков до июня из-за коронавируса

Минобрнауки отвергло возможность отмены всех экзаменов России из-за пандемии

Минтруда предложило до октября устанавливать инвалидность заочно

Russia Enacts 5 Year Prison Term for Fake Coronavirus News

Депутаты приняли поправки о 5 годах тюрьмы за распространение фейков об эпидемиях

Депутаты разрешили откладывать выборы в условиях ЧС

Число заболевших коронавирусом в РФ за сутки выросло на 500

Госдума разрешила правительству вводить режим ЧС

Coronavirus Lockdown Enacted in the Moscow Region

В Подмосковье жителям запретят выходить из домов

Coronavirus cases in Russia surpass 1,500, crisis center says

03-31-2020 Divide and Conquer - McDonalds, Yandex et al Promote Distancing

Russia CV-19: 11 Dead From Previous Conditions

Жена летчика Ярошенко сообщила о коронавирусе в тюрьме США, где он содержится

Клишас счел недостаточными полномочия Собянина для введения запрета покидать дома

Coronavirus Lockdown Enacted in the Moscow Region

В Подмосковье жителям запретят выходить из домов

Coronavirus cases in Russia surpass 1,500, crisis center says

В Москве скончался 90-летний пациент с коронавирусом

Россиянам разрешили задержаться в Таиланде на фоне ограничений по коронавирусу

Россия с 30 марта временно закроет госграницу из-за коронавируса

У пятой скончавшейся в Москве пациентки с COVID-19 были проблемы с сердцем

В России зафиксированы 228 новых случаев заражения коронавирусом

Четвертый пациент с COVID-19 скончался в Москве

FVEY/Yandex Quietly Brings Mass Surveillance to Russia

«Яндекс» начал отслеживать уровень самоизоляции россиян

Начальник отдела СИЗО в Петербурге задержан за получение 10 млн рублей взяток

Ресурс "Двач" заблокировали из-за фейка о коронавирусе

May 9th Parade Prep Used for Fake News - Roskomnadzor

Роскомнадзор потребовал удалить фейки о стягивании Росгвардии и закрытии Москвы

Число заражённых COVID-19 в Москве увеличилось до 703

Who is Immune to CV-19?

New system of testing can identify those with immunity to COVID-19, says watchdog chief

No Need for Hard Quarantine in Russia

No Need For Hard Quarantine In Russia, Which Closed Its Border Back In January

Оперштаб рассказал о третьей пациентке с коронавирусом, скончавшейся в России

One Member of President's Adminstration Tested Positive for CV-19

Военная полиция РФ провела учения по обеспечению карантина дронами

В России провели четверть миллиона тестов на коронавирус

Оперштаб опроверг информацию о спецпропусках для перемещений по Москве

Watch Out for Fake News

March 27, 2020 - There is fake news being spread around Russia that troops have been deployed to close off Moscow and that people are not allowed to travel wherever they want. These are all lies. There are no such restrictions in place.

Нечего особенно страшного: Не верите фейки

Current Restrictions:

Расскажем об основных ограничениях.

1. Под временным запретом - любые массовые мероприятия в помещениях и на открытом воздухе. При этом - объясняют в Оперативном штабе Московской области по коронавирусу - НЕ ЗАПРЕЩЕНО гулять в парках или скверах в одиночку или семьями.

2. Ранее губернатор уже попросил перейти в режим самоизоляции жителей Подмосковья старше 65 лет, а также людей, имеющих хронические болезни - и те, и другие во время карантина по коронавирусу входят в группу высокого риска. Их просят выходить из дома (в магазин или аптеку) только в случае крайней необходимости. При этом насчет доставки продуктов и лекарств могут помочь соцработники и волонтеры. Попросить о подобной помощи можно по телефону 8 (498) 602-84-50.

3. Требование о самоизоляции не распространяется на пожилых медработников (от 65 лет и старше), а также руководителей и сотрудников организаций, чиновников, «чье нахождение на рабочем месте является критически важным».

4. С 26 марта (и это тоже временно!) льготным проездом на общественном транспорте не смогут воспользоваться те же граждане от 65 лет, хронические больные, студенты колледжей и вузов, а также школьники 5 класса и старше.

5. Стоматологии могут оказывать помощь только в экстренных случаях.

6. Временно закрываются общественные бани и душевые.

7. Временно закрыты библиотеки, досуговые центры, кинотеатры, детские развлекательные центры, игровые комнаты и ночные клубы.

Cases of Coronavirus in the Moscow Region of Russia

Warning: Link to Yandex

Russia's Security and Maintaining of Order Act


Следующая неделя будет выходным

Off-Shoring Russian assets will now be taxed at 15% - Putin
Biological Warfare? Shoigu Prepares Army to Fight Coronavirus

Шойгу проверит армию на готовность бороться с коронавирусом

Iran, Russia Coordinate Mutual Cooperation in Anti-Coronavirus Battle

Гибель людей из-за нарушения карантина приравняют к терроризму

President Putin Will Address Russia on Coronavirus

Address to the Nation March 25, 2020, 16:30

Обращение к гражданам России 25 марта 2020 года, 16:30

Путин выступит с телеобращением по ситуации с коронавирусом

Watch On-Line

Патрушев пообещал, что РФ продолжит помогать другим странам в борьбе с COVID-19

Moscow Calls for End to Global Regional Conflicts Amid Pandemic

Москва призвала приостановить региональные конфликты во всем мире из-за пандемии

МИД призвал остановить боевые действия на фоне пандемии коронавируса

Собянин заявил, что реальной картины по COVID-19 нет ни у кого

Рошаль назвал распространение коронавируса репетицией биологической войны

2015 US Research Finally Wakes Up Russia

Дело вирусологов: новые факты о лабораторном происхождении источника COVID-19

SARS-Like Bat Coronaviruses/Human Emergence


Moscow Calls for End to Global Regional Conflicts Amid Pandemic

Москва призвала приостановить региональные конфликты во всем мире из-за пандемии

МИД призвал остановить боевые действия на фоне пандемии коронавируса

Собянин заявил, что реальной картины по COVID-19 нет ни у кого

Рошаль назвал распространение коронавируса репетицией биологической войны

2015 US Research Finally Wakes Up Russia

Дело вирусологов: новые факты о лабораторном происхождении источника COVID-19

SARS-Like Circulating Bat Coronaviruses/Human Emergence


"Аэрофлот" до мая ограничит рейсы во Вьетнам, Таиланд, Турцию, ОАЭ и на Кубу

"Аэрофлот" до мая ограничит рейсы во Вьетнам, Таиланд, Турцию, ОАЭ и на Кубу

Ekaterinberg May Be a Target

В Сочи двое мужчин сбежали из-под карантина по COVID-19 и улетели в Екатеринбург

5th Column Loses Control of Gazprom Media - Quakes in Langley

Экс-глава Роскомнадзора Жаров возглавил "Газпром-медиа"

Serpukhov and Krasnogorsk Test Points Open

Two laboratories for coronavirus tests open in Moscow region

В столичном штабе пояснили, кому необходимо оставаться дома из-за угрозы COVID-19

МОЛНИЯ: Правительство РФ разрешило въезд в страну жителям ЛДНР

Песков заверил, что закрытие Москвы из-за ситуации с COVID-19 не обсуждается

Почти 70 тысяч человек были отправлены на карантин после въезда в Россию

Update: First CV-19 Death in Russia NOT VERIFIED

Губкинский университет не подтвердил смерть своей преподавательницы с коронавирусом

Лукашенко поручил помочь россиянам вернуться из Польши

Стала известна личность умершей россиянки с коронавирусом

Названа причина смерти пациентки с коронавирусом в Москве

Lukashenko Calls Coronavirus Hysteria a Psychosis

Лукашенко назвал психозом ситуацию с пандемией коронавируса

"Russian" Media Spreading Coronavirus Panic in Russia - 114,000 Publications Every 24 Hours

Title- Каждая третья новость в российских СМИ рассказывает о коронавирусе

Russia Has One Death and 253 Infected: Stop Lying Echo

Генпрокуратура потребовала удалить восемь фейков о коронавирусе

Первым зараженным коронавирусом в Мурманской области оказался ирландец

First CV-19 Death in Russia - Первый в РФ случай летального исхода от заражения коронавирусом

В Москве умерла пациентка с коронавирусом

Since January Over 400 Possible CV-19 Carriers Stopped at Border

С января на госгранице РФ выявили более 400 человек с признаками инфекционных заболеваний

Russia Has Started CV-19 Vaccine Trials

Начались первые испытания вакцины против COVID-19

Путин заявил, что имеет информацию о сроках возможной разработки вакцины от COVID-19

Россия ограничит полеты в Великобританию, США и ОАЭ с полуночи 20 марта

В Минобороны рассказали о мерах по профилактике COVID-19 в армии

Добровольцы начнут помогать пожилым людям в Свердловской области из-за коронавируса

CV-19 Variations Support Our Genetic BIO-Weapon Conclusion

Новосибирский вирусолог рассказал о нескольких разновидностях COVID-19

17,900 Russians Under Medical Observation for POSSIBLE CV-19

Петербург перестал принимать самолеты из Евросоюза из-за коронавируса

У вернувшегося из Австрии жителя Красноярска подтвердился коронавирус

Russia Has 93 Registered Cases of the Coronavirus

В РФ зарегистрировали 93 заболевших коронавирусом

"Аэрофлот" сообщил о "колоссальном финансовом давлении" из-за COVID-2019

Песков заявил, что в РФ нет поводов для введения режима ЧС из-за COVID-19

Власти Крыма попросили закрыть границу с Украиной из-за коронавируса

В Мурманске госпитализировали ирландца с подозрением на коронавирус

"Ельцин центр" закрылся из-за коронавируса

Россиянам на карантине будут оплачивать "больничные" в особом порядке

Путин поручил создать рабочую группу Госсовета по борьбе с коронавирусом

В РПЦ опровергли слухи об изменениях в графике патриарха из-за коронавируса

Азербайджан и РФ приостановят авиасообщение между Баку и семью российскими городами

Минобрнауки РФ рекомендовало вузам перейти на дистанционное обучение

В мечетях России сократят время пятничных молитв из-за коронавируса

Среди пациентов с коронавирусом в Подмосковье оказался венесуэлец

Three Coronavirus Patients in Moscow Cured?

Трое пациентов с коронавирусом в Москве получили первые отрицательные тесты

Роспотребнадзор посоветовал мыть руки после оплаты покупок наличными или картой

Минпромторг РФ призвал граждан рационально закупать продукты

Московский Противочумной центр оборудуют для диагностики коронавируса

Власти Подмосковья исключили дефицит товаров в регионе в связи COVID-19

World: Global Panic for the New World Order



Wuhan Patient Zero CIA Matt Benassi, Maatje Benassi, Ben Benassi

George Webb Ids Wuhan Patient Zero Maatje Benassi

George Webb reported that Maatje Benassi (cyclist) could be patient zero of COVID-19 in Wuhan

04.01.2020 Event 201 - Pandemic Plans






03.31.2020 US White House Pandemic Playbook


03.30 Crimson Contagion: USA Pandemic Response



Q Stands for QUARANTINE:  Ultimate FF by DARPA

“Q” stands for Quarantine

New World Order Police State Actionable Intel

Trump Halts World Health Organization Funding

The Big Cash In: CV-19 Patent Holder Bill Gates to Release Vaccine

Gates Foundation calls for global cooperation on vaccine for 7 billion people

Microsoft and Bill Gates: Pandemics and Satanism for the NWO

Microsoft Releases (and Deletes) an Ad With Elite Occultist Marina Abramovic

Lesser Humans, Reducing Population: Messianic Eugenicist Gates

Continuing Cornelius Rhoads' (Collins/Fauci's) Genocide for the NWO

Robert F Kennedy Jr

Fauci and Gates: The Public Executors of the CV-19 False Flag

Jeffrey Epstein’s Executor Is Ex-Science Adviser to Bill Gates

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”. Nelson Mandela's former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates' philanthropic practices as "ruthless and immoral."

