The End of the West - Russia Report Number 9 - We are all EQUAL

The Final - Operation Z in Russia Proper

The Liquidation of the VOR Was Part of the CIA/NATO's Russia Project

Articles6802 Jar2

Friday January 06, 2023 (318)  CEASEFIRE STARTING 06-01 12:00 UNTIL 07-01 24:00

On New Year's Eve There Was a Murder Attempt on the Son of the Author in the USA. His Condition is Guarded

Published January 04, 2023


We demand a proper investigation by international authorities as the "authorites" in California can not be trusted, are most likely complicit and have done nothing to find the attempted murderer. (FBI gangstalking in its birthplace)

End of Statement  

On the Treason of the VOR's Liquidation and the CIA's/MI6's Agents in the Media

and the End of the Exceptional Genocider

Published December 22, 2022

Note: I am currently waiting to find out if they (CIA's Moscow assets) are planning to kill me or hand me to the CIA. - JohnRobles II, December 2022

Crtitcal race theory should be called American Fascism and How the White Man Maintains Fake Supremacy by Dumbing Down, Controlling and Murdering Non-Whites - John Robles II

The New World Order, Occultism, Transgenderism, the War on Islam, et al, are all just instruments of an insatiable self-declared elite whose chief goals are installing a fascist world order and eliminating 8 billion untermensch. - John Robles II

Any religion that preaches surpemacy of one group over another is fake. We are all God's children and we are all equal whether you like that or not.  - John Robles II

Dumbing down the population is one of the oldest tricks in the book and the US "modular" system where people are not even taught to write is the ultimate tool. Of course the people have to be pretty dumbed down when you want to release a virus and then kill them all with vaccines. - John Robles II

Interesting to watch the the US Senate pick a new Grand Dragon. Pelosi who told me I was not deserving of a US passport because I had chosen to be part of Russian society was not racist enough. - John Robles II

Awake, awoke, awakening are all nice words but when you connect them to a hereditary clansman named Drumpf, a military intelligence operation named QANON and the outright lie that the white man is being discriminated against while supporting nazis in Ukraine, you lost me.  - John Robles II

The out of control US Government is now a government fully and completely run by the corporations and the "elites", a government for the elites, by the elites and of the elites. - John Robles II

The Satanic Empire of Lies is collapsing and it will implode soon. Their level of evil is unsustainable. - John Robles II

When your enemy has superiority in any area you must work around, beyond and outside of the borders of their scope of understanding and control. - John Robles II

Believing in their own exclusivity, exceptionalism and  complete control, the Western Zionist axis did what no one else could have done, they gave themselves  all the rope they desired and hung themselves with their own self-conceived impunity. - John Robles II 

One must take with a grain of salt a state which is committing genocide and war crimes worldwide when they talk about who is civilized. - John Robles II

The genocide based Apartheid USA and it's sister British colony Israel are the world's leaders in false flag and state sponsored terrorism. They have no right, and in fact are unable to, determine who in fact is a terrorist. - John Robles II

Through propaganda and information control the modern western "humans", with the help of crypto Zionists and Russophobes, have convinced themselves and to a certain degree much of the world, that they are civilized when in fact they are the true barbarians throughout world history. - John Robles II

You can not use Nazis to form governments, intelligence agencies, space programs, military blocks and societies and then claim you are civilized and not racist, no matter how much you lie and how complex your fabrications are. A fascist pig is always a fascist pig, no matter what makeup you put on it. - John Robles II 

The son of a bitch CIA Station Chief who revoked my US Passport is now the Director of the CIA. - John Robles

The triumvirate of the CIA has already made it clear that they will dispose of me and having replaced me with CIA officer Snowden he will maintain their cover. It should be obvious by their own actions that this is not a theory as they would have you believe but a real conspiracy to destroy an opponent. - John Robles II


Neo-Axis: The Collective West, their "Elites" and the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Information-Pharmaceutical-Financial-Technological-Bio Complex

Dear Mr. Rogozin, We still need to check if the Empire of Lies was even on the moon once. Please.

The nazis That Fascist Genociding Apartheid USA Installed

"The World's Most Influential Jew" - A little piece of cowardly nazi filth begging for handouts to kill Russians.



The companies and their activities in the Russian Federation deserves an entire article (if not a book) in and of itself. However my witness statement regarding a company in which I taught business English should suffice to give you an idea as to the infiltration and outright anti-Russian activities of Western corporations that had been raping Russia for hundreds of billions of dollars and profiteering since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

These companies and corporations were never in Russia to "serve" or help the Russian people, they were here to advance western capitalism, soft power and the agenda of the "West" while destroying Russia's own sovereign manufacturing and business capabilities and stealing all of the wealth from the Russian market and the Russian State as they enjoyed low Russian tax rates.

From the cardboard self-destructing furniture of IKEA to the monopoly of McDonalds and the GMO "tastes like chicken" of "KFC", the globalist spread their garbage products and attempted to turn Russian consumers into brainless sheeple convinced that they needed Western garbage. However it is even darker than that and since we are finally being protected by Z it is time to tell the real truth no matter how dark it may be.

In my almost two decades of teaching in Russia I have had the opportunity to teach the elites, the corporate contingent, the children of liberals and America lovers and even in laboratories to the liberal America loving scientists under the Russian Academy of Science where I was a senior teacher, and all of these experiences allowed me to formulate a first person view as the effects of western brainwashing against the Russian people, because that is exactly what was going on, and although I did not participate as I was against all of the propaganda in the Cambridge University Press textbooks and thus countered it or did not teach it, I saw the brainwashing first hand. From the I Spy books creating the newest generation of Western agents to the advanced Headway books promoting everything from the Queen of course to the "trans agenda", the methodical systematic attempt to brainwash the students is clear and once you see it there is no way to unseen it, thus Cambridge University Press (an MI6 front) should in fact be banned worldwide. I wrote about that in a previous article as well as the brainwashing at the Anglo American School under the US Embassy in a previous article which is till on jar2 and can be found at the link below:

As I stated above I was teaching business English at a globalist pharmaceutical company in Moscow in 2014/2015 after the USA's nazi junta started the mass murder of the people in the Donbass and it provided a stunning view from the inside of the real plans of the "West."

The company's top manager, an American, hired me to teach his top staff English so he could talk to them and instruct them in his native language (showing the arrogance of the Anglo-Saxon creature) and of course in the setting of an operational office environment I was privy to all kinds of information both that I overheard and that I witnessed in writing, however the most stunning thing I learned was told to be by the American manager himself and then I verified it with several of the top staff.  

The matter in question, had it occurred in a normal civilized law-abiding world, would have caused outcries, investigations and a full blown scandal but the event was of no interest to anyone whatsoever, which is a testament to how the monied "elites" and the corporations get away with mass-murder, even of children as long as they are not their own. 

As I said the slaughter of the Russian speaking anti-American/nazi junta civilian population had just started in the Donbass and the company was in the process of leaving Russia as they had no intention of supporting Russia or Russians. It was one of my last mornings there as the office was in the process of being dismantled and during the lesson the American manager interrupted several times to speak to his subordinate. After the lesson he excused himself and explained that they had a serious problem with their supplies. He said they had 80 tons of baby formula at their warehouse that could not be re-exported and that they had to get rid of. I suggested donating it to the people of Donbass which did not go over well. He then told me that they had decided to destroy it so that "the Russians" could not get it. I was amazed and stated something to the effect that the baby formula was to feed babies and how could they be so brutal... To which he said something like "Yeah to "Russian" babies who we will not help."

Thus the globalist company destroyed 80 tons of baby formula so that Russian babies would not be fed by them. I guess I should underline the fact that this formula was being sold at top price and was not being donated, something which shows that even at a loss the Anglo Saxon American capitalist scum will do anything to hurt Russia. 

Oh. I guess you want to know what company that was? It was Mead Johnson/Reckitt a CIA front and an enemy of Russian babies.        


The Russia Report Eighth Edition Sovereignty


The Russia Report Sixth Edition_Coronavirus

The Russia Report Fifth Edition

The Russia Report Fourth Edition

The Russia Report Third Edition

The Russia Report Second Edition

The Russia Report First Edition

Пригожин заявил, что среди бизнеса в РФ находится много "недобитых" либералов и агентов Запада, но "ждать осталось недолго":.. "Огромное количество недобитых агентов Ходорковского, иностранных спецслужб и либералов находятся среди бизнеса и российской политической элиты. Осталось ждать совсем недолго, когда этих либералов «уничтожат». Но кроме них существуют явные агенты Запада, люди, которых надо судить за измену Родине. И мы их можем легко узнать по наглой рыжей морде с гладко сбритыми недавно усами."

«Кристофер Найджел Доннелли неоднократно попадал в поле зрения правоохранительных органов как активный участник и исполнитель антироссийских программ. Это офицер британских спецслужб, специалист по обороне, безопасности и иностранным делам, глава русского отдела НАТО. Полковник Ми-6 в отставке, а ныне советник министра иностранных дел Литвы», – рассказал депутат Андрей Луговой, первый зампредседателя комитета Госдумы по безопасности, зампред думской комиссии по расследованию фактов вмешательства иностранных государств во внутренние дела России.



3M, ABC News, Accenture, Adidas, Airbnb, Airbus, Alstom, Apple, Amazon, American Express, Anex Tour, ASUS, Avast, Avon, Bayer, BMW, BP, Bla-Bla Car, Bloomberg, Boeing, Bosch. Bridgestone, British American Tobacco, Budvar, Bumble, Burberry, Burger-King, CNN, Calvin Klein, Campari, Canada Goose, Carlsberg, Caterpillar, CERN, Chanel, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Colliers, Crocs, Daimler Trucks, Deere & Co., Dell, Deloitte, Discord, DirectTV, Discover, Discovery, Disney, Deutsche Welle, DHL, DO, DuckDuckGo, EA Sports (Electronic Arts), EBay, Eli Lilly, EPAM Systems, Equinor, Ernst & Young, Estee Lauder, Esquire, Etsy, EQUINOR, Expedia, ExxonMobil, Facebook, Fedex, Ferrari, FIFA, Fitch Group, Fortum, Fortinet, Ford, General Electric, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Google, H&M Group, HALLIBURTON, Harley Davidson, Heineken, Herbalife, Hermès, Hilton, Hitachi, Honda, Honeywell, Hugo Boss, Hyatt, Ignitis, Imperial Brands, Inditex-Zara, Instagram, IBM, Ikea, JCB, John Deere, JPMorgan, Juniper Network, Kinross Gold, KPMG International, Kering, KFC, KPMG, Lancet, Levi’s, LVMH, Lamborghini, Lego, LINX, Little Caesars, L’Oreal, Lufthansa, Lush, Maersk, Mango, Marks & Spencer, Marriot, Massimo Dutti, Mastercard, Mazda, McCain, McDonalds, McKinsey Consulting, Mercedes-Benz, META, Michelin, Microsoft, Mondelez, Moody's, Mothercare, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Netflix, Nestle, Nike, Nintendo, Nissan, Norges Bank Investment Management, Norton, NVIDIA, Oracle, Pricewaterhouse

Coopers (PwC), Prada, Pull&Bear, PUMA, PVH Corp., OBI, Papa John’s, PayPal, Pepsi Co, Phillip Morris, Pink Floyd, Pizza Hut, Prada, Procter and Gamble, Publicis, Puma, PwC, Qazaq Air, Radio Free Europe, Renault, Richemont, Rio Tinto, Roku, Rothschild and Co. Investments, SAP, Shell, Snap, Sony, Spotify, TikTok, Tommy Hilfiger, Toshiba, Total Energies (TOT), Toyota, Trimble, Twitch, Twitter, Samsung, Sketchers, Starbucks, Stellantis, Swatch Group, TJX Cos, Unilever, Uniqlo, Universal Music and Media Group, UPS, Van-Doren (Vans), Verizon, Visa, Volvo, Volkswagen, Warner Brothers, Western Union, WeWork, YouTube, Yum Brands



Disclaimer and Statement: Due to the ongoing Special Operation in the former Ukraine and the non-declared illegal  hybrid war and military grade information warfare that the so-called "West" is engaged in against Russia and the world as it demonizes Russia for war and theft our publications have almost ceased in order not to allow the enemy to glean intelligence from any information we publish.