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part through new vaccines. A month later, Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines "could reduce population".

In 2014 Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony "tetanus" vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al. 2017) showed that WHO's popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered (5 fold higher rate - 500%) 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children. Gates and WHO have refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.   

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of hijacking WHO's agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish - that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical-industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates' power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.

In his recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.   

USNIH/NIAID Gave Wuhan Level 4 Lab $3.7 M for CV-19 Research

U.S. Government Gave $3.7 Million Grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology for Coronavirus Research

New post: U.S. Government Gave $3.7 Million Grant to Wuhan Institute of Virology for Coronavirus

Why did the taxpayer-funded NIH funnel $3.7 million to the Wuhan virus research lab?

Robert F Kennedy Jr.

The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Anthony Fauci’s NIAID gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.”

Background: following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick & NIH scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” research that used a process called “accelerated evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID.

Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according a Dec. 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.”

Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”

In October 2014, following a series of federal laboratory mishaps that narrowly missed releasing these deadly engineered viruses, President Obama ordered the halt to all federal funding for Fauci’s dangerous experiments. It now appears that Dr. Fauci may have dodged the federal restrictions by shifting the research to the military lab in Wuhan. Congress needs to launch an investigation of NIAID’s mischief in China.  

The Bill Gates Pandemic Scam - The Big Cash In: владелец патента CV-19 Билл Гейтс выпустит вакцину и убьет миллиарды
От Роберта Кеннеди младшего
Вакцины для Билла Гейтса - стратегическая филантропия, питающая различные ветви его бизнеса, связанные с вакцинами (включая амбиции Microsoft по контролю global vac ID enterprise) и предоставляющая ему диктаторский контроль над глобальной политикой в области здравоохранения – вершина корпоративного неоимпериализма.
Одержимость Гейтса вакцинами, кажется, подпитывается мессианской убежденностью, что ему предписано спасти мир благодаря технологиям и богоподобной готовности экспериментировать с жизнями «меньших» людей.
Пообещав искоренить полиомиелит за 1,2 миллиарда долларов, Гейтс взял под свой контроль Национальный консультативный совет Индии (NAB) и утвердил 50 вакцин против полиомиелита (с 5 лет), вводившихся каждому ребенку младше пяти. Индийские врачи обвиняют кампанию Гейтса в разрушительной эпидемии полиомиелита, которая была вызвана вакцинным штаммом и парализовала 496 000 детей в период с 2000 по 2017 год. В 2017 году правительство Индии отменило режим вакцинации Гейтса и выгнало Гейтса и его приспешников из NAB. Частота паралича, вызванного полиомиелитом, резко упала. В 2017 году Всемирная организация здравоохранения неохотно признала, что глобальный взрыв полиомиелита связан преимущественно с вакцинным штаммом, что означает, что он вызван программой вакцинации Гейтса. Самые страшные эпидемии в Конго, на Филиппинах и в Афганистане связаны с прививками Гейтса. К 2018 году три четверти случаев полиомиелита в мире были вызваны вакцинами Гейтса.
В 2014 году Фонд Гейтса финансировал испытания экспериментальных вакцин против ВПЧ, разработанных GSK и Merck, на 23 000 молодых девушек в отдаленных провинциях Индии. Приблизительно 1200 человек испытывали тяжелые побочные эффекты, включая аутоиммунные реакции и бесплодие. Семеро умерли. Расследования, проведенные правительством Индии, показали, что финансируемые Гейтсом исследователи повсеместно совершали этические нарушения: принуждали уязвимых деревенских девушек к участию в испытаниях, запугивали родителей, подделывали формы согласия и отказывались предоставить медицинскую помощь пострадавшим девушкам. Дело в настоящее время находится в Верховном суде страны.
В 2010 году Фонд Гейтса профинансировал испытание экспериментальной противомалярийной вакцины GSK, в результате которых погиб 151 африканский ребенок, а у еще 1048 из 5049 детей возникли серьезные неблагоприятные последствия, включая паралич, припадки и фебрильные судороги.
Во время кампании MenAfriVac в 2002 году в странах Африки к югу от Сахары сотрудники Гейтса принудительно привили тысячи африканских детей против менингита. У 50-500 детей развился паралич. Южноафриканские газеты жаловались: «Мы морские свинки для производителей лекарств». Бывший старший экономист Нельсона Манделы, профессор Патрик Бонд, описывает филантропические практики Гейтса как «безжалостные и аморальные».
В 2010 году Гейтс выделил ВОЗ 10 миллиардов долларов, обещая сократить численность населения, в частности, за счет новых вакцин. Месяц спустя Гейтс рассказал Ted Talk, что новые вакцины «могут сократить популяцию».
В 2014 году Ассоциация католических врачей Кении обвинила ВОЗ в химической стерилизации миллионов кенийских женщин обманным путем посредством фиктивной кампании вакцинации против столбняка. Независимые лаборатории нашли формулу стерильности в каждой протестированной вакцине. После отрицания обвинений ВОЗ наконец признала, что разрабатывает вакцины бесплодия уже более десяти лет. Аналогичные обвинения поступили из Танзании, Никарагуа, Мексики и Филиппин.
Исследование 2017 года (Morgensen et.Al. 2017) показало, что популярная DTP-вакцина ВОЗ (против коклюша, дифтерии и столбняка) убивает больше африканских детей, чем те болезни, которые она якобы предотвращает. Смертность среди вакцинированных девочек превышала таковую среди невакцинированных детей на 500-1000%. Гейтс и ВОЗ отказались отозвать смертельную вакцину, которую ВОЗ ежегодно
навязывает миллионам африканских детей.
Сторонники глобального общественного здравоохранения по всему миру обвиняют Гейтса в том, что он оставил без внимания ВОЗ проекты, доказанно помогающие сдерживать инфекционные заболевания: чистая вода, гигиена, питание и экономическое развитие. Они говорят, что он направил ресурсы агентства на служение своему личному фетишу – идее о том, что источником хорошего здоровья может быть только шприц.
В дополнение к использованию своей благотворительности для контроля над ВОЗ, ЮНИСЕФ, ГАВИ и PATH, Гейтс финансирует частные фармацевтические компании, которые производят вакцины, и обширную сеть передовых групп фармацевтической промышленности, которые транслируют мошенническую пропаганду, разрабатывают мошеннические исследования, проводят наблюдение и психологические операции, устраняющие сомнения в отношении вакцинации и использующие власть и деньги Гейтса для подавления инакомыслия и принуждения к согласию.
В своих недавних безостановочных выступлениях в Pharmedia Гейтс, похоже, радуется, что кризис, вызванный Covid-19, даст ему возможность навязать свои программы вакцинации третьего мира американским детям.
Газета Daily Mail сообщила, что обнаружила документы, свидетельствующие о том, что Национальный институт аллергии и инфекционных заболеваний (NIAID) под руководством директора Энтони Фаучи выделил 3,7 млн долларов ученым из лаборатории Ухань в центре изучения утечки коронавируса. Согласно британской газете, «федеральный грант финансировал эксперименты на летучих мышах из пещер, где предположительно произошел вирус». История вопроса: после вспышки коронавируса SARS в 2002-2003 гг. NIH профинансировал сотрудничество китайских ученых, американских военных вирусологов из лаборатории биологического оружия в Форт-Детрик и ученых NIH из NIAID для предотвращения будущих вспышек коронавируса путем изучения эволюции вирулентных штаммов из летучих мышей в культурах клеток человека. Это сотрудничество включало исследования по «усилению функции», в которых использовался метод, называемый «ускоренная эволюция», для создания улучшенных мутантов COVID на летучих мышах, более смертоносных и более быстро передающихся, чем дикие COVID.
Исследования Фаучи встревожили ученых всего мира, которые, согласно статье в газете «Нью-Йорк Таймс» за декабрь 2017 года, жаловались на то, что «эти исследователи рискуют создать зародыш монстра, который может вырваться из лаборатории и вызвать пандемию».
Доктор Марк Липситч из Центра инфекционных болезней Гарвардской школы общественного здравоохранения сказал Times, что эксперименты NIAID «дали нам некоторые скромные научные знания и почти ничего не сделали для улучшения нашей готовности к пандемии, но при этом рискуют вызвать случайную пандемию».
В октябре 2014 года, после серии происшествий в федеральных лабораториях, которые едва не выпустили эти смертельно опасные вирусы, президент Обама приказал прекратить все федеральное финансирование опасных экспериментов Фаучи. Теперь кажется, что доктор Фаучи, возможно, избежал федеральных ограничений, переместив исследование в военную лабораторию в Ухане. Конгресс должен начать расследование злодеяний NIAID в Китае.

Israeli Companies to Profiteer Off Coronavirus Trillions

Israeli Companies Urged to 'Cash In' On $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bailout

Three potential COVID-19 vaccines had funding cut by USNIH

They Are Rolling Out The Architecture Of Oppression Now Because They Fear The People

CRAZYMAKER ALERT! Democrat Deep State Operative Pushes 18 Month Lockdown

Kissinger and Gates Using Coronavirus for New World Order

Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination and Global Governance (Video)

One World Governance and the CFR.“We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent.”

Healthcare Worker Says Police Took Her Children Because Her Job ‘Exposes Her to Coronavirus’

Brazil Reports 15,927 Cases, 800 Deaths from COVID-19

Liberty Activists Plan Mass Disobedience of COVID-19 Orders, Pledge to “Take a Stand”

Google’s Dystopian Crisis Tracking Could Be Straight out of George Orwell’s 1984

Kissinger Keeps on Calling for His Fascist Little New World Order

Eyes Wide Open: Will The "Masters Of The Universe" Notice No One Takes Them Seriously Anymore?


They Told Us So. “This Was Not a Strike out of the Blue”. Towards A New World Order…

Donald Trump has stake in company making 'miracle' coronavirus drug he keeps pushing

Pathological Genocider Kissinger Keeps Mumbling About N.W.O

Henry Kissinger Calls for a New Post-Covid World Order

COVID-19 a Diabolical Totalitarian Plot

COVID-19 a Diabolical Totalitarian Plot?

What Comes After COVID-19, Freedom Or Despotism?

3rd World America: No (Free or Other) Medical Care - Just Die

2 Million to Die in USA, Less Than in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan

OBSERVATIONAL STUDY: It’s not just 5G, but also 4G that’s driving new COVID-19 cases and mortality rates.

More on the Bill Gates' Orwellian Total Control Virus Exploit

Does Bill Gates want everyone locked down until they can be vaccinated? What’s his title anyway—Secretary of Vaccine Enforcement?!

exploit human viruses to push mandatory vaccines?

Bill Gates/Cabal to Rape Small Countries for 4400% CV-19 Profit

Just as Microsoft created backdoors for computer viruses so cybersecurity firms would flourish, did Bill Gates

"Immunity Certificates" Are Coming - COVID-Survivors To Get 'Special Passports' Enabling Return To 'Normalcy'

Can We Trust the WHO?

Yandex Attempting Total Surveillance Coup in Russia

Индекс "Яндекса" показал дисциплинированность москвичей на самоизоляции

Google Now Openly Selling Your Location Data to State Actors

Google Is Publishing Location Data From 131 Countries To Show How Coronavirus Lockdowns Are Working

Australian state will install home surveillance hardware to make sure if you're in virus isolation, you stay there

UN Wants 10% of World's Income

United Nations Wants 10 Percent of World’s Income to Fight COVID-19

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

CORONA CENSORSHIP: The World Health Organization Now Tells Governments Which Websites to Censor

While Russia is Helping the People, The USA Serves the Elites

PLANDEMIC: NWO to Shut Down All American Small Businesses to Redistribute Economic Power and Wealth to Rich

$2.2 Trillion Dollar Fraud Carried Out Using the Coronavirus

Emergency Stimulus Bill was a $2.2 TRILLION heist abetted by the U.S. Congress

Now it is Being Doled Out by Known Felons and the Banksters

Citigroup, an Admitted Felon with a History of Abusing Customers, Is Handling Billions from the Stimulus Bill

5G Masts Being Burned Down in the UK

They’re burning down 5G masts in the United Kingdom!!

Orwellian ‘Enemies’: The Enduring Utility of ‘Axes of Evil’

Twitter suspension of Leader account, an attempt to implement a one world control grid

The Post-Coronavirus World Will be Far Worse Than the Pre-Coronavirus World

Israel Attempting Biological Genocide in Palestine

Euro-Med slams Israeli attempts to spread corona in Palestinian areas

FVEY/Yandex Quietly Brings Mass Surveillance to Russia

"Яндекс" начал измерять уровень самоизоляции жителей крупных городов РФ

Facebook to Sponsor the Global Fake News Hasbara/Mockingbird

Facebook to Donate $100 Million to Help News Media Hurt

Bill Gates Will Provide the Vaccine for CV-19 - No One Else Must

Facebook и Instagram вслед за Twitter удалили заявления президента Бразилии о коронавирусе

SUSPICIOUS Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Perp’s “Highlights Reel” exposes the NWO scheme (Video

5G + Coronavirus = Pandemic

Pentagon Orders Essential Staff To Deep Underground Mountain Bunker As Pandemic Prep Escalates

Harvard Researchers Propose "Intermittent" Lockdowns And "Widespread Surveillance" Of Americans

COVID-19: Martial Law, Digital Currency, and World Government

What Happens In the Wake of the COVID-19 Lockdown? Economic Destruction, Global Poverty, Bankruptcies, Mass Unemployment. Neoliberalism to the Rescue

Racism “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads

Coronavirus pandemic: Pathological globalists implementing a depopulation program

Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Health Insurance in a Pandemic

West Faces "Social Bomb" As Pandemic Sparks Unrest Among Poorest

"There's No Gold" - COMEX Report Exposes Conditions Behind Physical Crunch

Police, Military Begin Door to Door Searches to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge in Rhode Island

New York postpones primaries due to coronavirus

Under Cover Of Coronavirus Congress Introduces Bill That Allows Gov To Control All Internet Content (Video)

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

What Happens In the Wake of the COVID-19 Lockdown? Economic Destruction, Global Poverty, Bankruptcies, Mass Unemployment. Neoliberalism to the Rescue

Racism “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads

Coronavirus pandemic: Pathological globalists implementing a depopulation program

Millions of Americans Are About to Lose Their Health Insurance in a Pandemic

West Faces "Social Bomb" As Pandemic Sparks Unrest Among Poorest

"There's No Gold" - COMEX Report Exposes Conditions Behind Physical Crunch

Police, Military Begin Door to Door Searches to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge in Rhode Island

New York postpones primaries due to coronavirus

Enemies of the Cabal Begin to Fall to CV-19 (Is CV-19 the New CIA Assassination Tool?)

Старший сын президента Сербии заразился коронавирусом

Ex-Sen. Tom Coburn, 'Dr. No,' dies of cancer at 72

Civil rights icon Rev. Joseph Lowery dies at 98

Media Reports: 14 Saudi Princes Infected with Coronavirus

FNA Editorial Board Member Dies of Coronavirus

Rand Paul becomes first senator to contract coronavirus, is in quarantine

У бывшего президента Финляндии Марти Ахтисаари нашли коронавирус

Members of the Cabal

British PM Tests Positive for Coronavirus

German Minister Commits Suicide After ‘Virus Crisis Worries’

Coronavirus Variant in China Designed to Kill Asians

Thank God there are still some good Docs out there!

Here is Dr. Zelenko’s ‘Zev’ treatment regimen:

1- hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days

2- azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
3- zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

There is a an Emergency Room doctor in New York City who made a video which describes how patients are dying when they get to the stage where they need ventilators. What he is describing is a bioweapon.. Experts have said this coronavirus has obvious evidence of the HIV virus being spliced along with the ACE 2 receptor from SARS which means it was originally designed to kill Chinese people and other Asians. It was at a lab in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where it was allowed to be stolen by Chinese scientists who had learned that this was a bioweapon designed to kill Asians. They took it to Wuhan. But the virus most likely originated in the Deep State in the US.

Thank God there are still some good Docs out there!





Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 3,541 Recovered 113,000 Infected 344,000 24hr + 8,599

Moscow authorities brace for second wave of coronavirus

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 342,104 Recovered 2,112,198 Infected 5,311,089 

Brazil climbs to second in COVID-19 cases worldwide

Russian-Chinese anti-coronavirus cooperation will enhance ties - Wang Yi


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 3,249 Recovered 99,000 Infected 326,000 24hr + 8,849

67 more coronavirus patients die in Moscow in past day

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 336,432 Recovered 1,992,496 Infected 5,180,846 

COVID-19 Coronavirus: Scripted by the CDC in 2003? Dead Zone Plague

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Moderna’s “Clinical Trial Results Could Not Be Much Worse”


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 3,099 Recovered 92,000 Infected 317,000 24hr + 8,849

Moscow coronavirus death toll rises by 73 to 1,867 - crisis center

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 332,425 Recovered 1,936,947 Infected 5,076,846 

International Proposals for Warrantless Location Surveillance To Fight COVID-19

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 95,087

Measures to stop spread of COVID-19 in First Nations limited by lack of infrastructure: report


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2,972 Recovered 85,000 Infected 308,000 24hr + 8,764

Russian military hospitals ready to admit civilians with COVID-19

68 more coronavirus patients die in Moscow in past day

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 325,810 Recovered 1,749,980 Infected 4,955,312 24hr

Sweden’s coronavirus cases top 31,500

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 325,810

US Hospitals Getting Paid More to Label Cause of Death as ‘Coronavirus’


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2,837 Recovered 76,000 Infected 299,000 24hr + 9,263

Russian embassy in US demands that Bloomberg refute its article on COVID-19 in Russia

Russia to import 300 mln face masks from China in April-May — ministry

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 322,821 Recovered 1,686,448 Infected 4,892,550 24hr +4551

German Economist Warns Italy Faces Eurozone Exit As Coronavirus Crisis Deepens

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 92,258

Medical Martial Law is Liberalism’s Final Capitulation


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2,722 Recovered 70,000 Infected 290,000 24hr + 8,926

Инфекционист подтвердил, что COVID-19 мутирует, но не становится сильнее

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 317,695 Recovered 1,776,641 Infected 4,786,672 24hr

CV-19 May have been hidden in GMO Foods. The technology was developed by a Croatian Biologist for NATO in 2015

The numbers now show a clear correlation between US "friendly" countries and high death counts from CV-19: McDonald's anyone?

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 90,694


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2722 Recovered 70000 Infected 290000 24hr + 8926

Moscow the Heart of CV-19 in Russia: Muscovites Don't Isolate

Эксперты признали жителей центра Москвы антилидерами по нарушениям самоизоляции

Более 3,2 тыс. человек в ВС РФ инфицированы коронавирусом

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 315023 Recovered 1732344 Infected 4710614 24hr +86894

Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Be Arrested For Crimes Against Humanity on Parliament Floor

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 89932 Infected 1516343

No wonder why corona patients are dropping like flies—induced comas, killer ventilators and


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2537 Recovered 6000 Infected 27000 24hr +9200

Медики смогут пожаловаться на отсутствие выплат по COVID-19 на портале госуслуг

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 308165 Recovered 11649275 Infected 5563458 24hr+103051

Bill Gates Partners With DARPA & Department of Defense For New DNA Nanotech COVID19

US germ warfare research leads to new early Covid-19 test

Virus infects 38 indigenous Brazilians; 2nd health minister quits

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 90068 Infected 1473415

The US Is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths. Deliberate Manipulation, Flawed Data



Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA's Darkest Agenda

Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA's Darkest Agenda

Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2418 Recovered 58000 Infected 262000 24hr + 10598

Siberian virology research center to register coronavirus vaccine in September

Serbian president thanks Putin for help in battle against coronavirus

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 302025 Recovered 1585286 Infected 4437442 24hr + 91495

RFID Microchip Vaccine Injection System Ready to Go

Mexico Is Cremating Bodies On An "Industrial Scale"

Tanzania Slams the W.H.O. for Outright Fraud

Yet Another African Country Expels W.H.O.

“This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race” Physician Expert on Vaccines (Video)

US Begins To Implement WHO “Contact Tracing” To Forcibly Remove People From Their Homes! (Video)

Netanyahu Set to Microchip Israeli Children

W.H.O. FEARMONGERING Taken to the Next Level by the MSM (Video)

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 86,541

Trump Will Mobilize Military to Distribute Coronavirus Vaccine When It’s Ready

Big Tech Is Turning Hospitals Into Real-Time Surveillance Centers


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2,305 Recovered 53,000 Infected 252,000 24hr + 9,974

Вакцину от коронавируса после испытания на здоровых добровольцах проверят на врачах

Expert sees possibility of second, third coronavirus wave in Russia

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 297,197 Recovered 1,548,547 Infected 4,347,015 24hr 87572

Putin: Coronavirus situation changes, time to focus on long-term issues

More than half of coronavirus patients in Italy already recovered — authorities

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 84,763

NAZIFICATION OF AMERICA: All 50 states are hiring COVID-19 contact tracers

Fauci’s Group at NIH Hiding Millions in Royalties from Experimental Treatments


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2,212 Released 48,000 Infected 242,000 24hr + 10,028

Количество заразившихся COVID-19 в ДНР достигло 208 случаев

First one-hundred-year-old patient recovers from COVID-19 in Russia

Number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Belarus nearing 26,000

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 292,376 Released 1,502,620 Infected 4,278,180 24hr + 84696

Hot weather does not kill COVID-19, may facilitate its spread, scientist says

Number of coronavirus deaths in Spain surpasses 27,000

409 imported COVID-19 cases via Suifenhe port discharged

EU NATO defence ministers discuss implications of COVID-19 pandemic

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites" Working Class and Poor 83,082 Infected 1,400,741

US refusal to ensure transparency of lab activities raises questions — Lavrov


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2116 Released 43500 Infected 232000 24+ New Cases 10899

Headline Reads as if it is a Race to be Number One

Russia moves up to second place in COVID-19 cases

Обязательный "масочный" режим вводится в Москве

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 285445 Released 1452626 Infected 4168427 24+ 81827

South Korea 100+ Cases In 'Gay Bar' Cluster, NYC More Children Infected With 'Mysterious' Syndrome: LI

WHISTLEBLOWER: Tony Fauci involved in weaponization of novel DNA biotechnology in ...