All of the Western controlled CIA/MOCKINGBIRD media and the global CIA/MOCKINGBIRD Social Media have completely proven that they are in no way independent and in fact are all instruments of the Neo-Axis powers. As such we continue to be banned from all western social media and shadow blocked, shadow banned and shadow erased by Google and the West, including at the app and browser level. However the vacuum for truth that they have created by clocking JAR2 and annihilating the truth movement will obviously have the opposite effect and the more they stomp their jackboots the harder they will fall in the upcoming civil war.

It is also important to note that in their demonization of the largest country on earth, their psychological operations against their own populace to demonize Russia for the long planned World War III are at such a level that not only have they tried to erase their overthrowing of the democratically elected president of Ukraine but also the fact that they have brought nazi scum to power who have waged the CIA's covert war in the Ukraine for the last 8 years. Of course everything else they have done, from the US Government profiteering and war racketeering, to the theft of the gold reserves, to the collection of Russian DNA for biological weapons and even the takeover of the Ukraine banking sector by the Rothschilds have also be erased from any part of the Western narrative. As president Putin stated the West has proven without a doubt that it is truly "the Empire of Lies". 

300+ Days of Operation Z after 8 Year of "Covert" USA/NATO Genoicde of Russian Speakers and Those Opposed to Their Puppet Regime - USA/NATO/nazi Terrorist Force Will Fail Again

           The current phase of the USA/NATO war on Russia has now been taking place for almost a year as Russia continues to surgically demilitarize and denazify the former Ukraine. In this regard it can not be stressed enough times that the Special Operation that Russia is engaged in is a purely defensive conflict brought about by 8 years of covert subversive low intensity fratricidal civil war completely funded and controlled by the CIA and MI6 et al, which escalated to the point where the nazi puppet sitting in the "presidential" corporation manager's chair initiated plans to acquire nuclear weapons which he was preparing to use. 

            After 8 years of slaughtering its own civilians for speaking Russian (Ukrainians are in fact Russians at the DNA level) rather than the Austrian created Ukrainian mova, designed by the previous wave of New World Order/World War nazi supporting lunatics to divide the Russian world, and endless provocations and almost countless incursions and strikes on Russia proper, the Ukrainian nazi filth finally got their USA fabricated, funded and controlled war. Clearly this is a war the Ukraine will never win but the point as publically and openly stated by USA representatives, is miring Russia down in a costly military conflict and facilitating the theft of everything Russian through their stated sponsored theft conveniently labelled sanctions. 

           Again, the CIA's plan to weaken and bog down Russia in a long "low intensity conflict" (part of "Project Russia") failed after 8 years of attempting to pull Russia in with Russia finally being forced to take action after the USA installed nazi junta started operating from the jihadist playbook and threatened to obtain and activate a nuclear bomb, then settling for a nuclear dirty bomb causing the necessary taking control over all nuclear facilities in the former Ukraine.

           If this is the first time you have read my work I recommend you read more in-depth about what has been truly happening in the Ukraine and in Russia, at least for the last eight years. What we are dealing with is in fact a US invasion into Eastern Europe and it is the USA that overthrew and occupied the Ukraine actively starting in 2013 with their brutal and bloody Maidan which brought nazis to power in Europe in the 21st century. Spineless, mostly Jewish traitors and scum but rallying under extreme nazi ideology and glorifying Stepan Bandera, one of the worst nazi collaborators in WWII, who even the nazi SS said was too brutal, then became the installed banana republic "government" of the former Ukraine and proceeded to legal label the Russian speaking population and anyone against the USA invasion as terrorists requiring an "Anti-Terrorist Operation" to liquidate the "threat". All of this carefully planned, controlled and implemented by the CIA's "Great Gamers" and the 911 Cabal.       

          Here it is important to note that always in the background are the Khazarian mafia puppet masters of the Rothschilds pulling the strings of everyone on every side, including the CIA, MI6 and anyone else they can use to bring about the rebirth of their Khazarian Empire and their New World Order, and always first and foremost keep profiting from genocide, war and the endless suffering they cause mankind. It is also important to note that recently even Sergey Lavrov spoke the truth about hitler and the zionists, namely that hitler was Jewish and the zionists are the most racist people on earth, which is something I have been saying for years after first hand experience with some of the worst of them in the media. In the West Khazarian and the Khazarian mafia are treated as conspiracy theories, however they are real and in fact Russia is right in the middle of their desired empire. This may not be the best known reason that the Neo-Axis wants to wipe Russia and Russians off the map, but it is surely among them when you consider that it is Ashkenazis and Khazaris that are in the shadows pulling the strings and since the 700s hiding their pagan Satanic selves behind the cloak of Judaism, something which should be obvious to anyone who has ever worked in the entertainment business. Why is all that important? Because those are the some of the key forces behind the War on Russia, everything else for the most part is just brought into line. 

          Operational information will not be found here but the Special Operation is going as planned. At the beginning my predication was that it would be over in a matter of days, however that was not the plan although if the Russian military had gone in and just wiped out everything and razed the country to the ground, it would have been over in a matter of hours. However the plan was degasification and demilitarization, not complete destruction. This decision was made to keep the civilian death toll at a minimum and to preserve the infrastructure which of course Russia will have to rebuild itself. Unlike the Ukrainian nazi filth Russia does not target civilians and in fact follows the rules of war down to the last detail.   

         This of course is in contrast to the demonization for war talking points and psychological operations parameters controlling the lies and fabrications coming from the Empire of Lies media, and of course I always mention the media operations because they have become the key to everything in the West. The USA is now a country where elections are bought and puppets are installed according to media operations and social media manipulations which continue brainwashing the masses about anything and everything from the official story about 911, to the righteousness of the USA/NATO illegal wars of aggression, to propagating the fallacy of a two party system and democracy when in reality it the "elite" money-class that now control everything and anything, to the transgender perversion lunacy which keeps everyone busy, to the biological genocide of Covid, the fallacies of global warming etc. etc. et al. The west is under pure fascism, the logical conclusion to the racist genocide based construct that was the United States of America. The CIA can say one thing, when the Director said "When everything the American people believe is a lie we will have won", he was right and they have, in their narrow temporary reality, won. In fact they have not only made the American people believe the lies of the lunatic elites and the architects and puppet masters but they have pulled a large part of the world into the vortex of lies and fabrications, including the Russian people who are now mostly awake and the people of Ukraine who are now be genocided by their Western masters brainwashed into fighting a war they will never win.    

          Any intelligence officer knows that we have been involved in World War III for over a decade now, for the public and those trying to deny the reality still believing that there may be someway to find a peaceful solution the undeclared aggressive war against Russia was labelled a hybrid war, or a proxy war as undeclared aggressive war is a crime against peace, but now even Kissinger, the emissary for the puppet masters who control the entire Neo-Axis has admitted the USA is at war with Russia.

            The Neo-Axis powers however are deceiving the public with their fallacies about their ability to win. The fromer Ukraine alone will never win and neither will the full forces of NATO if they attack for the simple reason that in such a scenario the entire West will be wiped out. As I have written about many times in the past Russia has the strategic advantage due to its unstopaable hypersonic technologies. So while the CIA bought and paid for lackeys supposedly destroyed Russia's defense potential after the collapse of the USSR, there were those patriots in the background preparing for the upcoming World War III. The USA/NATO can not even keep up with the supply of munitions for the tiny little former Ukraine and Russia is only operating at a small percentage of her military potential. It's a fake. What is not fake however is the biological genocide and the theft of Russia's resources around the world, and that is exactly what the Empire of Lies and genocide is doing.  

            Will the USA/NATO stop? No. Not until there are strikes on USA proper. They will only respond to force and will only stop their global aggression when forced to.

The Ukraine: 12+ Facts the West Needs to Know
1. 911 was a terrorist event stage by USA/NATO/Israel
2. 911 was never properly investigated nor the guilty ever “found”.
3. After 911 the USA/NATO decided to take over the world by destroying countries.
4. USA/NATO began their endless expansion and “War of Terror.”
5. In 2013 USA/NATO attempted to expand into the Ukraine using an EU integration agreement and a color revolution. They then deposed the democratically elected president and then installed a nazi junta using endemic racist hate to destroy society.
6. The nazi junta then banned the Russian language spoken by 99% of “Ukrainians”, labelled anyone against them “separatists” and started killing them.
7. In 2014 autonomous Crimea held a referendum and rejoined the Russian Federation ending any possibility of USA/NATO bases in Crimea.
8. In 2014 the Donbass also attempted to leave the Ukraine however as it was not autonomous legally it was not possible. So for 8 years the nazi junta attempted to bomb and kill everyone who was against it.
9. In 2022 the nazi junta attempted to become a nuclear power with USA/NATO nuclear weapons pointed in Moscow’s face and threatened to use them against Russia.
10. After 8 years of Russian speaking civilians being killed by the USA/NATO nazi junta in February 2022 Russia finally intervened launching a Special Operation to denazify. and demilitarize the Ukraine.
11. During the Russian Special Operation the nazi junta continued to attempt to cause a nuclear event by bombing a nuclear power plant using USA/NATO supplied and controlled weapons.
12. In September 2022 the Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhe Regions held referendums to rejoin the Russian Federation

13. Covid 19 was a biological attack against the Russian people.

Inside Russia: the Capitalists, Liberals and the "Elites" Run as Project Russia Collapses

The West brainwashed the Russian people, first into giving up their right to a free place to live, to guaranteed work and free education, then into being voracious consumers of "convenient" Western trash, but the attempt to turn them into slaves of the Neo-Axis failed. - John Robles II

Is it possible for an entire country to be suffering from cognitive dissonance? When the populace has been fed American lies and "dreams" for decades by the media the answer to that question is yes. - John Robles II


The US-led attempt to simply pretend that Juan Guaidó was the actual President of Venezuela - even though not a single person had ever voted for him for that position - was one of the more laughable and pathetic failures of the bipartisan US National Security State. - CIA Limited Hangout Media Diversion Agent Glen Greenwald Diverting from the CIA's Russia Project Failure

The US-led attempt to simply pretend that Alexey Navalny (CIA Agent Freedom) was the actual President of Russia - even though not a single person had ever voted for him for that position - was one of the more laughable and pathetic failures of the bipartisan US National Security State. - Re-worded to reflect one of the real laughable and pathetic failures of the CIA in Russia.