Italy records 219,814 coronavirus cases, ICU patients drop under 1,000

Beijing has 67 nucleic acid testing institutions: spokesperson

WHO Conditionally Backs Covid-19 Vaccine Trials that Infect People

The Plandemic Documentary: Dr. Judy Mikovits

USA Engineers of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Dead "Minorites", Working Class and Poor 81378

The 2019-CoronaVirus is a Lab-fabricated Virus (Video)

They’re Coming to Take You Away Through H.R. 6666 (Video

DR. FAUCI: An International Drug Trafficker at the Hub of the Global Vaccine Crime Syndicate


Russia: A Pandemic from DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 2009 Released 39800 Infected 221000 24+ New Cases 11656

Another 56 patients with coronavirus died in Moscow

World: A Global Pandemic by DARPA/CIA/NATO

Dead 283387 Released 1422745 Infected 4132365 24+ 81827

"It’s Like Pre-Crime" - California County Launches Snatch-And-Grab COVID Spy Program


“People Are Brainwashed by The Big Pharma” – Judy Mikovits (Video)

The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket (Video)

MEDICAL CORRUPTION: Anthony Fauci & Deborah Birx Exposed (Video)

The COVID-19 Vaccine Scam

Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World (Video)

India's COVID-19 Death Toll Rises to 1,695 as Total Cases Reach 49,436

Число инфицированных коронавирусом в мире превысило 4,1 млн человек


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1915 Released 34000 Infected 209000 24+ New Cases 7933

Putin to hold meeting on coronavirus spread on May 11

Number of coronavirus cases in Moscow exceeds 109,000

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 279313 Released 1375854 Infected 4024737 24 +86036

China refutes 'two dozen lies' by US politicians over COVID-19 pandemic

More than 1,000 line up for food in rich Geneva amid virus shutdown

WHO Returns Positive CV-19 Tests Results on a PAPAYA

"We Sent Them Samples Of A Goat, A Papaya & A Pheasant": Tanzanian President Catches WHO In Epic Lie

USA Creators of Pandemic

Dead 79707 Released 201296 Infected 1344128

Connecticut Senator Claims COVID-19 Pandemic Has Killed "70 Million Americans"


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1723 Released 26000 Infected 187000 24hr New Cases 10699

Coronavirus becomes avirulent when air temperature is above 30 Celsius — sanitary watchdog

Первый самолет с помогавшими бороться с COVID российскими военными покинул Италию

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 270537 Released 1300000 Infected 3,800,000 24hr 93883

Coronavirus Threatens Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense

FUNVAXgate: Bill Gates’ Implantable Quantum Dot, Microneedle Vaccine Delivery System & Luciferase

Northlake Baptist Church Pastor Preaches About the New World Order, One World Government & COVID-19

Washington's Machiavellian maneuvers undermine world's pandemic endeavors

National Library of China to reopen with daily cap of visitors

US: Refrigerated Trucks to Store Bodies in Brooklyn Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Iran daily coronavirus death toll hits lowest level in over 11 weeks: Health Ministry

Swiss humanitarian channel yet to process a single deal for Iran: Report

Eugenist Gates: Software Thief, Vaccine Tsar, Education Reformer

Cuomo Announces Partnership with Bill Gates to “Revolutionize” NY Schools in Wake of Coronavirus

Surviving this Pandemic is Hard, For America’s Most Vulnerable, its Nearly Impossible

Senior US scientist says Trump administration ignored virus warnings

USA Dead 76740 Recovered 175000 Infected 1290000

It doesn’t get more Orwellian than the COVID-19 contact tracing program!


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA (Infection Rate +)

Dead 1625 Released 23800 Infected 177000 24hr New Cases 11231

CV-19 Situation Forecast to Stabilize by End of June

Академик РАН спрогнозировал стабилизацию ситуации с COVID-19 к концу июня

Masks and Gloves Required

В Москве станет обязательным ношение масок и перчаток в общественных местах

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 264000 Released 1250000 Infected 3750000 24hr 89076

Oops They Did It Again! And Again and Again and Again and Again

Why was this Chinese-born coronavirus just murdered researcher on US soil?

Why was criminal Big Pharma really put in charge of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Should “death science” operatives like Dr. Fauci face the DEATH SENTENCE if found guilty of collaborating to build the Wuhan coronavirus bioweapon?

Judy Mikovits PhD Exposes Dr Death Anthony Fauci a Gates' Puppet


Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PhD EXPOSES Anthony Fauci & Deborah Birx, UNCOVERS Medical Corruption

YouTube Censoring Truth Like Crazy, Pulls Down Graphic Testimony About Fauci’s Criminality (Video)

YouTube Deletes Viral Video Claiming Dr. Fauci Spewing ‘Absolute Propaganda’ About COVID-19 - Whistleblower Dr Judy Milkovets

Wuhan Paid $7.4 Million in Total

Number of coronavirus victims in Mexico reaches 2,704


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1537 Released 21000 Infected 165000 24hr New 10559

Russia’s coronavirus cases rise by 10,559 over past day

В Псковской области сделали обязательным ношение не только масок, но и перчаток

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 257000 Released 1200000 Infected 3,700,000 24 +79821

UK is Europe’s worst-hit country by Covid-19, as official death toll tops 32,000

US Sanctions Foster Venezuela’s Need for Aid To Fight COVID-19

UN warns of rapid virus spread in American continent’s prisons


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1451 Released 19000 Infected 155000 24hr New Cases 10102

Another 52 coronavirus patients have died in Moscow in past 24 hours, death toll tops 816

Russia confirms over 155,000 coronavirus cases - crisis center

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 251000 Released 1020000 Infected 3,600,000 24hr 76898

BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

DR. STANLEY PLOTKIN: Godfather of Vaccines Makes Shocking Disclosures During Legal Testimony

LUCIFERASE: That’s the name Bill Gates gave to an enzyme that makes his implantable quantum dot work

No, there’s no conspiracy here it’s all coincidental—Fauci, Gates, Soros, Clinton, WHO, China & Gilead and UNITAID

Fauci and Gates Conspired to Kill HCQ, Proven Effective in Countries Around the World


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1356 Released 18000 Infected 145000 24+ New Cases 10581

Число умерших от коронавируса в Москве превысило 800

Russia’s coronavirus restrictions depend on future situation - Kremlin

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 248000 Released 1100000 Infected 3500000 24 +91996

China Calls for Closing All U.S. Deep-State Bioweapons Laboratories in Former USSR Countries

Trudeau Leading NWO Billion Dollar CV-19 Vaccine Profit Scam

They aim to raise funds over several weeks or months, building on efforts by the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and wealthy benefactors supporting the effort.

Trudeau urges world leaders to pull together as U.S. steers clear of COVID-19 vaccine pledging conference

Coronavirus a Trillion Dollar NWO Global Vaccine Blackmail Scheme

US Government Fears China will Give Away COVID-19 Vaccine for Free

NWO Globalists Using Highly Advanced AI Platforms to Generate Ever-Changing Fear Programs Worldwide

FUNVAXgate: A Pentagon Scheme to Totally Neutralize the God Gene (Video)

FAUCIgate: Globalist Dr. Anthony Fauci is Deep State’s COVID-19 Inside Man

Here’s how the globalists are attempting to institute a global mandatory vaccine regime—CON THE PEOPLE

2005 Pentagon Plan to Release Flu Viruses to Vaccinate Targeted Population Against Their Own ‘God Gene’ (Video)

Zio-Anglo-American Axis Floating Another Fake ‘WMD-type’ Dossier to Blame China for COVID-19

52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock

Drumpf Attempts HASBARA Distraction by Ignoring CIA/NIH Fauci

Defunds ECOHEALTH as If Firing the Bullet Exonerates the Killer

Trump Just De-Funded a Research Nonprofit Studying Virus Transmissions

China slams Pompeo’s ‘insane’ remarks about coronavirus lab origin

Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1451 Released 19000 Infected 155000 24hr New Cases 10102

Another 52 coronavirus patients have died in Moscow in past 24 hours, death toll tops 816

Russia confirms over 155,000 coronavirus cases - crisis center

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 251000 Released 1020000 Infected 3,600,000 24hr 76898

BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

DR. STANLEY PLOTKIN: Godfather of Vaccines Makes Shocking Disclosures During Legal Testimony

LUCIFERASE: That’s the name Bill Gates gave to an enzyme that makes his implantable quantum dot work

No, there’s no conspiracy here it’s all coincidental—Fauci, Gates, Soros, Clinton, WHO, China & Gilead and UNITAID

Fauci and Gates Conspired to Kill HCQ, Proven Effective in Countries Around the World


Russia: A Pandemic from the USA

Dead 1356 Released 18000 Infected 145000 24+ New Cases 10581

Число умерших от коронавируса в Москве превысило 800

Russia’s coronavirus restrictions depend on future situation - Kremlin

Russia can create ‘immunity passport’ - Health Minister (Not Gates')

Russia can create ‘immunity passport’ - Healthcare Minister

World: Global Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 248000 Released 1100000 Infected 3500000 24 +91996

China Calls for Closing All U.S. Deep-State Bioweapons Laboratories in Former USSR Countries

Trudeau Leading NWO Billion Dollar CV-19 Vaccine Profit Scam

They aim to raise funds over several weeks or months, building on efforts by the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and wealthy benefactors supporting the effort.

Trudeau urges world leaders to pull together as U.S. steers clear of COVID-19 vaccine pledging conference

Coronavirus a Trillion Dollar NWO Global Vaccine Blackmail Scheme

US Government Fears China will Give Away COVID-19 Vaccine for Free

NWO Globalists Using Highly Advanced AI Platforms to Generate Ever-Changing Fear Programs Worldwide

FUNVAXgate: A Pentagon Scheme to Totally Neutralize the God Gene (Video)

FAUCIgate: Globalist Dr. Anthony Fauci is Deep State’s COVID-19 Inside Man

Here’s how the globalists are attempting to institute a global mandatory vaccine regime—CON THE PEOPLE

2005 Pentagon Plan to Release Flu Viruses to Vaccinate Targeted Population Against Their Own ‘God Gene’ (Video)

Zio-Anglo-American Axis Floating Another Fake ‘WMD-type’ Dossier to Blame China for COVID-19

52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock

Drumpf Attempts HASBARA Distraction by Ignoring CIA/NIH Fauci

Defunds ECOHEALTH as If Firing the Bullet Exonerates the Killer

Trump Just De-Funded a Research Nonprofit Studying Virus Transmissions

China slams Pompeo’s ‘insane’ remarks about coronavirus lab origin


Indigo Skyfold Phase II FP-03 Flashpoint: Connect the Dots

USA Coronavirus Cover-Up Includes the White House and Drumpf

White House blocks Fauci from testifying to Congress on coronavirus response

White House blocks top U.S. health official Anthony Fauci from testifying to Congress

UK Control of Disease Act 1984 becomes more draconian in the COVID-19 era

The Crisis Won’t Stop Until The Globalists Are Removed From Power

Kim Jong-un appearing at fertilizer plant opening ceremony - news agency

Ungrateful/Provocateurs Bosnia/Herzegovina Deny Authorization

Security Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not authorize entry of Russian specialists

Joe Lambardo: US Sanctions amid Coronavirus Pandemic Crime against Humanity

Russia: A Pandemic from the USA/DARPA and Gates

Dead 1280 Released 16000 Infected 134000 24+ New Cases 10633



Коронавирус: официальная информация

Russian sanitary watchdog chief supports regions binding people to wear face masks

37 more coronavirus-positive patients die in Moscow

Russia demonstrates surge in coronavirus morbidity over past two days - sanitary watchdog

World: Gates' Pandemic for the New World Order

Dead 234000 Released 1020000 Infected 3,280,000 24 +4551

Coronavirus taking heavy toll on US prison population

Coronavirus man-made in Wuhan lab, says Nobel laureate

WHO COVID-19 "Emergency" Committee to Meet in "90 days" [sic]

WHO COVID-19 Emergency Committee to meet in 90 days - WHO chief

White House blocks Fauci from testifying to Congress on coronavirus response

Joe Lambardo: US Sanctions amid Coronavirus Pandemic Crime against Humanity

Nigeria records 238 new cases of COVID-19, total now 2170

US virus death toll climbs by 1,883 in 24 hours: Johns...

ICE detainees protest at Massachusetts jail over coronavirus
More Evidence Novel Coronavirus Being Sprayed via Chemtrails Aerosols

US Probes University of Texas Links To Chinese Lab Scrutinized Over Coronavirus

The New United Nations Coronavirus Social Distancing App Doesn't Even Work

Workers from Amazon, Instacart, and Others Are Calling in Sick To Protest Poor Virus Protections

Iran Reports 1,006 New Coronavirus Cases, over 76,000 Recoveries

US: Bodies Found in Unrefrigerated Trucks in New York during COVID-19 Pandemic


FVEY "Investigating" Their Own Agent - Tripe for the Press

Report: FIVE Global Intelligence Agencies Investigating Wuhan Bat Scientist Over Virus Lab Leak

Beijing's SARS treatment hospital clears all COVID-19 cases

Truth Deleted by WHO: Can You Trust WHO? No. Gates Controls It

W.H.O. Mysteriously Deletes Tweet About Reinfection as ‘Immunity Passports’ Being Debated

Sweden reports over 19,600 coronavirus cases

China Just Now Realized USA is a Bald-Faced Liar?

China Says US 'Telling Barefaced Lies' on Coronavirus

How The Military-Industrial Complex Is Using The Coronavirus

Save the Elites! End Lockdowns! Die 99% - Rich Push Re-Opening

Outbreak Preparedness Expert Says US Not Even ‘Remotely’ Ready to Re-Open for Business

Cabal Needs High Death Counts

YouTube Censors Viral Video Of California Doctors Criticizing "Stay-At-Home" Order


If the USA Says CV-19 is Natural, You Can be Certain it is Not

В США отметили высокую вероятность природного происхождения COVID-19

FVEY "Investigating" Their Own Agent - Tripe for the Press

Report: FIVE Global Intelligence Agencies Investigating Wuhan Bat Scientist Over Virus Lab Leak

Beijing's SARS treatment hospital clears all COVID-19 cases

Truth Deleted by WHO: Can You Trust WHO? No. Gates Controls It

W.H.O. Mysteriously Deletes Tweet About Reinfection as ‘Immunity Passports’ Being Debated


Sweden reports over 19,600 coronavirus cases

China Just Now Realized USA is a Bald-Faced Liar?

China Says US 'Telling Barefaced Lies' on Coronavirus

How The Military-Industrial Complex Is Using The Coronavirus

Save the Elites! End Lockdowns! Die 99% - Rich Push Re-Opening

Outbreak Preparedness Expert Says US Not Even ‘Remotely’ Ready to Re-Open for Business

Cabal Needs High Death Counts

YouTube Censors Viral Video Of California Doctors Criticizing "Stay-At-Home" Order


UK coronavirus response utterly hypocritical, says UN poverty expert

Drone footage shows Hong Kong quiet amid coronavirus pandemic

UN rights chief warns of 'human tragedy of terrible proportions' in Bangladesh

Iran's daily new coronavirus cases fall below 1,000 for first time: Health Ministry

China denies spreading coronavirus disinformation following EU report

Ukraine’s coronavirus cases pass 7,500

Chinese authorities detect six coronavirus cases over day

Record number of coronavirus deaths detected in Brazil over day

Number of coronavirus victims in France reaches 21,856

EU countries and institutions allocate €3.3 trillion to support economy

Relaxing lockdowns necessitates cautious approach, warns WHO official

Global coronavirus case tally grows by over 73,000 cases in past 24 hours - WHO

Portugal documents over 22,000 COVID-19 cases and 820 deaths

Singapore’s coronavirus cases top 12,000

Czech Republic’s coronavirus cases plunge

Number of coronavirus cases in the Philippines exceeds 7,000

Coronavirus cases in Georgia reach 431

Dear USA Imperial Lunatics: You Paid for It, You Bought It!

US hegemony and inaction: Expert blasts American states’ crusade to shift blame on China

COVID-19: Made in the USA!

Africa’s coronavirus deaths top 1,100, reports WHO

Belgium’s coronavirus death toll tops 6,000

France’s coronavirus death toll tops 21,300

Human Lab Rats: The US Government’s Secret History of Grisly Medical Experiments

Most discharged COVID-19 patients retesting positive show no symptoms: expert

Coronavirus death toll in the Netherlands near 4,000

India documents nearly 20,000 cases of COVID-19

Coronavirus changes as it spreads, WHO envoy says

Canada Reports 148 New Coronavirus Deaths as Cases Top 38,000

Turkey's Coronavirus Death Toll Rises to 2,259 as Cases Near 100,000

Refugee mounts coronavirus court challenge
US Black Woman Died of COVID-19 after Hospital Repeatedly Refused to Admit Her

Gun-Wielding Protesters March against Lockdowns in US

Germany: Several Arrested at Anti-Lockdown Protest in Chemnitz


If the USA Says CV-19 is Natural, You Can be Certain it is Not

В США отметили высокую вероятность природного происхождения COVID-19

04-20-2020 NEWS

Russian coronavirus vaccine to undergo preclinical tests on people aged between 18 and 60

African countries request Russia's assistance in combating coronavirus

Over 1,300 Inmates Test Positive for Coronavirus in Ohio

Number of coronavirus victims in Spain surpasses 20,000

WHO: сoronavirus cases add over 85,000 people per day globally

100% Infected Have No Symptoms

Report Shows Half The Homeless At Boston Shelter Tested Positive For COVID-19: And None Had Symptoms

Lesotho prime minister sends troops onto streets to ‘restore order’

Chinese mainland reports 27 new confirmed COVID-19 cases

Japan's capital reports 201 new cases of COVID-19, total number tops 2,700

COVID-19 cases in U.S. top 700,000: Johns Hopkins University

Thai Scientists Say Infection Possible from Corpses

Ученые в Таиланде сообщили о риске заразиться COVID-19 от умершего человека

South Korean Scientists Investigating CV-19 Re-Infections

Ученые попытались объяснить положительные тесты вылечившихся от COVID-19

Spain Becomes 3rd Country with over 20,000 COVID-19 Deaths

US coronavirus death toll exceeds 37,000 mark

'We're starving to death': City of Maracaibo symbolises Venezuela's collapse
Iran Reports 1,499 New Cases of Coronavirus, 54,064 Recoveries

Number of coronavirus cases in Venezuela exceeds 200 — Maduro

Coronavirus death toll exceeds 100 in Chile — authorities

Coronavirus death toll in Italy grows by 525 in past day — authorities

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Slams Bill Gates’ Super-Vaccination Agenda and Medical Tyranny

04-16-2020 NEWS

US records highest coronavirus death toll for second straight day

Israeli forces dismantle makeshift Palestinian coronavirus testing clinic

Worldwide confirmed COVID-19 cases have surpassed 2 million - Johns Hopkins University

Death toll from COVID-19 reaches 21,645 in Italy, number of hospitalized drops

US Coronavirus Death Toll Passes 30,000 After Doubling In A Week: Live Updates

Long Breadlines Form Outside of Food Banks as America Struggles to Cope With COVID-19 Fallout

16 charter planes sent to bring back Chinese nationals from virus-hit countries

Bushehr Province: Iranian Army in Frontline against COVID-19

Ecuador: Drone Footage Shows Machinery Working at Guayaquil Cemeteries

COVID-19 Cases in US Top 614,000, Total Deaths 26,064

Poll Suggests Millions in UK Having to Choose Between Paying Rent, Eating

Lawsuit Filed against Globalist VIPs, Google for Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, etc.

PETITION FILED: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Crimes Against Humanity and Medical Malpractice

OPERATION COVID-19: How 4G is also being used to trigger Coronavirus Syndrome

New York governor says 'worst is over' as virus toll tops 10,000

Africa: Virus Cases Exceed 15,000, Death Toll Over 800

Just When You Thought It Could Not Get Worse, It Just Did

Coronavirus ‘Reactivated’ in More Than 100 South Koreans Who Recovered

Corona Stops Production

Corona beer stops production
COVID-19: Cover for Military Attack on Iran and Iraq

04-15-2020 NEWS

Venezuela Announces 6-month Rent Suspension, Guarantees Workers’ Wages, Bans Lay-offs

Finally Someone Investigating Biological Warfare Origins: IRAN

Иран проверит версию создания коронавируса военными биологами

Doctors’ fatalities reach 100 in coronavirus-hit Italy

US sees WHO as interim target, main attack is due on China — lawmaker

Coronavirus cases in Spain surpass 150,000, over 15,000 die

WATCH: Presumed COVID-19 Patient Held Down Against His Will by Police, Given Forced

Coronavirus death toll in US grows by 1,973 in past day — Johns Hopkins University

Syria asks Russia for help to combat COVID-19

Aid Groups Warn COVID-19 Spreading Quickly Through Refugee Camps in France

Rohingya Refugees' District in Bangladesh Under Lockdown Amid Rising Humanitarian Concerns

Iran Reports 117 More Coronavirus Deaths, 1,634 New Cases

04-08-2020 NEWS

Coronavirus Cases Surpass 10,000 in Africa, Death Toll Tops 500

National Security State Left US Defenseless Against Coronavirus

More than 750 people die from coronavirus in past 24 hours in Spain

Итальянский бегун-олимпиец умер от коронавируса вслед за своим отцом

Spain's New Coronavirus Cases, Deaths at 4-Day Highs

States Use "Purge" Sirens, Fines And Arrests To Force People To Comply With Stay-At-Home Orders

В США число жертв коронавируса достигло рекордных 1,7 тыс. за сутки

Lose Your Job + Stay Home + Isolate + With No Internet = Just Die

Verizon Is Cancelling Home Internet Installations During the Pandemic

Brutal American Privatized for Profit Healthcare Keeps on Killing

“Who’s Going to Pay For it?” A Dying Patient’s Last Words Before Being Placed on a Ventilator

Власти Японии поддержат граждан выплатами по $2750, а экономику - $1 трлн

New Zealand Health Minister and Idiot

‘Idiot’ New Zealand Health Minister Punished for Forbidden Beach Stroll

Bill Gates Patented the Coronavirus But Not a Cure? Is This a Joke?!

Trump Says India May Face US Wrath If Modi Fails to Overturn Export Ban on COVID-19 Treatment

Turkey Confirms 3,148 New Cases of Coronavirus

USA's 3rd World Medical System Will Kill Millions: Staff Sent Home

Report: Some US Hospitals Temporarily Cutting Staff as Coronavirus Crisis Worsens

You ALL Must Die: Masks Only for Exceptional Nation

Canada Says US Blocked Delivery of Three Million Masks

First Take Their Jobs, Then Deny Healthcare, Then Watch Them Die

Coronavirus crisis underscores US health system is ‘international joke’: Scholar

Swedes' trust in government put to test as coronavirus deaths spike

"This Is The End Of Western Capitalism As We Knew It..."

Panic End Game Biginning in 3rd World America

'Ugly Choices' Will Have To Be Made... Very Soon

A Palestinian guide to surviving a quarantine

Bill Gates Called the Beast Because of his Pandemic

“MARK OF THE BEAST”—Meet the unelected NWO globalist shill pushing to vaccinate every human being with a chipped toxic vaccine that doesn’t work but does injects COVID-19!

NYC Intensive Care Doc Confirms 5G Symptoms and not COVID-19 (Video)

Why Are USA Hospitals Empty?

Hundreds of Citizen Videos Prove Hospitals Are Empty when MSM Claims They Are Full (Video)

USA Now Steals Anthing: Oil, Resources, Embassies, Accounts, et al

East Jerusalem Worries of Healthcare Collapse over Coronavirus

US medical piracy

Someone Still Believes 9/11 Was Carried Out from a Cave

Imagining a Department of Actual Defense in a Time of Coronavirus

Libya’s first post-revolution PM dies of coronavirus infection

CV-19 Oxygen Deprivation Resembles High-Altitude Sickness

‘People with COVID-19 may have their lungs destroyed when they are placed on ventilators'

Are they deliberately moving elderly COVID-19 patients into hospitals to kill them with ventilators?!