Juan Guaido Ousted By Venezuelan Opposition As 'Interim President'

The fact that Navalny was never on the ballot but the entire "West" and their MOCKINGBIRD media claimed he was a presidential contender was always stunning for me but what was even more stunning was the fact that the CIA and MI6 not only had one puppet president waiting for their color revolution to come to fruition but in fact had several and along with Navalny another one competing with him at the same time, namely Ksenya Sobchak who pretended to be running for president along with Navalny who even had fake election headquarters all over Russia even though neither of them were even on the ballot. Navalny was a trained CIA Agent even undergoing several weeks of training at the CIA's headquarters and Sobchak spent countless months at MI6 facilities in the UK and at Cambridge with Sobchak even appearing before the USA congress promising to depose Putin and promote the perverted LGBTQPBND et al agenda in a country where no one would ever support such sickness.

Now the CIA and MI6 have an entire fake "Russian Government in Exile" or whatever they are calling themselves, sitting on MI6 and CIA money being run by convicted mafia murderer Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who recently called on non-existent minions inside Russia to launch a war of sabotage to overthrow President Putin. However this call will have serious consequences for anyone who would attempt to carry out the orders as Russia has just passed a law making sabotage an offense which carries a life sentence and this includes anyone being trained for sabotage even if they have not been activated. So check and mate on that idea.

Navalny will not be walking around free soon and Sobchak has disappeared into obscurity as her impunity vanished, even running to Israel and exposing the fact she had an Israeli passport and then coming back after being told to stay and wait it out. The only would be puppet left as Sobol, Ponamayrev and Yashin have all been neutralized and now with the foreign agent laws in Russia it will be almost impossible for the CIA and MI6 and MOSSAD to continue their Project Russia. So check and mate on that too.

Then of course there are all the foreign agent, entertainment industry, media hacks and sock puppets for the "West" and "Israel" (that you are not supposed to talk about), who have used the issue of mobilization as one under which to flee Russia in droves, at once proving themselves to be traitors to the Russian World and making themselves useless to their paymasters who paid them billions while they were in place for their zombification of the Russian populace. But there are those state department trained and paid agents who have stayed like Margarita Semonyan and her partner Dimitry Kisilev (state department certified one of 9 MOCKINGBIRD voices in the world), which is a very dangerous and worrying fact.

Given that even Gorbachev was a CIA Agent and the entire Russia Government was infiltrated it is amazing that anything Russian survived. With the flight of a large part of the Russian Jewish "elite" to Israel, the genocide state has reincarnated Netanyahu to try to save the Russia Project, again showing the hand of the Rothschilds who in fact dictate CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD policy.  

In light of the total infiltration President Putin fired the entire government recently and this has had some effect as has the new Russian Constitution and the enacting of real laws against infiltrators and traitors who were operating en-masse inside Russia proper. For 8 years we documented and exposed the atrocities being committed in the former Ukraine by the CIA's nazi filth and we documented the way the CIA installed media failed to cover the events truthfully with programs such as "Dancing With nazis" and endless coverage of the illegitimate puppet nazi junta that the CIA and MI6 installed in the former Ukraine. By legitimizing Poroshenko and the Zelensky as real leaders while the last democratically elected president of the former Ukraine, deposed by the CIA's operatives, had asylum in Russia, the media guarantees and continues to guarantee that the Western puppets will continue to lead. In this regard I have to mention that I had proposed to those running the Voice of Russia that they not allow the nazi puppets a platform but they did not listen and then when the Voice of Russia was liquidated and a friend of Poroshenko became the godfather of the Russian media mafia, it was clear that they were going to continue to try to take Russia apart from the inside. I also remember when I stated that Poroshenko and his nazi junta should all be arrested on RT that there were gasps in the studio, even though I was stated a legally based fact. Needless to say I was never called back to the American UPI journalist run program again.    

The CIA spent hundreds of billions of dollars infilitrating Russia and attempting to liquidate the Russian Federation under Project Russia and unfortunately much of that money came from Russia itself being extracted by globalist corporations, fraud and endless schemes and "partner" programs. The above list of companies which left Russia (all of which could be classified as CIA or MI6 fronts) should give you an idea of the penetration into Russia.

The reminder about the USA every five minutes in the media has lessened as editors and media outlets try to reboot and really be Russian. However the political talk show programs are almost the same. The most important topic they present for Russians is what the USA is doing and that is by design, it can be good it can be bad but the USA must be the continuing narrative. When that is GONE, I will believe that Russia has finally gained its sovereignty and I pray that will happen soon.

I suggest you read my other Russia reports as everyone and everything I have written about has come true and has proven by their own actions to be the traitors and agents I exposed them to be and all of the 5th column forces I have detailed have been neutralized except 3. Even CIA puppet Anatoly Chubais and Skolkovo where they required all scientific work to be done in American English have felt the Z. )))

The last numbers I have are at approximately 600,000 in the first wave and subsequent runners somewhere close to 300,000, which currently gives us at least 1,000,000 foreign agents and traitors who have left Russia. However if we count the last 9 years in total since the nazis were installed in Kiev and Russian nazis and racists also left Russia the numbers are probably close to 4 million. That is a lot of foreign agents by any estimation and all of these would-be super heroes and puppet administrators for the Empire of Lies pose a serious security threat for the Russian State. However cutting the heads off the Empire of Lies' Hydra is having and will have a marked effect and I am talking about heads of media and editors and CIA installed content checkers like Max McCulloch. Again however it is the lone Western radical like Bistritsky's Higher Institute of Economics product who attacked the FSB not long ago and individuals such as students of mine whom I have seen who were running from the draft and ready to get into almost violent arguments as to the greatness of USA soft power icons like Elon Musk who is now helping the Pentagon in their proxy war against Russia and in fact is a material co-conspirator in the mass-murder of Russians. It is these lone radical America lovers who are ready to die for an American dream that does not even exist that pose the newest largest threat putting the lone radicalized jihadists in second position.

As an educator, partially trained psychologist, journalist and long time observer of the human creature I have seen too many young people brainwashed with Western lies and subjected to CIA "Image Operations" who believe the lies and fictions put forward by the West and who, in my opinion can not be deprogrammed in any soft manner. Two years ago Navalny and the 5th column started directly targetting children and these hundreds of thousands of victims have been left on their own with no one to turn to for the truth, many times I saw videos and even witnessed someone who was close to me having a true cognitive break being reduced to a screaming kicking mass.

Since the 1980s the so-called "West" and their influence operations and the traitorous agents inside Russia who have repeated their lies, have attempted to erase the historical memory of Russians and convince them that their only future and the only hope they have is in the West or serving the West. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and in a carefully designed ideological vacuum this was quite easy to carry out. Russian girls were taught and even told by their own mothers that Russian men are not for marriage and that they must learn English so they can find a real husband from America or the West. Almost unbelievable but in fact true and I witnessed this with my own eyes as I taught all age groups and tried to promote Russia to my English students which in the end caused them to report me to the US Embassy and lock me out of my school when they found out I had asylum from their beloved Satanic USA.

This type of mass-brainwashing when taken to the absolute level is what the-genocide-race-based-united-satanic-states-of-america-existing-on-the-territory-of-Turtle Island has accomplished in the former Ukraine where Ukrainians (who are in fact DNA proven Russians) are ready to die by the millions for their "American" masters. However now that the Russian State is fully awake to the threat things will never be the same here in Russia again and for that we can only thank God.

Soviet thinkers, planners and administrators were fully correct in implementing an "Iron Curtain" but there were those like Gorbachev, who were ready to sell their souls and fellow countrymen for a nice suit and lots of money and there lies the weakness that state security must contend with. With the absence of a national idea, patriotism and a sense of duty to country the West will prey on baser human weaknesses like greed and self satisfaction and succeed in creating generation after generation of endless zombified agents ready to die for an "american dream" that does not exist, even for americans.     

The CIA and their billion dollar "Image Operations Sections" and Directorates and the like however keep on trying with lie upon lie upon lie and even many of those Russians who are awake refuse to see or believe the real and present danger that is right in front of them and is a threat to their very existence, preferring instead to believe the comfortable lies that such narratives as mine are conspiracy theories and the like, except I continue to have been right in almost every single case. 

So how can we prevent such genocidal would be global hegemons from taking over? And there are others just salivating and waiting for their chance, such as the Islamic State jihad psychos and the Zionist Greater Israel lunatics. The first step would be banning ideologies of domination and ridding humankind of the desire to dominate over others. Is that possible given the primitvity of the human species? Probably not given the spread of the barbaric European imperial mindset. The natives of Turtle Island had such a society and one which thrived in peace and harmony with nature for thousands of years until the European imperial dominators appeared with their barbaric civilization based on destroying nature and enslaving everything that God created in the name of the anti-Christ which is the Catholic Church.

American Indian society was even an inspiration for Vladimir Lenin as was the genocide of the American Indians for adolf the rothschild hitler. But we are gone and not listened to and even though we cared for God's gift to us all (the planet Earth) God has not come to help us or save us from the barbaric genocidal euro civilizers.

As such God has protected Russia because Russia has not paved over and polluted their lands and Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church have never sanctioned or engaged in genocide against God's creatures, no matter how "primitive" they may have been. But that is the subject of another article....

So will the traitors to Mother Russia keep running? Yeah but this time they will probably not be allowed to come back and stir the flames and brainwash the masses under the instructions of their Western masters. There are currently laws in the works just for that, something which is completely logical and makes perfect sense.

One last note for the racists trying to make people follow KKK Drumpf: Trump is an "elite" he is an instrument of Israel and the Rothschilds and as such can not be trusted even to preside over his own companies. His clever QANON attempt to own the truth movement is disingenuous to say the least, because without 911 truth there is no truth.