Medical Martial Law 2020 (Video)


"They Want Their Monies Out" – Baltimore Residents 'Storm Bank’ Amid Fears Of Social Unrest

Hospitals Listing COVID-19 as Cause of Death Even Without Medical Confirmation

Sounds like the government is making COVID-19 another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor…only much worse!

Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s a Slippery Slope from Handwashing to House Arrest

Bureaucrat: Stay Home and Starve

i s o l a t i o n

US hampering efforts aimed at discovering origin of coronavirus: Analyst

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

3rd World America: No (Free or Other) Medical Care - Just Die

OBSERVATIONAL STUDY: It’s not just 5G, but also 4G that’s driving new COVID-19 cases and mortality rates.

More on the Bill Gates' Orwellian Total Control Virus Exploit

Does Bill Gates want everyone locked down until they can be vaccinated? What’s his title anyway—Secretary of Vaccine Enforcement?!

exploit human viruses to push mandatory vaccines?

В Роспотребнадзоре пояснили, сколько человек заражает больной COVID-19

Трамп посоветовал американцам готовиться к самой трудной коронавирусной неделе

US Leads Global Wave of Nations Stealing, Seizing and Diverting Coronavirus Equipment

Inmates at Privately-Run ICE Camp Go on Hunger Strike Amid COVID-19 Outbreak, Deteriorating Conditions

In New York state, total coronavirus deaths surpass 3,500 as cases rise outside NYC

UK Reports Biggest Daily Jump in Coronavirus Death, Number of Victims Top 4,300

Spain: Local Residents Hold Balcony Protest against Military Presence in Pamplona

Coronavirus travel bans force African elites to rely on local healthcare

‘Lebanon has so far been able to contain the spread of the virus’

US records 1,169 new coronavirus deaths, the highest one-day toll recorded in any country

In New York state, total coronavirus deaths surpass 3,500 as cases rise outside NYC

The World Just Hit 1 Million Coronavirus Infections

Число случаев COVID-19 на Украине превысило 1,2 тысячи

COVID-19 Deaths in Netherlands Jump to 1,650

04-03-2020 NEWS

AMERICANS may have infected Wuhan at army games

China Knows Exactly Who’s Responsible for the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak in January

COVID-19 Depression: Trump Needs a War

Bill (Coronavirus Patents) Gates' Father was a Eugenicist

Bill Gates wasn’t chosen to lead the AI-simulated OPERATION COVID-19 PANDEMIC global live exercise just because his father was a eugenicist. (Video)

UK coronavirus death toll increases by 684 to 3,605 an increase of 23% on the previous day

Goldman Sachs Cashing in on Coronavirus Trillions

Goldman Sachs Buys 2 Luxury Private Jets As Main Street On Verge Of Collapse

Bill Gates Continues to be Right in the Middle of His Covid-19 Op

Bill Gates: Eventually, You Won’t Be Able to Travel Without Covid-19 Certificate

US using wild west methods to divert German medical orders: Berlin’s top security official

Mossad sneaking COVID-19 medical stocks - ordered by others - into Israel: Senior official

87-Year-Old Man Knocks Down Coronavirus after 15 Days of Grappling

UK Coronavirus Death Toll Nears 3,000

Africa’s Coronavirus Cases Exceed 7,000

Number of Confirmed Coronavirus Cases in Germany Nears 80,000, Death Toll Tops 1,000

COVID-19: Italy Death Toll Nears 14,000 as Number of Patients Rises to 115,000

Spain Surpasses Italy in Number of COVID-19 Cases, Death Toll Nears 11,000

France Coronavirus Death Toll Surges to Nearly 5,400

Iran Reports 2,715 New Cases of Coronavirus, 17,935 Recoveries

Save Rohingya Muslims from COVID-19

China to mourn COVID-19 victims on April 4

The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming

New York as US 'microcosm': Body count mounts, medical supplies dwindle

Оборудованный военными РФ полевой госпиталь в Бергамо заработает 6 апреля

Terrified People Even More Terrified by NYT and MOCKINGBIRD

New York Times Fueling Pandemic Panic with Really Fake News

Complete and Total Censorship as Even the WHO Joins In

CORONA CENSORSHIP: The World Health Organization Now Tells Governments Which Websites to Censor

Pentagon providing 100,000 body bags as US coronavirus outbreak worsens

Ex-Marseille president Diouf dies from coronavirus

Philippine’s Duterte orders police to ‘shoot dead’ lockdown violators

Philippine’s Duterte orders police to ‘shoot dead’ lockdown violators

Sanctions, Attempted Color Revolutions, Nazis and Russia Helps USA

Russian plane with coronavirus medical gear lands in US after Trump-Putin

CORONAHOAX: Corporate Media Spews COVID-19 Propaganda and Lies, Completely Destroys Any Remaining Trust

4 cases of COVID-19 among Cree reported in territory and Montreal

CV-19: When Color Revolutions Failed: China, Iran, Venezuela, etc

Coronavirus Aid for Regime Change: Washington’s 13 Point Plan for Venezuela

Pentagon Orders 100,000 Body Bags As FEMA Braces For Onslaught Of COVID-19 Deaths

More Than 30,000 Dead in Europe

Коронавирус унес жизни свыше 30 тысяч человек в Европе

Global Cases Now at Over 900,000

Record COVID-19 deaths in Europe as global cases surpass 900,000

Israel’s ongoing arrests of Palestinians amid virus outbreak reflect regime’s brutality, criminality: Hamas

U.S. Is Killing Iranians and the World Is Complicit

‘Fanatical Cruelty’: As Pandemic Rages, Trump Refuses to Reopen Affordable Care Act Enrollment to Help Uninsured

Florida Gov Acknowledges Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine

Florida Governor Acknowledges Effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine

NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare (Video)


NY Prisoners Say They're Re-Packaging Hand Sanitizer, Not Making It From Scratch, Under Cuomo's Program

USA [sic] Scientists Refute Wuhan Origin

Global updates: Over 722,000 now infected with coronavirus, nearly 34,000 dead

COVID-19 infections in Japan rise to 1,896, cases in Tokyo spike over weekend

Mayor Grants NYPD Power To Issue Fines Up To $500 For Failing To 'Social Distance': Live Updates

Corona: An Epidemic of Mass Panic

The COVID World Order Is Coming

Trump Says No Quarantine Necessary as 2,000 Already Dead

Trump Says "No Quarantine Necessary" For NY, NJ And CT As US Death Toll Tops 2,000: Live Updates

The Propaganda Of Terror And Fear: A Lesson From Recent History

French PM Warns Coronavirus Battle 'Was Only Just Beginning' as Death Toll Rises to 2,300

Sweden shuns 'drastic' coronavirus response

World’s coronavirus infections pass 660,000 +Updates

Spain Endures Another Record Day for Coronavirus Deaths, Nationwide Tally Rises to 6,500

COVID-19: IRGC Biological Defense Drills in Yazd, Isfahan Provinces

Emergency food service delivers hot meals, food boxes across Mohawk community

Coronavirus: After the EU Failed to Deliver, Italy Looks to Russia for Help

Syria: Drone Captures Empty Streets of Damascus as Lockdown Enforced

Afghan capital placed on lockdown for 3 weeks

Coronavirus pandemic: Pathological globalists implementing a depopulation program

Coronavirus Continues to Take Out US Military

Среди летчиков ВВС США втрое увеличилась заболеваемость COVID-19

Россиянам разрешили задержаться в Таиланде на фоне ограничений по коронавирусу

Natural & Common Law Tribunal Established to Address Gross Abuse of Power by UK’s Response to COVID-19

Normal medical services in Zigui gradually resume as epidemic wanes

UK Medical Chief in Isolation After Experiencing Coronavirus Symptoms as Death Toll Tops 750

China's Wuhan Reopens Subway, Allows Incoming Traffic as It Phases Out 2-Month Coronavirus Lockdown

Iran Reports 3,076 New Cases of Coronavirus, over 11,679 Recoveries

Number of COVID-19 Cases in Germany Exceeds 48,500, Death Toll Rises to 325

Spain's Coronavirus Cases Surge to 72,000, Death Toll Nears 5,700

France’s Coronavirus Death Toll Nears 2,000

WORST Day: Italy Tops 9,000 Coronavirus Deaths, Overtakes China in Cases

Количество зараженных COVID-19 в мире приблизилось к 600 тыс.

Covid-19: The Panic Is Worse Than the Pathogen

Deep Coronavirus Biological Warfare Proponents Seek Ends

The HASBARA Pandemic

Recognizing and Resisting the “Hasbara Pandemic”

Number of coronavirus cases in Austria reaches 7,040

Former UK PM Openly Calling in the NWO

Deep State Globalist & Former UK PM Gordon Brown Calls for GLOBAL GOVERNMENT

Iran Condemns US' "Baseless Accusations" against Venezuelan President

One Brit Dying from Coronavirus Every 13 Minutes as Death Toll Nears 600

В рядах ВСУ вспыхнула эпидемия коронавируса

USA Number One Not Just in Crimes Against Humanity - Backfired

США вышли на первое место по количеству больных коронавирусом

USA: Just Let Them Die

СМИ сообщили об обсуждении в США запрета реанимации больных COVID-19

US has world's most confirmed coronavirus cases

Welcome To The War On Death

Imperial College Again and Again and Again

Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK revises to 20K or fewer

Putin calls for sanctions 'moratorium' amid pandemic

NORTHCOM X Military Rule Exposed! Continuity of Government Planned Out (Video)

Fake Pandemic & 5G Triggers (Video)

Venezuela’s Coronavirus Response Might Surprise You

World needs to take heed of Putin’s address - WHO official

World needs to take heed of Putin’s address on coronavirus — WHO official

5 people including hospital personnel test positive for COVID-19 in Mohawk community

Palestinian Foreign Ministry Calls on Israel to Release Prisoners Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Palestine: Massive Coronavirus Quarantine Center Being Built in Gaza Strip

Spain's Death Toll Now Also Passes China's

Spanish Medics Demand Protection as Death Toll Overtakes China's

Surprise - USA White House Spreading Disinformation on CV-19

Радио в США прекратило транслировать брифинги Белого дома по коронавирусу "из-за дезинформации"

Вирусологи из России прибыли в итальянский Бергамо

US sanctions against Iran amidst covid-19 condemned globally

Coronavirus prompts largest British military mobilization in nearly two decades

Deputy Minister: Iran to Assist WHO in Clinical Trials of Anti-Coronavirus Drugs

Envoy: All World States Want US to Lift Anti-Iran Sanctions amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Bodies of coronavirus victims found in Spanish nursing homes

New Zealand declares state of emergency after 50 new COVID-19 cases confirmed

The Netherlands Is Letting People Get Sick to Beat Coronavirus

Narendra Modi orders 'total lockdown' of India to combat coronavirus spread

Moscow Calls for End to Global Regional Conflicts Amid Pandemic

Москва призвала приостановить региональные конфликты во всем мире из-за пандемии

МИД призвал остановить боевые действия на фоне пандемии коронавируса

China committed to combating health threat facing mankind

Генсек ООН призвал G20 отменить санкции, мешающие борьбе с COVID-19

Coronavirus Cases in US Surge Past 35,200

New York Coronavirus Cases Surge 38% Overnight to 20,875

Spokesman: 24,811 People in Iran Infected with Coronavirus, 1,934 Patients Dead

Genetic Gencoide by Israel

Israeli Group Warns of Disaster in Gaza from COVID-19

Iran Raps US Officials’ Happiness for Coronavirus Outbreak in Other Countries

China reports 78 coronavirus cases, sparking fears of 2nd wave +World updates

Persian New Year

5G, Coronavirus & the NWO Hidden Agenda (Video)

CORONAVIRUS CURE CONFIRMED: 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured.

CORONAVIRUS CURE CONFIRMED”: “After 6 days 100% of patients treated with HCQ + Azithromycin were virologically cured.”



The Ukraine Will Join the NWO is Genociding the Elderly

Минздрав Украины не намерен лечить от коронавируса граждан старше 65 лет

Exactly who is it that stole trillions of dollars from the American people with the collusion of Congress?!

Deep State Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent

Forensic/Circumstantial Evidence Prove Multiple Acts of Bioterrorism

PLANDEMIC: Forensic and Circumstantial Evidence Proves Multiple Acts of Bioterrorism…

Russia Slams Great Britain for Coronavirus State Propaganda

COVID-19 Re-Infections Triggered by 5G, Wireless Devices and WiFi Environments — The Coronavirus Coach

The Coronavirus Pandemic Hoax & The Vaccine Agenda Exposed (Video)

Pulmonologist Wolfgang Wodarg, M.D. explains the how, who and why the coronavirus panic was created (Video)

Will the coronavirus shut down the 5G roll-out across the planet?

Pompeo Admits COVID-19 is a “Live Exercise”

Pompeo admits COVID-19 is a “live exercise”, Trump says: “You should have let us know.”

У бывшего президента Финляндии Марти Ахтисаари нашли коронавирус

20% населения Земли оказались на карантине из-за пандемии коронавируса

FAUCI the FEARMONGER Goes to Work for the Globalists

FAUCI the FEARMONGER Goes to Work for the Globalists

Parcels are not contagious, coronavirus dies during delivery, epidemiologist says

Iran Recognizes Biological Warfare Attack in CV-19: Investigating

Official: Iran Investigating Possibility of Coronavirus Epidemic as Biological Attack

Десятый самолет ВКС России вылетел на помощь Италии в борьбе с коронавирусом

Merkel Enters Isolation, New Zealand Goes "Full Quarantine" As COVID-19 Case Total Tops 335K: Live Updates

IMF Killing Venezuelans

IMF Rejects Venezuela COVID-19 Emergency Fund Appeal

В Латвии выявили рекордное количество заболевших коронавирусом за сутки

Начальник итальянского Генштаба поблагодарил Россию за помощь в борьбе коронавирусом

Why Italy? Italy has stood up to the CIA and the 9/11 CV-19 Perps

Передовой отряд российских вирусологов прибыл в Италию

Russia’s Defense Ministry to send some 100 virologists and epidemiologists to Italy

Guangdong reports indigenous COVID-19 case infected by imported patient

Beijing reports 14 imported COVID-19 cases

Coronavirus confines one billion to homes, death toll nears 11,400 globally

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

Bill Gates Preparing to Profit Up When He Releases Vaccine

Bill Gates: When Coronavirus Vaccine Becomes Available, Digital Certificates Will Show Who Has Received It

Why Italy? Italy has stood up to the CIA and the 9/11 CV-19 Perps

Передовой отряд российских вирусологов прибыл в Италию

Russia’s Defense Ministry to send some 100 virologists and epidemiologists to Italy

Guangdong reports indigenous COVID-19 case infected by imported patient

Beijing reports 14 imported COVID-19 cases

Coronavirus confines one billion to homes, death toll nears 11,400 globally

CV-19 Orignated at CIA/DARPA Lab in Fort Detrick

COVID-19 originated at the US Military’s bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick (which was shut down by the CDC in July

Bill Gates Preparing to Profit Up When He Releases Vaccine

Bill Gates: When Coronavirus Vaccine Becomes Available, Digital Certificates Will Show Who Has Received It

Bankrupt USA/City of London to Use CV-19 to Tank Global Economy

Is This The Next Big Headache For Global Economy?

BoE's Bailey To Print Unlimited Money, Tells Short Sellers "Just Stop" Amid Covid-19 Chaos

Italy: 475 Coronavirus Deaths, Highest One-Day Toll of Any Nation

Italy Reports 475 New Coronavirus Deaths, Highest One-Day Toll of Any Nation

Ask Dr Peng

"... the type infecting Taiwan exists only in Australia and the US and, since Taiwan was not infected by Australians, the infection in Taiwan could have come only from the US."


210,732 People Infected With CV-19 Worlwide

Число инфицированных коронавирусом превысило 210 тыс. человек

Coronavirus: 104 Y/O Woman Becomes Oldest Person to Beat Disease in Iran

USA/NATO Asia-Pacific Pivot Biological Attack on Asia Backfires

Coronavirus Deaths in Europe Exceed Toll in Asia as Several Countries Grapple with Border Closures, Lockdowns

Official Castigates US over Evading Responsibility Vis-à-vis Coronavirus Spread

Someone Finally Recalls Tainos and the America's Indian Biological Holocaust, Would You Like Some Smallpox Blankets With That?

Dear Trump: All The Viruses Europeans Brought To America

Beijing Also Believes CV-19 is a Biological Weapon

Beijing Believes COVID-19 Is a Biological Weapon

922 recovered COVID-19 patients discharged on Chinese mainland

FAUCI the FEARMONGER Goes to Work for the Globalists

They Should Have Called it CONTROLavirus!

Iran Finds Drug Combination to Treat Pulmonary Harms Created by Coronavirus

Iran Calls for Global Campaign to Ignore US Sanctions Amidst Coronavirus Epidemic

M.D. Physician Says Coronavirus Likely Caused by 5G (Video)

How China saved millions of people dying from coronavirus

У замглавы Олимпийского комитета Японии выявили коронавирус

Евро-2020 перенесен на следующий год

Here is comes kids! UK Troops Could be Deployed

UK Missed Containment Window, Unprepared For Virus Crisis, Troops Could Be Deployed

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

162,671 Cases Worldwide 6446 Dead 75,500 Cured

За сутки число инфицированных коронавирусом увеличилось на 10 тыс.

US Intel Agencies Played Unsettling Role in Classified and “9/11-like” Coronavirus Response Plan

'We should be preparing ourselves for a marathon': Africa braces for the spread of COVID-19

Grand Chief says Ontario Health's 'low risk' COVID-19 designation to key hospital puts First Nations at risk

Six Nations elected council and confederacy chiefs working together against COVID-19

Hong Kong commences clinical tests of potential coronavirus cure

Марин Ле Пен ушла на карантин после контакта с зараженным COVID-19

В Иране зафиксировали рекордное число умерших от коронавируса за сутки

Армения введет режим чрезвычайного положения из-за COVID-19

Belgians facing harsh reality of coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus could kill up to 1.7 million in US: Experts

Venezuelan president orders collective quarantine to slow spread of coronavirus

Lockdowns and entry bans imposed around the world to fight coronavirus

UK may put all citizens over 70 into isolation for MONTHS as coronavirus spreads across the country

PNAC and the New Pearl Harbor - The Impunity of the 9/11 Lunatics 

Is the coronavirus pandemic the new Pearl Harbor?

COVID-19: A Biological Attack on China by the USA

COVID-19: A Biological Attack on China by the USA

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

162,671 Cases Worldwide 6446 Dead 75,500 Cured

За сутки число инфицированных коронавирусом увеличилось на 10 тыс.

US: Panic Shoppers Empty Supermarket Shelves in Hollywood on Coronavirus Fears

Coronavirus Fears: People in Many Countries Are Panic Buying, Stockpiling Toilet Paper

Fear of COVID-19 has Americans panicking in remote area

China willing to do its utmost to help the Philippines: Chinese FM

Более пяти тысяч человек заразились коронавирусом во Франции

Казахстан перешел на режим чрезвычайного положения из-за коронавируса

В США почти 3,5 тысячи зараженных коронавирусом, 65 человек скончались

Xi's article on providing strong sci-tech support for winning war against COVID-19 to be published

Africa strives to stay ahead of curve in COVID-19 battle

China strengthens fiscal support for poor people hit by epidemic

В Чехии задумались о введении из-за коронавируса карантина для всех граждан

Германия с 16 марта закроет границы с Францией, Австрией и Швейцарией

Россия и Грузия с 16 марта частично закроют границу из-за коронавируса

В Испании за сутки выявили 2 тыс. новых случаев заражения коронавирусом

Оперштаб сообщил о четырех новых случаях заражения COVID-19 в России

GLADIO BIOTERROR: ‘Biological Attack’ Against China Planned by NATO Decades Ago — UK Military Whistleblower

Daily COVID-19 updates on March 15

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW: Is this how they plan to lock down planet Earth?

PLANDEMIC! A Painstakingly Planned Pandemic & Perfectly Perpetrated Panic

China’s Red Cross Sends 2 More Specialists to Tehran to Boost Anti-COVID-19 Campaign

Johns Hopkins Prof.: White House Lying about Coronavirus Numbers, 50,000-500,000 Patients Walking Around in US

MP: Coronavirus Most Likely US’ Bio-Warfare Weapon

MP: Coronavirus Most Likely US’ Bio-Warfare Weapon

Coronavirus Updates in Iran: 4,790 Recoveries, 113 New Deaths

Bill Gates Too Busy With Coronavirus Pandemic Operation - Resigns

Bill Gates steps down from Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway boards

Psychopathic Shin Bet's Terrorism Label Know No Bounds

Israeli Shin Bet's Involvement in Coronavirus Crisis Raises Questions

Updated: 03-15-2020

Palestinian Prisoner Taken to Coronavirus-Infected Israeli Doctor

Palestinian prisoner taken to coronavirus-infected Israeli doctor: Report

GLADIO BIOTERROR: Wuhan ‘Biological Attack’ Planned in 1970s Against China - UK Military Officer & Whistleblower

"Turning the tide" -- Xi leads anti-virus war toward victory

"Turning the tide" -- Xi leads anti-virus war toward victory

China Recovers from Coronavirus NWO Stoking Panic Worldwide

All 16 temporary hospitals in Wuhan closed

Over 4,000 people die of COVID-19 as global cases surpass 110,000: WHO

Italy: Dozza Prison on Fire in Protest over Coronavirus Measures

UK: Supermarket Shelves Empty Out as Essential Supply Limiting Begins

Russia Supplies Iran with 50,000 Coronavirus Diagnostic Kits

Коронавирус выявлен у замминистра здравоохранения Великобритании

China Victorious Over the Coronavirus - Onishenko

Онищенко констатировал победу над коронавирусом в Китае

Amid Global Panic Coronavirus Patent Holder Gates a Profiteer

Bill Gates Could Supply Your Next Coronavirus Test Kit

Число инфицированных коронавирусом в мире превысило 112,4 тыс

CORONA CRUISE SHIP CRAZYMAKERS: ‘People fighting over rotten food’

54 человека скончались из-за коронавируса в Южной Корее за сутки

5.1 days incubation period for COVID-19

More Coronavirus Censorship: Social Media Companies Partner With WHO To Censor Info

Число жертв коронавируса в Китае достигло 3136

CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON: ‘A “hybrid virus” which is far more deadly, and can’t be vaccinated against’

More 5G and Coronavirus Linkage: Italy

MILAN QUARANTINE: Italian Coronavirus Epicenter Transformed into a ‘5G Testbed’ Prior to Outbreak (Video)

S.Korea's COVID-19 cases rise to 7,382, death toll at 51

WHO chief says threat of COVID-19 pandemic very real as all EU members report cases

Italy Slides Into Coronavirus Chaos After Quarantine

What every American urgently needs to know about a future BIO-PATRIOT ACT!