As you can tell I hate genocidal america with all my heart and the nazi filth they brought to power in the former Ukraine and I have never supported Israel, nor do I support Islamic lunatics who want the world to pay tribute to only Allah or they can die. We are all God's creatures and anyone who supports killing or enslaving or other wises dominating over God's creatures is not of God. If you arte outraged at reading this then you are one of the zombies. My true and certified hate for America and other would be dominators of mankind is why I am not supported in the mediua and why I am banned everywhere. But, I refuse to be silent and until the real culprits of 911 are hung from posts I will keep the flame of truth burning no matter what. If for anything then 4 teh LULZ

By the way remind me to write about the lack of a societal model after the collapse of the USSR. All that existed was the anarchy of the robber barons and about the false claim that Osama Bin Laden carried out 911. Where is the jihad against the West that he declared and how did 911 help the Muslim ummah? It didn't, it only helped the CIA and Shinbet wage war on Islam. So where is agent Tom Osman right now and what happened to his fake global jihad against the West? All a show by the corporation kids. As long as legitimite historical states such as Russia, have to pander to fake invasion based states such as the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and now the Ukraine there will be no rule of law, there is only rule of force and rule of guns for if the world was ruled by law the sovereign peoples of the states would be the controllers of their own territories and that my friends is where the world took a wrong turn and will NEVER escape barbarism and the fake rule of religions and the corporations. Those are instruments of Empire and domination and like I said until the inhabitants of this life support system stop trying to dominate each other there will be no peace, there will be no love and there will be no future for mankind except more of the same using different instruments. Russia is currently at war with Israel in Syria so the duplicity is staggering.

That is what, now let's look at why and the answer which is thousands of years in the making.

The 911 Neo-Axis NATO Powers, 911, the Corporation and the New/Old World Order - Genocide-19 - August 26, 2019 

The 911 mass murder controlled demolition, their false belief in their own fake exceptionalism and their insane drive for world domination led to the collapse and destruction of the Empire of Lies. - John Robles II 

Everything I ever investigated and wrote about which was labelled "Conspiracy Theory" turned out to be true. - John Robles II

World history has been full of barbaric tyrannical regimes ready to slaughter millions of their fellow humans for wealth and power and the USA and Europe have proven to be the worst. During my days of active journalism when searching for a unifying term to label what I used to term the 911 CABAL, the Corporation or the "West" but which had expanded to a point where it encompassed the world's militaries and intelligence and everything else, turning into what is now the unified Khazarian/Other/Royal Mafia, USA/NATO, Rothschild banker, global Jewish media/Internet, imperial Illuminati and West's military-industrial-intelligence-pharmacological-psychological-bio-complex under the Corporation of the City of London/Rome (Did I miss anyone?), I came up with the term the Complex, however my readers did not understand and the idea did take. The size of the conspiracy became so large that it was difficult for anyone to comprehend, therefore I stepped back and now by their own actions they have made it clear and have thus revived an old term which seamlessly fits, the Axis, or better, the Neo Axis, since the nazis who founded the CIA, NASA and all those "great" fake instruments of genocidal USA exceptionalism like the term neo-nazis, let them have a label that they can wear with "pride" as they are frog-marched in front of tribunals, therefore let it be the Neo-Axis Powers. For me such a container is important in keeping the facts organized in my encyclopedic brain and I am sure that for you dear reader, having such a container will help you keep the facts in order in your struggling brains as well as we move on and map the historical rise and fall of the New/Old World Order and the rise of a New Multi-Lateral Inclusive World Order.

Oh, and by the way, it looks like I am back for one last round, just 4 teh LULZ.))) 

Repost of article that was banned from Live Journal, the only place I published it other than JAR2. Still topical!

Analysis of US/NATO Expansion, Infrastructure and Intentions after US Withdrawal from INF Treaty.

August 26, 2019 - In a public televised statement (link 1) in response to the US testing of INF banned missiles days after exiting the treaty, President Vladimir Putin ordered analysis, conclusions and the formulation of a symmetrical response from all levels on the latest moves by the United States with regard to the recent testing of a now land-based Tomahawk cruise missile launched from a Mark 41 (Mk-41) Vertical Launch System (land) and the planned AEGIS basing of such intermediate range missiles which had been illegal under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed in December of 1987 between the USSR and the USA and which has now been scrapped by the USA side.

By exiting the treaty which forbid nuclear missiles with ranges from 500 to 5,500 kilometers (approximately 310 to 3,420 miles) and was one of the last legal frameworks standing in the way of the US/NATO ongoing attempt to attain Full Spectrum Global Dominance, the USA literally freed their hands to continue with their literal aggressive military takeover of the planet , the obvious conclusion which can be reached from NATO’s non-stop global expansion and directly and inarguably evidenced by the map above which was prepared in 2011 by the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and shows the entire planet under military commands controlled by the USA.

This military takeover of the world by the USA, under the control of what are now labelled as “Deep State Actors” (the managers and administrators of the Corporation of the United States and the agents and controllers of the global banking cartels), has been the underlying subject of hundreds of articles and interviews written and conducted by JAR2 and other alternative research and geo-political outlets opposed to the imperial hegemon and further forensically evidenced by many of our file releases, which when synthesized into a larger picture, detail what could be called the largest conspiracy in the history of humankind. All of our work, from investigating 9/11 and the New World Order to reporting on NATO expansion and the GLADIO/Nazi overthrow of the Ukraine, has been an attempt at exposing the global conspiracy of the USA and NATO and the figures pulling the strings in the shadows. This is important because the military phase is the penultimate major step in achieving their goal of world domination and what can be appropriately labelled as a “Fourth Reich” as it the same actors who funded and started the Third Reich who are behind the current “New World Order” (link 2).

Going back several years in multiple interviews and articles, in particular with Rick Rozoff from Stop NATO (link 3) and Bruce Gagnon the Coordinator for the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space (link 4), I attempted to warn the world of the dangers of the NATO’s Eastward expansion and in particular how supposed “defense” and interceptor systems such as the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 interceptor missiles and the US/NATO ABM “shield”, could be, with the flip of a switch, turned into first-strike offensive weapons. Now with the advent and advancement of so-called “mini-nukes” (as detailed by project GNOME link 5) and briefcase sized nuclear charges, the danger has grown thousand fold. As the President of Russia Vladimir Putin clearly stated, there is no way that we (or anyone) could inspect and verify what is actually inside the missiles and what their exact programming is. I must underline that this would include the exact payload and nature of the actual warheads.

In my extensive reporting on the Ukraine after the illegal CIA orchestrated coup and the installation of an Ukro-Nazi Government, I also laid out the strategic advantage that the USA and NATO were trying to achieve by placing NATO hypersonic missiles on the territory of the Ukraine (link 6 link link link). These were real threats and Russia dealt with them effectively, even going further and achieving absolute strategic superiority with the development of working hypersonic missile and arms technology that left the USA and NATO to play catch up (link 7). With one very important difference, Russia was forced into developing such technology in the interests of her own defense, while the USA continues with their aggressive plans for global domination and the takeover of the world and most importantly for the Russian Federation, surrounding Russia with US/NATO missiles and bases.

We can not underline enough that the biggest danger and threat faced by mankind perhaps in all of its history is now a 200-year-old rogue “nation” based on genocide and built by slaves which is dead set on taking over the world. This is not a “theory” or rhetoric or propaganda, this is the reality that the world is faced with today. The fact is that a country based on genocide and slavery cannot and will never be legitimate and in 2019 the world is suffering from the imperial ambitions of not one but two such nations; one which founded on the greatest genocide in world history and another which is currently committing genocide with impunity with the support of the first. Again it must be underlined that both were founded and run from the shadows by the same forces operating out of the City of London as detailed in extensive reports on (link to NWO research). Of course “Americans” will not want to hear this as they live in an information bubble that brainwashes them into believing the “heroic” nature of the CIA (which is nothing but an organization which commits crimes worldwide) and the “virtuous” bombings and destruction of countries that the USA’s military industrial complex simply makes money off of and carries out for bankers and corporations. However this article is not for them.

Having been literally at war for 226 out of 243 years of its existence, the genocide-based United States of America knows nothing else. Other than of course, the lies, cover-ups, false flags, assassinations, economic terrorism, GLADIO and NORTHWOODS style false-flags and all of the other associated MKULTRA/MOCKINGBIRD (link 8 link 9 link 10) style manipulations that go into keeping the world in a state of endless war and keeping the military industrial complex busy with endless targets.  A country possessing a Shadow Government which would stage an event such as 9/11, slaughtering two thousand of its own people to perpetuate a state of endless global war has no place in the family of nations! Yet no one dares speak out and no organization or even group of countries dares to call out the rogue genociding lunatic that is in fact the United States of America. It is even “open secret” that the USA is carrying out the Fourth Reich ambitions of the 40,000+ Nazi who found refuge in the USA in Operation PAPERCLIP, and stunningly, even while openly spreading racist nazi hate worldwide, the almost total silence against this monstrosity continues! Since the global media and economic bodies are now controlled by Zionists (off-site link) and as Israel is continuing the “work” of the nazis who killed Jews who refused to go to Palestine, this silence is understandable, more so when we consider that the USA is covering for the Zionist entity (link 11) in their genocide of the Semitic peoples of Palestine (link 12) and together they censor, control and eliminate all dissent, criticiism and anyone and anything that counters their fabricated self-serving narrative.

Since the first CIA backed Srebrenica massacre of Serbs  (link 13)  and the ensuing illegal aggressive bombing of what was Yugoslavia that the CIA’s monstrous slaughter of Serbs provoked, the USA has continuously, methodically and systematically travelled down a road of endless illegal wars, blatant illegality and serial withdrawal from every international legal and regulatory framework, treaty and body that serve to facilitate the peaceful coexistence and civilized behavior of the global family of nations thereby literally placing itself outside of the law. Thus the self-aggrandizing, self-appointed global policeman, self-labelled “moral” compass and self-deluded “exceptional” nation, the United States of America is nothing but a rogue mass-murdering nation which shuns legal regulatory frameworks like a rat shuns the light and as always gives some false reason for refusing to adhere to civilized norms (off-site link 14)  while continuing its endless crimes against all of humanity and blaming everyone else for what it itself is actually doing at the current moment.

What state other than a rogue nation would serially violate, exit from, simply ignore or even try to manipulate and control such organizations, treaties, frameworks and bodies such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions (in particular those regarding torture and aggressive war and crimes against peace as well as Protocols I and II), the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Arms Trade Treaty, Russia’s calls to counter the glorification of Nazism, the Kyoto Protocol, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Mine-Ban Treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of the Sea, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discriminations Against Women, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity and that is just a few, the list goes on and on! However this is not new as the foundation of the monstrosity called the USA began with the approximately 374 treaties between the USA and American Indian Nations (link 15 pdf) which were completely ignored including the only law, the Great Law of Peace (link 16 pdf)that was the only legal right the illegal immigrants had to stay in what was called Turtle Island (link 17).

As for the horrendous, never properly investigated and covered up mass-murder-fest and controlled demolitions that was the 9/11 false flag, although it has been blamed on Israel by deep researchers, with dancing Israeli’s and the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies Jerusalem, Washington giving the Deep State CIA lunatics plausible deniability (link 18), the US MIIC is just as guilty as it was the catalyst for the endless illegal wars of aggression the failing hegemon is currently engaged in.

Full Spectrum Dominance (link 19 link) means global domination (a US/NATO base, controlled media and a Rothschild's Central Bank) and the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China (link 20) are the only countries standing in the way of the achievement of such a military scenario, with besieged countries such as Syria (link 21), North Korea (link 22), Cuba, Venezuela (link 23) and Iran (link 24), all of which are currently being targeted with internal destabilization operations (link 25), punitive unilaterally applied economic measures and military grade information warfare operations, also resisting the “efforts” of the would-be-imperial-ruler-of-the-world.

The Core Reason for an INF Exit

As for the real core strategic objective behind the USA’s exit from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, although glibly promoted and propagandized as being because of some vague unfounded completely fabricated and absolutely ridiculous claim regarding a Russian missile system test (off-site link 26), our research has brought us to the conclusion that it will allow the US/NATO to directly target Moscow and Beijing with first strike nuclear missiles with no advanced notice or logistical basing or other measures which would serve to telegraph to the world an impending attack. Such systems would allow the US Military to continue their advancement of remote warfare, taking the drone tactics and autonomous killing to the next level.

In an extreme scenario someone sitting in the Pentagon could simply push a button and missiles would be launched against Moscow or any other target. The danger of such a system can not be stressed enough. For one although they are draped in layers of secrecy, even nuclear warheads and their delivery systems can be hacked, especially if there is an outside communications command and control factor involved, and a nuclear first strike launched by some kid with a Wi-Fi connection. Yes this is yet another nightmare scenario but again one which could be manipulated and allow the US/NATO to “accidentally” strike Moscow and other targets and maintain their beloved “plausible deniability”.

As for ground-basing, the range factor is critically important here because this will allow for the direct targetting of Moscow from anywhere in Europe or even from Israel and of Beijing from US bases in Japan or the Philippines from installations that are already hardened and in place.

With Russia’s ability to simply shut down US Navy warships, as it demonstrated in 2015, it is understandable why the USA would upgrade and move their outdated Tomahawk missiles to land-based launching facilities and as they have lost the strategic advantage to Russia’s hypersonic missile advances. Logically what we are seeing is the application of the US/NATO’s “only” option (link 27). Thus we can already predict that the US/NATO machine will also exit the new START treaty when it comes up for renewal.

Where is the United Nations?

Meanwhile the global body that was supposedly founded in order to prevent one nation or power from attempting to take over the world, the United Nations, as well as global community of nations on the whole, has proven itself to be completely useless in reigning in the would-be rogue hegemon. However this is not surprising in the least, the UN has done absolutely nothing concrete for decades to stop the US/NATO genocides of the peoples of the Middle East, Africa, South America or Eastern Europe, nor has the UN done anything to stop the endless US imperial wars of aggression or the endless crimes by the USA of the most egregious and criminal nature.

From the illegal unilateral bombing of Yugoslavia to redraw the borders of Europe, to the invasions of Afghanistan (link 29), Iraq (link 30), Libya (link 31) , and the 9 or more current hot wars the US is involved in, the UN habitually turns a blind eye to the ultimate crimes of the USA! Crimes Against Peace, torture, rendition, illegal extra-judicial drone assassinations, usurping and destroying states , manipulating populations, outright theft through “sanctions”, narcotics trafficking, terrorism both economic and physical, assassinating presidents, diplomats and journalists (link 32) (Chavez link 33), human trafficking and of course outright genocide through a myriad array of means, of course are crimes that the UN also ignores. Let’s not forget maintaining an illegal extra-territorial torture dungeon in Guantanamo (link 34) , downing passenger aircraft (link 35) (link 36) , bombing and seizing oil tankers and of course 9/11 (link 37), all also ignored by the UN and the world community as a whole. These are not “theories” or “fake news” but documented researched and proven international crimes. The UN and all bodies are silent.

The USA, NATO and their associated allies and “partners” have, by their own behavior and the way they flaunt international law with impunity and systematically remove themselves from all instruments, treaties and bodies that seek to guarantee a civilized and peaceful planet, shown beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have gone rogue. What can be more of a nightmare scenario for the entire planet than a failing nuclear super-power which now exists outside of the framework of international law and which is populated by brainwashed minions who believe in their own impunity and exceptionalism and have decided that billions of innocent people in “shithole countries” must die for the Empire? Again where is the United Nations? Will they finally do something when the US begins to operate under the doctrine of pre-emptive nuclear strikes? Or when the genocides go global? Doubtful. Oh yeah! I forgot! There is that little thing called Agenda 21 (link 38 link link) The UN is in on it…

The Atavism of NATO

The INF was the last arms related agreement between the USSR and the USA/NATO and like the promises of no NATO Eastward expansion, it has now gone into the US shredding machine where all treaties the US signs eventually go. Currently the only arms agreement between Russia and the USA is the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) which by developing new strategic arms such as the “new” Tomahawk the USA is violating, but never mind, move on, nothing to see here.

When the Warsaw Pact and the USSR collapsed, as we have repeatedly stated, NATO should have been liquidated as it was supposedly created to counter the USSR, but the PAPERCLIP empire builders would not let it go. NATO is now the military platform and the front for the USA globally which should be made clear by NATO’s own activities, such as effectively moving the North Atlantic to South America, the Asia Pacific Region and Africa. NATO the atavism is now NATO the global imperial resource and empire force, fulfilling the dreams of its Nazi creators (link). NATO is also the world’s largest and most profitable protection racket, sucking up 3%-5% of every member countries GDP every year. Why sponsor terrorism, set up straw man enemies and demonize countries for war? Obviously because without their own self-created enemies USMil/NATO have no logical reason to continue their expansion and existence. Of course they can not say they are taking over the world!

To speculate a little we might conclude that by leaving the INF and with advances in technology and bloody hands freed with regard to the range of land based nuclear weapons, the Baltics and all other countries targeted for regime change to allow for NATO bases may now be off the hook. For the populations and governments of these countries this is good news! The USA/NATO are now free to abandon the Ukraine, Kosovo and their other vassals in the region as by leaving the INF it is no longer necessary in any “defense” scenario to possess the number of bases worldwide and in particular around Russia, that the USA does and getting close is no longer necessary. Countries like the corrupted post-Nazi coup Ukraine which must be like an endlessly flushing toilet where the US pours in endless dollars may see the dollar teats dry up. But again this is speculation. As I detailed in 2014 in an article for the Voice of Russia World Service titled: “US/NATO Missiles 5 Minutes from Moscow?” (link 6 link link link ) missile batteries in the Ukraine may no longer be needed whatsoever…

By scrapping the INF the USA/NATO have put a big fat period on their real intentions: full military global domination, or as “they” call it Full Spectrum Dominance. This has nothing to do with security, defense or the protection of disposable partners it is and has always been about Empire.

Over 636 US/NATO Military Installations Worldwide

No country in the world has more military bases worldwide than the United States of America (link 28). Why? To defend the USA? No. To defend poor little innocent “partners”? No. The reasons can be argued are many from projecting force and hegemony, protecting their “interests”, threatening countries worldwide with annihilation, and serving as operations centers for their endless global wars, but the real reason which should be clear to anyone, is the literal takeover of the world by force, hence NATO’s Asia-Pacific Pivot and global expansion.

Having military bases worldwide and in this case we must mention Europe, where the USA places its nuclear weapons and will now base these new and illegal nuclear capable land-based Tomahawks, placing the world in the cross-hairs of the USA’s targets. Remember any normal country will based their weapons on their own territory when they are interested in defense, this is logical, and any country will target missiles which are pointed at it.

Thus by placing all of their bases and missiles, for example, in Europe, the USA stays out of the cross-hairs while sitting safely across the Atlantic and Europe becomes the target. It is quite stunning in its cowardice, and thus countries which could be friends to the largest country in Europe, Russia, due to the insane global ambitions of their masters across the Atlantic, become simply cannon fodder for the Imperial Empire to whom they must pay 3% - 5% of their GDP yearly to be protected from a threat the US itself created. Nice racket.

It is truly a no-brainer that the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran and any other country in the cross-hairs of the “West” will be forced to target every single location where the Mark 41 (Mk-41) Vertical Launch Systems are to be installed as well as any suspected US/NATO installations where such weapons as the “new” Tomahawks are based. Given that these are nuclear first strike weapons the response and level of firepower directed at these sites will have to be massive. Thus every location in Europe and the surrounding areas will be in danger of being wiped out and suffering the environmental disaster that would ensue were the collective US/NATO nuclear arsenals to begin detonating all over Europe.

Israel and the lunatics at the Pentagon want to implement a doctrine of “Preventive Nuclear Strikes” this is a fact, now think very hard on this point, if “big bad old Russia” employs such a doctrine in a symmetrical response, all of these locations in Europe could be wiped out at any given moment without warning. After all they are a true threat and eliminating the threats through a preventive strike, if we follow the “logic” of Washington, would be “normal”.

According to duplicitous disinformation spread by CIA/MOCKINGBIRD media outlet CNN: “The concept, the official said, would be to position the missiles in militarily advantageous positions from which they could fire past Russian defenses and target ports, military bases or critical infrastructure.” Meaning of course the Kremlin itself. CNN says no systems have been developed or based, but the recent test off California proves this is a complete lie.

It is also stunning that for decades and decades there has been almost no resistance by the international community and the family of nations to the USA’s imperial military expansion, even into space. With regard to the silence it is important to underline that the FVEY countries under the direction of MOSSAD and the CIA (Talpiot, Hasbara, US Army Psychological Operations, Marine Corps Intelligence, NSA, GCHQ, ASIS, et al) and finally Rothschild’s IMF/WB ASTEROIDS for the dirtiest work, have been engaged in a secret war of assassination, disinformation, subversion, recruitment and MKULTRA/MOCKINGBIRD military grade mind control operations against the world’s civilian populations.


Our conclusion in simple layman’s terms, is that the USA and NATO literally want to be sitting in their comfortable offices overseas counting their billions while, figuratively speaking, an autonomous armored car with a nuclear gun is pointed at the heads of Russia and China as they are forced to follow the dictants of the genocidal NWO lunatics in Washington and the City of London.
Globalists Phase

The Globalists had their chance and the Clintonite’s failed to completely buy out the world and install the New World Order, the TPP, the LGBTQBDIN Agenda et al, now the military “professionals” have been given free reign to continue with the military phase of the takeover of the world. As we see it this is the penultimate phase. Once the military takeover is complete, the Final Solution or “depopulation” genocide and Agenda 21 will begin!

A Symmetrical Response

A symmetrical military response, if Russia also begins placing INF prohibited nuclear weapons around the world, might include basing elements of Russia’s new hypersonic and other systems in Cuba (Guantanamo Bay for example) placing Miami, for example, less than 300 kilometers away, into a less than two minute annihilation scenario. Or perhaps in Venezuela, bringing the Pentagon and Washington into the 3,300 kilometer range, this would be a very effective measure and would cost Russia very little to carry out. Or Russia and China could simply drop the petro dollar, close out all accounts and connections to the IMF and WB and rid themselves of all US debt, obligations and dollar reserves. Finally Russia and China could delist themselves as corporations in the city of London and withdraw from all of the treaties and instruments of control that the London Bankers and the Federal Reserve Cartels have tied them too.

In related news the now Rothschild controlled G7 (Macron/Johnson) is now discussing the return of Russia (without including Russia) as bait to get Russia to let them have their military expansion tools.