The Anglo-Saxon Mission

Coronavirus Biological Attack Against China Exposed by UK Military Officer & Whistleblower in 2010

China to deepen int'l cooperation on COVID-19 prevention, control

17 человек погибли из-за коронавируса за сутки в Китае

Coronavirus: Italy Death Toll Soars Amid Travel Ban

WHO Representative’s Presser in Qom Regarding COVID-19

Judiciary Furloughs 70,000 Prisoners in Iran to Lower COVID-19 Outbreak Risk in Jails

REX 84? Why? Just Kill Them All With the Coronavirus

Fears Rising over Spread of Coronavirus in US Prisons

Official: Iran Starts Clinical Tests on Anti-Coronavirus Drug

Off the Grid Cheap Preventive Measures Against Coronavirus

COVID-19: Preventative Measures from the Holistic Doctor

More hard evidence COVID-19 was bioengineered as a mutating bioweapon

Китайский эксперт спрогнозировал распространение коронавируса по миру до конца июня

Сoronavirus May Be USA Biological Attack on Iran/China-IRGC Chief

Сoronavirus May be a Product of US ‘Biological Attack’ Aimed at Iran and China, IRGC Chief Claims

Don't Tell CIA/NWO/DARPA but a Vaccine Has Been Found - LULZ

1,661 recovered COVID-19 patients discharged on Chinese mainland March 7

Chinese experts arrive in Iraq to help tackle coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus cases outside China hit 20,000: WHO

В столичном оперативном штабе уточнили, по приезде из каких стран нужна самоизоляция

Число зараженных коронавирусом в Германии превысило 840 человек

You Will Have a New World Order Whether You Want It Or Not USA

Police Quarantine California Neighborhood After Coronavirus Death

Italy Quarantines 16 Million Over Coronavirus

Italy quarantines 16 million over coronavirus

Новых случаев коронавируса в РФ на утро воскресенья не зарегистрировано

4 тысячи человек заразились коронавирусом за пределами Китая в субботу

Менее 50 новых случаев COVID-19 выявлено в Китае за сутки

CORONAVIRUSgate: Iran Slams US for Biological Attacks

The Wuhan Virus And 5G 60 MHZ Are Binary Weapons

5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak (Video)

China unleashed 60 Ghz mmWave throughout the country with Wuhan as the pilot city (Video)

Japan reports 63 more cases of COVID-19, 1,137 in total

WHO spokesman says over 100,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases reported globally

1,678 recovered COVID-19 patients discharged on Chinese mainland March 6

First Muscovite Infected with Coronavirus Released from Hospital

Первый заразившийся коронавирусом москвич выписан из больницы

Coronavirus: French Government Seizes All Stocks of Face Masks, Thousands Stolen From Hospitals

Iranian General Accuses Enemies of Unleashing Coronavirus Against Iran and China

Iranian General Accuses Enemies of Unleashing Coronavirus Against Iran and China

В ООН призвали противостоять коронавирусу, не нарушая права человека

В Нидерландах зафиксирована первая смерть от коронавируса

The Hysteria in the West Points to a Fake Pandemic

The Utterly Fake and Fabricated Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020

UK Spreads Coronavirus Panic

England’s Chief Medical Officer: Coronavirus ‘Worst Case Scenario’ Could See 80% of UK Population Infected

Coronavirus & the Global Orwellian State (Video)

Coronavirus Share Human Cell Binding Site with HIV and Ebola

Why does the coronavirus share the human cell binding site with HIV and Ebola?

"What Are The Odds?" - A Timeline Of Facts Linking Covid-19, HIV, & Wuhan's Secret Bio-Lab

Is This the Start of the Zionist Genocide of Arabs and Semites?

Coronavirus Starts Spreading in the Middle East

Первые случаи заражения коронавирусом выявлены в Саудовской Аравии и Тунисе

China sends 4,000 military medics to battle coronavirus in Wuhan

S.Korea confirms 476 more cases of COVID-19, 4,212 in total

Bioweapons to murder up to 90% of the people on Earth has been their dream for 140 years.

WHO Raises Coronavirus Threat Assessment To Its Highest Level


CORONAVIRUS BOMBSHELL: This proves it should be named “5G COVID-19”

Putin Says the Coronavirus Situation in Russia is Under Control

Путин заявил о контроле над ситуацией с коронавирусом в России

Coronavirus Covert Operation

Общее число зараженных коронавирусом превысило 86 тыс. человек

Commander: Biological Defense Base Set Up in Army to Fight against Coronavirus

China is Confronting the COVID-19 Epidemic. Was It Man-Made? An Act of of Bio-warfare?

Rockerfeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time (Video)

CORONA CRASH 2020: The Real Conspiracy Behind the Globalist Takeover Plot

BBC spreading fake news on Iran coronavirus toll for ignoble political goals: Health Ministry

Iran Condemns US Political Approach to Coronavirus

USA Unveils $2.5B Emergency Coronavirus Plan for BigPharma

White House Unveils $2.5B Emergency Coronavirus Plan

Coronavirus: Japan Closing All Schools

44 человека за сутки погибли от коронавируса в Китае

CDCgate: The ‘Center for Disease Control Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company’, Owns Vaccine Patents

OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Why the bioweapon was launched (Video)

Have the Genetically Targeting Biological Weapons Been Unleashed

Иран ограничил внутренние поездки из-за коронавируса

Iran Fights against Novel Coronavirus Epidemic

Europe on Alert as Four more Covid-19 Deaths Reported in Italy

Iran: China Donates 250,000 Masks to Iran Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Iran: Fighting Coronavirus in Baqiyatallah Hospital

Scientists Discover HIV-Like "Mutation" Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious

Chinese Hospitals Discharge +27,300 Recovered Patients of Coronavirus Infection

Coronavirus Bioweapon Is Now Being Launched Against Any Nation Targeted by The Powers That

Why was Davos World Economic Forum preparing for a coronavirus pandemic in December of 2019?!

More Global Pandemic Panic From USA Media Outlets


The U.S. Is the World Leader of Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind

The Wuhan Virus Is A Genocidal Slow Mo 911

No new confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in 24 provincial-level regions of China

Medical Officials Reject Rumors about Coronavirus Death Toll in Iran

More and More Americans Saying Coronavirus a CIA Op

US Biowarfare Act Author: Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized

West Continues Spreading a Cornavirus Pandemic Panic

Harvard Professor Says 40-70% Of People Worldwide Will Be Infected With Covid-19

Coronavirus China’s ‘largest health emergency’: President Xi

The PRC Says They Have a Vaccine Against the Cornavirus

Китайские власти заявили о наличии вакцины против коронавируса

В КНДР изолировали 380 иностранцев, чтобы предотвратить распространение коронавируса

Coronavirus Going Global

Заражение коронавирусом выявили у жителей Бахрейна и Кувейта

В Афганистане подтвержден первый случай заражения коронавирусом

OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: 16 Reasons for the Deployment of this Devastating Bioweapon in 2020

77,000 Now Infected with the Coronavirus in the PRC

Число заразившихся коронавирусом в Китае превысило 77 тысяч

Число зараженных коронавирусом в Южной Корее превысило 760

Более 400 случаев Covid-19 выявлено за сутки вне материкового Китая

HIV Drugs Being Used to Treat Novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Why Are HIV Drugs Being Used To Treat the New Coronavirus?

WHO Holds Secret Talks With Tech Giants To Stop Spread of Coronavirus “Misinformation”

More Than 1,869 Now Confirmed Dead

Число умерших от коронавируса в Китае выросло до 1868

Число заразившихся новым коронавирусом в Хубэе приблизилось к 60 тыс.

Cambridge Promoting Genocide

Cambridge Academic Says Human Race Must Become Extinct to Save the Planet

Authorities: 1665 Individuals Died, 9,419 Recovered from Coronavirus in China

68,500 Now Infected

Китайские врачи назвали количество заразившихся коронавирусом

Complete Cornavirus Genome

STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions


Evidence emerges that proves the CORONAVIRUS came from a synthetic source.

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS BIOWEAPON: Bioengineered with Virulence Associated Protein (Video)

CORONAVIRUSgate: The only way Trump could ever make such a ridiculous prediction about April is because he was ordered to by the real perps!

The Geopolitical Deployment of Biological Weapons — Part II

Sudden Militarization Of Wuhan's P4 Lab Raises New Questions About The Origin Of The Deadly Covid-19 Virus

"It's Like A Horror Film": Botched Wuhan Quarantine Left Dead Bodies In The Street, Sick Waiting Days For Care

Vaccine Found: Drink the Holy Cow Urine - Yeah, That's the Ticket!

India's Leaders Claim Drinking Cow Urine Will Cure Covid-19

Washington’s Policy of Strangling China. US Nuclear Threats, Militarization of the Taiwan Straits

Wuhan Coronavirus Bioterrorist Attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps

And Now Presenting: The Rothschilds' Deal of the Century

China's Banks Face $6 Trillion Coronavirus Cataclysm If Epidemic Is Not Contained Soon

Racial Profiling, Bill Gates, Patents, Isolation, Sanctions, Travel Restrictions, Middle East, et al - Stinks of Asteroids and Illuminati

World War III’s Newest Battlefield

The Geopolitical Deployment of Biological Weapons

Роспотребнадзор сообщил, что новых заболевших коронавирусом в РФ нет

Tencent App May Have Leaked Real Figures Of Coronavirus In China; 400 Million Locked Down In Cities

Coronavirus kills 811, infects over 37,000 in China

Помпео предостерег губернаторов США от работы с китайским бизнесом

Число умерших от коронавируса в Китае увеличилось до 811

CORPNAVIRUSgate: Who is Dr. Peng? And who does he really work for?

Coronavirus, HIV and the bioengineered Pandemic

“A Coronavirus-like Pandemic that Becomes Trigger for Police State Controls”

Число погибших от коронавируса в Китае увеличилось до 636

Wuhan Institute Of Virology And Chinese Army Submit Patent For Gilead Anti-Ebola Drug To Fight Coronavirus

The Chinese Doctor Who Tried to Warn the World About Coronavirus Has Died

Coronavirus death toll hits 563, over 28,000 infected

Казахстан прекратил принимать письма и посылки из Китая

Coronavirus False Flag Exposed

Iran to Work With China on Novel Corona - FM

Iran to work together with China against novel coronavirus: FM

Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

Iran Declares White Biosecurity Status, Efforts to Produce Coronavirus Vaccine

President Xi Warns nCoV Outbreak 'Threatens Stability' As Top WHO Official Disputes 'Pandemic' Designation

Coronavirus: China Bars 11m Residents from Leaving City at Centre of Outbreak

Scientist Who Drafted the Biological Weapons Act States that ‘Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon’—Does he blame China because he was told to by the DARPA bioweapon lab responsible for the outbreak?

FRANKENVIRUS! The Bioengineered Wuhan Coronavirus Responds Favorably to ‘Powerful AIDS Drugs’

Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

CIA/MI6/DARPA/Harvard and Biological Terrorism

Harvard Chemistry Chair / Chinese Nationals Arrested For Lying About China Ties, Smuggling "Biological Material"

Coronavirus? USA/DARPA/Rothschild Global Bioterrorism vs China

BIOTERRORISM: Is this why the bioengineered coronavirus was released in Wuhan, China?!

Global Panic Manufactured by the CIA and Your Globalist Media

CORONAVIRUS: A Globalist Bioweapon Created by DARPA & Partners

Your Smart Vehicle Is Recording Your Every Move

The Emerging Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic: Everyone needs to understand what’s really going on

Here’s the Israeli spook firm that the rich and famous use to spy on their American accusers.



03-31-2020 Another CIA Plant Trying to Stoke Panic






Edward Snowden: Timelinene

Expose25A WikiKillers


The WikiLeaks Limited Hangout Op is Finally Over




Last Update: 09/26/2023 17:43 +0300


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