Finally I would like to share a typical response I have received from “Americans” as a sovereign further underlining the fact that “Americans” on react to force: “You want your land back? We are armed to the teeth. Come and take it!”

The great game continues.

Update: Due to the US leaving the ABM treaty Russia was forced to take measures to protect its strategic interests and has officially stated that the recent accident near Archangelesk was due to testing of arms made necessary due to the US' actions.

Russian nuclear accident linked to weapons built ‘after US withdrawal from ABM Treaty’

Russia voice concerns over Asia Pacific pivot

Russia concerned over US plans to deploy intermediate-range missiles in Asia-Pacific

After silencing the World as to the 911 NATO Israeli false flag and unleashing nazis in Europe again in the 21st century, insane with their own impunity and mad with their designs of Hegelian Dialects and covert means to use terror to obtain their professed desire for full spectrum dominance, the criminals of the Neo-Axis NATO nazi powers, after being caught collecting Russian DNA in the former Ukraine, then set free the Fort Detrick DARPA developed Covid terror onto the world in an attempt to genocide Russians and demonize China for their Asia Pacific Pivot. With their elites publicly proclaiming their desire to genocide 8 billion humans while at the same time trying to get a billion dollars from every country in the world in their failed climate change scam, USA/NATO committed an act of biological warfare at a level never before seen in human history and since they own the global media and almost all international over watch bodies they have gotten away with it. Just another reason why the Empire of Lies must be eradicated forever. 

I invite you to read my articles on the matter beginning with these two links:


The 911 NATO/Nazi Global Axis 5% GDP Scam and the Failed Asia-Pacifc Pivot

To summarize and understand the true essence of NATO all you need is one small fact: NATO client states pay 2%-5% of their GDP annually forever. - John Robles II

NATO only exists to solve the problems NATO creates. Hence the CIA/NATO/Shinbet 911 false flag, the endless GLADIO false flag terror attacks and the endless destabilization operations. Just ask yourself, where did all those false flag investigators go and why was Alex Jones fined a billion dollars for exposing a false flag? The MIIMC needs enemies to justify their existence and their endless gluttony for more funding. Without NATO there would have been world peace.

The nazis who founded NATO will not give it up. It is a cash cow for the global elites who make their profit on war and terror. It is also the biggest protection racket in the history of mankind raping countries for 2%-5% of GDP annually for being a "protected" client state.

The map of the world above was one of the leaks from the MIC when the Internet was still free. It clearly shows the thinking of the Neo-Axis powers, namely that they rule the world. Militarily USA/NATO believes they even own Russia, China and the rest of the planet. And where is the United Nations an organization founded to prevent such a global takeover? Nowhere. The UN is now just an arm of the Neo-Axis.

The headline states that the Asia Pacific pivot has failed and that is a fact as it was dead before it even started. Why? For several reasons. Number one is that there is no threat in the Asia-Pacific Region other than the USA/NATO and there are not enough USA puppet states in the region to pretend there is a need for protection. Secondly Asians will never be brought into a mindset where they are ready to have some crude Anglo-Saxon genociders coming in and demanding 2%-5% of their GDPs every year forever. USA/NATO has successfully demonized Russia and created a "Russian threat" by unleashing nazi terrorists in Russia proper again but Asians know all this and Russia, since the times of the Mongol Hordes has never posed a threat to Asia, hence the straw man "threat" of China which the lunatics in the Pentagon think will work, but again China has never been a threat to Asian countries to warrant them giving up their sovereignty and 2%-5% of the GDP annually to some crude cowboy Yankees for protection. That is like the American Indians asking the Vatican for protection, or Serbs asking NATO for protection. Something which almost happened recently so I guess anything is possible since the world has apparently gone insane.

China, Mongolia and the Asian countries have long rich histories in military matters and something that the West knows nothing about, that being honor. It would be an unforgiveable loss of face and disgrace to ask Anglo-Saxon dip-shit General Dudley Transgender to come and protect them. Taiwan was the only real hope NATO had but their color revolution bullshit failed there too, leaving Myanmar and South Korea but those puppet client states have lost their puppet leaders as evidenced by the Rohingya genociding Clinton puppet Sang Suki who is now in prison. Japan of course remains a USA puppet not even being nuked by America has caused them to try to regain their sovereignty but sex starved USA "servicemen" raping Japanese girls put a little damper into USA bases in Japan. However Japan has apparently forgotten that to in their slovenly pandering to the Yankee scum across the sea.

Central Asia and the former Soviet Republics were targetted for color revolutions and demonizing Russia operations but those will fail too. Who in their right mind in Asia would even want USA/NATO anywhere near their countries after over two decades in Afghanistan failing to attain a victory over sheep herders and opium farmers?

Which brings me to my last point and that is the sudden NATO desires of Finland, Sweden and those other would be USA/NATO puppets who must be living in an alternative universe where logic runs backwards. Here you have taxi driver run NATO which is going to lose in the former Ukraine after losing an illegal undeclared war in Afghanistan and devastating every country it entered since Yugoslavia, and these countries want NATO "protection"? Look at the Ukraine, since taking it up the backside for USA/NATO and becoming a full-fledged 100% USA run colony, the Ukraine has been devastated first by a civil war while NATO tried to kill all of those opposed to it for 8 years and then by the will of the people who have chosen to rejoin Russia, which in the end will be all of what was the Ukraine rejoining Russia, its historical homeland (except maybe Lvov which Poland will try to take). All of this and there are countries that WANT to join NATO and given the USA/NATO 2%-5% of their GDP annually and forever? Are they out of their minds? It is one thing that Europe has forgotten that it is the trash they evicted from Europe that became the United States then has come back to dictate what they should do, but giving up their complete sovereignty to the genocide based USA forever? Why? Because the banksters and the elites say so I suppose. And there you have the problem. They call it "the Great Game" which is nothing but primitive barbaric power mad domination.

NATO is the resource/riches stealing tool for the Empire of Lies, at this moment they are stealing Syrian oil and for 20 years they were trying to control the global opium market, which is another reason the Asia Pacific Pivot will fail. Asians are not going to give up their resources so easily and as we have seen neither is Russia although they managed to suck out quite a lot after the collapse of the USSR. 

NATO is an atavism, a destabilizer, a sponsor of terror and a terrorist tool of the Satanic Empire of Lies and as that empire collapses we hope and pray that NATO goes with it.           


 The Vatican as the 4% Legitimizer for the Genociders 

From the Blog 31-12-2022

Religion - Someone asked me if I celebrate Catholic Christmas and my question is why would I celebrate the holidays of an organization that is responsible for the genocide of my people (the American Indians - Doctrine of Discovery) and labelled us animals and continues and has been committing genocide against my other people (Russians - Crusades) since the 1200s? One only has to study a little history and have a rudimentary knowledge of scripture to understand that the Catholic church has nothing to do with Christianity in the same way as Islam or Judaism. We are all God's creatures and Jesus never segregated those who came to listen to him, he never relegated this or that person due to their racial features and he himself was not of European appearance. Islam allows for the killing of those who do not follow Allah and in fact promotes it, as does Catholocism and Judaism, the latter even elevating themsleves to the level of "the chosen" as they commit genocide worlwide and enslave the goy who they deem they have the right to kill. The bible says do not worship false Gods and the image of Catholic Jesus is the son of Pope Borgia, hence the worship of a false god right from the start. The Catholic is the most racist genociding organization in history and thus the Catholic Church is the true anti-christ and this is evident in all of the evil they are involved in today and all of the evil they condone, even silently, the most Satanic being the LGBTQPBND etc. agenda. So no I do not celebrate Catholic events. Given that I was the son of a Lutheran minister and his German wife an ex-Catholic nun who was forced to study all those stories you might take note. Finally it is not polite to ask someone what their religion is, my religion is my faith and it is not for show or as part of the public dialogue and those who know me and are worthy already know. I celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.


The historic civiliational wars

That is what and why, now let's look at the how.

 The Corporations and Their Corporate Fascist Davos Illuminati Satanic World Order

The Corporation - Capitalism is Satanism

I was going to write about how the West is collapsing, how the world is waking up to the real racist fake genocidal nature of the Empire of Lies, how the more they strive to dumb down befuddle and control the masses they more they slip into the abyss and how their fake god the dollar is worthless and will soon be abandoned but given the IPs visiting this site and the complete erasure of the name John Robles from Joogleplex it is clear they are growing desperate and have run out of ideas which is a wonderful things.

Let the Ukraine Special Operation drag on and bring the Western MIIMC which is supporting wanna be nazi filth quicker to its bloody end.

Nobody cares about Schwab or Musk or Gates anymore anywhere, we have seen your insatiable greed and genocidal essence. Even your "Critical Race Theory" is so plainly a last desperate grab at trying to maintain your delusional supremacy. God is real and soon he will come and rip the evil souls out of your containers and send them to eternal hell, of this there is no doubt.

So "elites" keep doing what your doing, keep lying censoring, committing mass-murder, genocide, lying about pandemics which you orchestrated, global warming which you created and tried to fake with your chemtrails and keep on orchestrating wars because your highway to hell is coming to an end.

We will make america Turtle Island Again and every day we will stroll by the trees you were hung by and spit on your graves. - The Untermensch

 Now you know who I mean by "WE" -  WE ARE THE UNTERMENSCH - KNEEL DOWN BEFORE US


On The Treason of the VOR's Liquidation and the CIA's/MI6's Agents in the Media, "Civil Society", the Russian Government and Throughout the Russian Federation

           The liquidation of the independent sovereign global Voice of Russia World Service, which had an audience of almost half a billion worldwide, was a CIA/MI6 ordered, paid for and orchestrated blood bath carried out by traitors to the Russian State and the Russian World and agents of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD so that Russia had no voice to counter the lies required to demonize it for the long-planned liquidation and destruction of the Russian Federation. 

What you are about to read is a factual witness account of multiple CIA/MI6/MOSSAD operations in the Russian Federation which came under the umbrella of the CIA's Project Russia which itself is just a stage in the Rothschilds' Masonic/Stanic New World Order. The author was active and perhpas in some cases instrumental in stopping many of these operations but has paid an incredible price facilitated by the West's agents operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and entrenched in the government, the organs of power, at the top of civil society and almost completely populating the level of the so-called elites. Due to several events it has been decided to publish what will probably be the author's last article and it is hoped that those in the Intelligence Services, State Security and real patriots in the Russian Government and the judiciary will use the information contained herein and other corroboratory information that has already been delivered to Russian Intelligence to neutralize the threats and actors contained herein.     

The operations and information contained herein goes back to the 1980s in fact and although the liquidation of the sovereign global Voice of Russia World Service was the crown jewel for MI6 and the CIA the authors corroborated information includes hundreds of other operations that were being carried out by the CIA and MI6 (including 911) and which the author spent the better part of his adult life exposing and neutralizing.

At the beginning it was enough to just expose covert operations and crimes but the world has changed. At the beginning I was verifying and corroborating leaks and information that I was uncovering regarding operations in Russia and 911 with a person I thought at the time was a Russian Agent in the UK who turned out to be an MI6 asset, something which inadvertently led to the creation of the limited hangouts called WikiLeaks and Snowed-In. In my first days I had no idea how high the level of evil went but now it is clear that it goes above the top.

(content to be added here)

  The Liquidation of the VOR: Silencing Russia for the Upcoming Genocide - Liars to Putin, Traitors to the Russian World - How the CIA/State Department Planted Their Trojan Horse Agents Inside Russia (How we got to where we are today, where Russian has no voice worldwide.)

My silence was guaranteed by the imprisonment of my son and threats against my daughters. Now with operation Z those threats are gone and I can speak freely. - John Robles II

The denial of documents is a fascist nazi tactic which first the US Government employed against me and then which was continued by the CIA's agents inside, first the Russian FMS and then MVD, all under the watchful eye of Valentina Kazakova whom I met personally and begged for help in 2012 at the height of my work at the VOR.

The liquidation of the Voice of Russia World Service was a bloodbath and a victory for the Neo-Axis neccessary for the upcoming World War III and the liquidation of the Russian Federation which would be the culmination of "Project Russia" . - John Robles II

I have this problem, Radio Moscow (the VOR) is always in my ear. -  Paul Joseph Goebbels

The staged arrest of a Sputnik Editor allowing Dimitry Kisilev to pretend to be a journalist and play the victim card is right out of the Illuminati handbook (no investigator should be distracted) and the FBI gang stalking attempted murder of my son are proof that what is contained herein is historic.  - John Robles II

I was literally poisoned in the offices of Dimitry Kisilev in a meeting with Kotchetkov and spent almost four days on the floor of my apartment coughing up blood. That is attempted murder of a journalist for engaging in the fulfillment of his duties. There has never been an investigation nor has anyone ever questioned such mafia tactics by the ambitious individuals involved who in fact consolidated all Russia State media under their own control. The Jewish mafia inside the Russian Government completely paid for and in control of their Western masters while pretending to be Russian patriots firghting for Russia. It is time to eliminate this 5th column.   

The following are some quotes by the 5th column for all of my journalistic work exposing the West and defending Russia. Things came to a boil after almost 50 articles about the Ukraine and the installation of a nazi junta there. There was even a CIA plant from naval intelligence named Max McCulloch working for the 5th column as a content editor and a Pole named Bespalov.

Main points:

1. The Voice of Russia World Service (former Radio Moscow International) on the eve of its closing had 480,000,000 daily listeners worldwide. Plus the Internet (110,000 hits a day+ for the main English Service) where my articles alone were getting hundreds of thousands of hits a day. It was always the number one or two global broadcaster. Ineffective? Really?!?!?!!!!

2. My task was making the English Service more effective and I took their social media from 62 followers to over 1,200,000 in less that 3 years.

3. The VOR was a world renown broadcaster and a household name.

4. The VOR was cited and quoted by the world's press on a regular basis.

5. The VOR transmissions could not be blocked or stopped unlike Internet and television.

6. The VOR was 100% armored from outside interference hence it was taken apart from within.

7. The VOR infrastructure was a military asset used for coms.

8. The VOR was the sovereign voice of the Russian World, the Russian State and the Russian Government.

9. The VOR transmitted and had websites in 46 languages.

10. The mission statement of the VOR was to support the Russian President and the Russian Government.

11. Over 2,500 people worked at the VOR.

12. Among citations and mentions about the VOR on the eve of its liquidation Hillary Clinton declared that the USA had lost the information war.

13. The VOR was the ONLY top level global broadcaster in the world which questioned 911 and supported Palestine.

14. Hundreds of people were poisoned and killed by the foreign agents inside the VOR (CIA, MI6, MOSSAD). My own poisoning failed. Meaning there were murderers in the staff and CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD assets. The chief suspect was an SVR officer recruited by MI6 who worked in management.

15. The insiders guilty of promoting and facilitating the liquidation are and were guilty of treason.

16. The CIA attempted to use the VOR as a Color Revolution propagator and to meddle in the election of 2012. 

17. All of my work at the VOR was sanctioned by upper management everything I did was controlled by editors but was then deleted by orders of Dmitry Kisilev and Margarita Semonyan. 

18. I was the leading voice at the leading broadcvaster worldwide against the West. Then demonized into marginalization.

19. I always served Putin and the Russian World in all my work.

Facts regarding foreign meddling, the liquidation, crimes and treason by those involved.

1. When the final decision was being made as to who would be terminated we were all asked to write an essay on the Great Patriotic War for the "liquidation commission" and those, like myself who wrote the truth were terminated.

2. The orders and strings were being pulled by Linick, the controller for the USGMA, the Board of Governors or whatever name they are using now as they keep renaming it. Mitrofanov cut the funding of the VOR but then had to leave the country.

3. The actual order by President Putin stated to reorganize the VOR and liquidate RIA-Novosti but they did the opposite. Meaning the liquidation was completely illegal and in direct violation of the president's order.



Quotes and direct statments to witness John Anthony Robles II (JAR2):

The VOR is a broken piece of Soviet propaganda. - Margarita Semonyan (CIA "State" trained media "voice")

We will fabricate a criminal case against you for your articles. - Sergey Sayenko Vice Editor VOR English

Michael McFaul is my friend on Facebook and told me to delete your article. - Andrey Bistritsky Chairman VOR

We can do whatever we want to you. What are you going to do, call the United Nations? - Oleg Dmitrev (Liquidator of VOR)

When we talk about Israel we only speak neutrally or positively. - Olga Pavlovna (personnel upon hiring)

That was not a US passport in my drawer it was a travel document. - Victoria Alhimova (US citizen editor of English Service)

You are nothing but some louse on a stump. - Sergey Kotchetkov (Vice Chairman Rossiya Sevodnya before I was poisoned)

There should only be nine voices in the world and I will be one of them. - Dimitry Kisilev (CIA "State" certifed chairman RS)

No one is going to investigate the liquidation of the VOR. - Security Official

You are a traitor to America. Everyone is against you. I am against you. - My Russian FMS Inspector who destroyed my family and knew everything about my work and my activities in Russia.

People (patriots of Russia) at the VOR UK are receiving death threats from management. - UK journalist.

Bistritsky, Alhimova etc are guilty of treason. - Russian Army translator at the VOR

Mitrofanov cut off our funding. They have 198 people as paid staff but there are only about 46 (about English Service). - Luba

We know you are working for Security. You are a Russian agent surrounded by foreign agents. - Pavlovna

Terrorist number one is still alive. On a t-shirt with Putin's picture worn by announcer Gorbachev in the English Service.

More to come...

To be populated soon, naming names and all the bloody details. Given the current state of the global media it is now 100% clear even to the casual observer why the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD went to such lengths to destroy the VOR.

Written in 2014 shortly after the liquidation and previously saved as part of my insurance package.

The Truth About VOR - 2014 Pastebin Insurance File

Over just a few months significant changes have taken place in the Russian news services. From specialists who carefully monitor the Russian mass media and the Kremlin, to the casual observers who like to watch events in Russia, nobody could have failed to notice that something dramatic has occurred.

On 9th December 2013 came the surprise announcement that the Voice of Russia and the RIA Novosti news agency were to be liquidated. The subsequent changes were expected to be massive, and designed to consolidate all information flow and propaganda under Kremlin control. However, it is only now becoming clear just how insidious is the nature of the merger, which leads one to doubt whether President Vladimir Putin or his chief propaganda man, Dmitry Kiselyov, really do know what is happening within the new organisation. Accurate information is not being reported to these top men, and they are obviously being misinformed about the real situation.

President Putin has waged a defensive war against the encroachment into Russian society and the Russian state by the CIA, NATO, USAID and U.S. NGOs. Putin’s defence would appear to have been effective, at least on the surface, but in reality the war has already been lost when we analyse the current state of the Russian media.

Consider Operation “Room With a View”, which was a plan to bring about the liquidation of one of the most strategic targets of the CIA in its war with the USSR. Like Gladio, Northwoods and 9-11, Operation Room With a View was apparently never shut down, despite the political changes that have occurred within the former USSR’s territories.

Operation Room With a View envisaged the destruction of the CIA’s single largest information opponent - the Voice of Russia - and was so named because it was a secret goal of the Rockefeller family, one of the chief financiers of the plan, to own an apartment overlooking the Kremlin and Red Square, on the site of what was the VOR at 25 Pyatnitskaya Street.

To accomplish such a goal would indicate the complete destruction of the Russian State and demonstrate the domination of Russia by the US. The Voice of Russia has now been liquidated, and it is only a matter of time until the state owned property at 25 Pyatnitskaya Street is sold off. This coup de grace will mark a final victory for the CIA and the Rockefeller family in their long running war against the Russian state.

It is a prime strategic objective of any state or entity, wishing to dominate over a target country or power, to seize control of the state media - this applies in any sort of war; cold or hot, overt or covert. This principle is even truer today than it was at the height of the Cold War, as we live in an age of information technologies. Any alert observer can see how these United States neo-conservative 9-11 coup powers have continued to implement their plan for total world domination, they wage illegal wars of aggression and replace leaders and regimes at will, and any media outlet that sheds light on this illegality becomes a target itself.

The classic war scenario has been seen many times before: the victor seizes all the state media outlets, and begins transmitting on the defeated party’s airwaves, hence declaring the complete defeat of its enemy. This process has been going on by stealth within the Russian media since the end of the Cold War.

It was a decree issued by President Putin himself that led to the liquidation of the Voice of Russia, but this decision represents a victory for the CIA that had them celebrating for weeks. The fact that RIA Novosti was to continue as it was, served as the literal icing on the cake for the CIA and the Rockefellers, and all the other neocon Russia haters, as this agency was already under their control. But it does not end there; with Putin’s delusional propaganda man and hero of Russia, Dmitry Kiselyov, running the whole thing under the name of the US infiltrated Russia Today, this was a big bonus for the CIA.

Sources who formerly worked inside these organisations are now talking about what they know, and as the organisations no longer exist their disclosure agreements do not apply. The story being told is that the liquidation of the Voice of Russia was like a bloodbath, and a real coup for the western corporate media, the CIA and those forces intent on damaging Russia.

On the surface, the appearance was that the anti-Kremlin RIA Novosti and the US apologist Voice of Russia were being liquidated because they did not effectively promote Russia or the Russian state. However, this was only partially true in the case of RIA Novosti, which took an almost openly anti-Kremlin and anti-Putin stance, its liquidation was long overdue. The situation with the Voice of Russia was quite different, as that organisation had to be infiltrated and taken apart to give the appearance that it had been compromised and was against the Kremlin, in order to justify the liquidation order being necessary.

For those interested in the Soviet Union and later Russia watchers, Radio Moscow, which eventually became the Voice of Russia (the official voice of the Russian Government), was always a direct source for information about Russia and a reliable place to learn about the opinion of official Moscow. Therefore the complete liquidation of the Voice of Russia, the first worldwide broadcaster in history and an icon in the history of world media, into nothing more than a page on the RIA-Novosti website and a couple of channels in English speaking countries, may have been unexpected.

Radio Moscow and the Voice of Russia had for a long time the status of being household names, whereas the liquidation of RIA Novosti, a little known brand in the West, with its anti-Kremlin editorial policies, was less obviously going to be noticed.

For information consumers, and others active in the global mass media or information dissemination fields, who were worried by corporate and government control of the mass media, in particular by the US Government and the governments of its allies, the Voice of Russia and Russia Today were seen as perhaps two of the last bastions of media freedom in the world. Both of these outlets covered issues, people and opinions that no one else would, and this was one of the key reasons why they were targeted by the CIA.

Those who want a more independent, strong and free media, compared to the West’s fabricated narrative and mainstream media corporate propaganda, were hoping that the liquidation would lead to a stronger more independent and truthful body and an end to the western neo-liberalism that was creeping into Voice of Russia programming. It was also obvious to all that there was a softening of the Russian position, in an attempt to appease the West and appear “inoffensive” to those brainwashed by the US MSM.

Many news consumers, experts, politicians, information activists and those concerned with issues unpopular with the US Government, relied on the Voice of Russia for a balanced view and an alternative and more importantly an honest narrative of the events of the day. In many cases VOR was one of the few sources of reporting on issues banned from western mass media outlets. Sadly those media consumers must be extremely disappointed if they had hoped for a more robust and independent media alternative.
For the supporters of WikiLeaks and for those who fight for truth in the media and for information to be free, unfortunately more freedom is not on the cards. The CIA, the globalists and their army of oligarchs and CIA moles have apparently won.

If the CIA, NATO, the US Government and the Western mass media, who are waging information warfare worldwide, were worried about their narrative being challenged then they can breathe a sigh of relief. The truth has been relegated to the least important place in the Russian or English language press, or in other words to page 23, if it is there at all.

The destruction of the Voice of Russia occurred from within and it was a process that took place over some time. Despite the robust and pro-Russian editorial policies of the Russian language service, whose editorial guidelines started with the phrase: “We are here to serve the President of the Russian Federation”, the infiltration of anti-Russian elements took their toll. There were attacks on the credibility of the VOR through other services, and these attacks were designed in such a way as to either put blame on non-Russian staff, or to give the appearance of “soft-propaganda”, or to simply “please the audience”.

The key target for the CIA was of course the VOR’s English Service and those who staffed it. There have been many popular presenters over the years, from Kiril Watts, aka Karl Watts, the founding voice at Radio Moscow International, to an American “refugee” John Robles who according to his own words “assisted the Russian intelligence agencies”. But many of the staff of Kremlin propagandists, KGB cooperators and VOR personalities were on secret CIA lists either as targets for recruitment, as persons of interest or even marked for outright assassination.

Through USAID media connected NGOs, influence could be exerted on political parties such as the Yabloka Party run by USAID poster boy Boris Nemstov. Through the placement of CIA and MI-6 assets in upper management positions the CIA and its “special partner” MI-6 were able to infiltrate and manipulate editorial policy and the content of the VOR. Even the former chairman was manipulated through his “friendship” with CIA colour revolution architect Michael McFaul, who had been sent to Moscow to carry out a regime change operation against President Vladimir Putin.

The office of the Yabloka Party, located a block and a half from 25 Pyatnitskaya Street was an ideal location to monitor the VOR and to meet sources. The CIA was also able to monitor the entire building at 25 Pyatnitskaya, which was hooked into an NSA surveillance net. The site contained over 2,500 computers, and thousands of microphones and video cameras, as well as a magnetic card entry system. Everyone who worked at the VOR, and everything that went on there, was instantly known to the NSA/CIA.

Russian Counter-Intelligence was aware of the situation and they implemented counter measures to block the surveillance. However, the NSA, aided by access through “back doors” into Windows XP, which was installed on every computer at the VOR, the monitoring of social media, access to the telephone servers, RF monitoring and access to VOR servers, meant that the NSA was able to monitor and even interact with every process going on at the VOR.

The CIA was able to place assets in all the key areas, and these agents were used to alter information in reports, to discredit or kill stories, and even to threaten and intimidate staff to present the news in a way that aided the US. There are also suspicions that some staff have been assassinated, as was the case with Karl Watts. Mr. Watts was targeted at a café in Egypt when he was on holiday and had been on a CIA hit list for decades, although he was not easily accessible and due to his status during Soviet times he would have been too dangerous to liquidate.

People who worked in VOR’s Internet Department have stated that there were “secret editorial” policies in place. Staff were given verbal instructions about how to operate, but no written record was allowed to be kept in case these instructions became known to others. One example indicating subversion, and an attack on the sovereignty of Russia, was the constant placing of American flags on the home page of the VOR website. According to sources, this concern was noticed and commented on by many staff over the years, and was reported with other editorial policies and suspicious activity against the Russian state to the law enforcement bodies, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office and even the FSB.

Many of the staff at the VOR had participated in the Bolotnaya Protests, and these people have actively been involved in promoting or suppressing various issues and persons in support of the CIA and NSA - in other words they were acting like Fifth Column operatives. According to one source, many of the staff were also vehemently opposed to President Putin and this was reflected in editorial policy and the message that was being broadcast.

One of those who was active in the Bolotnaya Protests, Linda Miles, is now a key figure at Radio VR, and she was brought on board by Maxim Krassovsky, another Fifth Columnist working at RIA-Novosti. Krassovsky turned up in 2010, when the VOR was just beginning to regain its former glory. Sources inside the VOR have said that the editorial polices Krassovsky brought with him led to a “softening” of the message, the extensive use of social media, in order to facilitate NSA surveillance, a reduction in reporting NATO stories, and also no questions about 9-11 or American neo-conservatives.

Another interesting figure is a translator named Mikhail who was a leading asset for CIA operations at the VOR. Recruited through contacts in the People’s National Party, the Russian nationalist organisation, his style of translating was very effective in discrediting the VOR and the Russian Government. According to sources he was banned from the site but not until he had successfully done much damage to the station’s message over many years.

In accordance with the secret policy guidelines, the translators and those producing transcripts would often misquote or make seemingly innocent errors, resulting in text that would state the exact opposite of what was actually said. For example, when the issue of NATO missile defence plans was being discussed, many officials were being translated as making statements in favour of NATO, when what they actually said was quite the opposite.

Information on the sources of stories and interviews were continuously passed on to the CIA, and this led to several deaths and attempted assassinations. Even when dealing with vulnerable sources, the full name and contact information of all sources was required to be in the possession of VOR upper management, who then passed the information on to the CIA. Such information included the details of key WikiLeaks members, the Occupy Movement activists, and many others.

During the final years of the VOR, there were several instances of extreme measures being taken to cripple the effectiveness of the organisation. On one occasion a member of staff, who was responsible for the VOR Facebook page, was called into a meeting and threatened with a baseball bat because she had spoken out in support of Hugo Chavez, at the time when the CIA was in the process of liquidating him. On multiple occasions the website was completely redesigned in such a manner that links were lost, material disappeared and the Google ranking dropped. It was apparent that such action was taken for the purpose of suppressing and eliminating information, stories and material that was damaging to the CIA.

MI-6 even sent in an operative who had worked for the BBC Russian Service and was tasked with keeping stories about MI-6’s involvement in Moscow out of the news.

According to several former employees of the Voice of Russia, whose jobs were affected by the shakeup at the VOR and who provided information for this report, the greatest changes began with the appearance of Mark Stolyar, Victoria Alhimova and Ekaterina Pavlovna.
These individuals were given complete control and unlimited authority to make whatever changes they desired to the Voice of Russia. Several former employees considered these changes to be equivalent to subversion and they filed complaints with the Russian Investigative Committee and even the Federal Security Service. Apparently these complaints were not pursued, and the complainants were conveniently brushed aside, ignored or marginalized, which was made easier in the confusion as VOR went through the breakup process.

A long list of employees were judged to be “too old” or “too Soviet” in their views on defending Russia and its political position, and they were dismissed along with entire departments. The destruction of VOR was systematic: Russian culture programmes, historical programmes, music programmes and even Russian Orthodox Church programmes, all were axed and cut from the schedule. Notable commentators like Valentin Zorin and others were quietly removed from the station, although they had spent their lives promoting the Russian State and the Russian Government.

Under the triumvirate of Alhimova, Pavlovna and Stolyar everything Russian at the VOR was eradicated and anyone pro-Russia and pro-Putin was marginalised, threatened, sacked or simply forced out. Their policy was to demand an unquestioning compliance with any order they issued, and this caused many staff to leave, especially those who understood these individuals’ hidden agenda.

Before the liquidation there should have been no place for neo-conservative western views and opinions, as these had nothing to do with Russia and are in fact contrary to the official Russian position on major issues. But such views began to creep into the station and into the content of the Voice of Russia. With the appearance of the Washington bureau there followed endless hours of broadcasts by people who infiltrated the VOR, like US CIA analyst Thom Hartman. Although many staff and listeners protested against these unwelcome changes, nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the aims of this Fifth Column within the organisation.

According to one source Alhimova, Pavlovna and Stolyar all hold American passports and no one really knows where they originated from. Stolyar was apparently recruited by the CIA in Ukraine, Pavlovna’s husband works in the Russian Presidential Administration, and Alhimova appears to be the key controller or the fall guy. Stolyar and Pavlovna now have positions at the Echo Moskvy radio broadcaster.

During their tenure, and before the liquidation order from President Putin, these three people successfully closed down all of the centralised apparatus of the Voice of Russia including the news bureau, from which all language services obtained material with which to present a unified voice. All shortwave broadcasts were also completely closed and the entire message from the station was softened.
The entire organization, that took decades to build, recently celebrated its 80 year anniversary. At its peak the station broadcast to 800 million listeners worldwide, to 160 countries in 38 languages, and now it has been completely gutted. Mission accomplished, almost.

When the triumvirate’s operations were at their peak there was the risk of them being exposed by several staff members. Complaints were made to the FSB, which was when technical support on the ground was needed by the NSA. Following the arrest of several CIA agents in Moscow, who were actively trying to recruit internal ministry officers and others, in an effort to identify the leak they were trying to plug in their Moscow operations, Edward Snowden then arrived on the scene. Snowden effectively caused a distraction from several issues that were embarrassing to the US, and which were also receiving airtime on the VOR.

The key issues in which Snowden caused a distraction were the story on the VOR that President Putin had been threatened by Saudi Prince Bandar, and the fact that the CIA had ordered the chemical attacks in Syria as a pretext for an invasion. Due in large part to the VOR the Syrian invasion had to be cancelled.

Snowden was also instrumental in ensuring the communications security of the Fifth Column at the VOR. If you go to the home page of the VOR there is a permanent banner stating “Thank You Edward”. Yes thank you indeed. He helped to protect the entire CIA team at VOR.

The timing was also important. With the operations by the CIA taking place in Ukraine and the downing by the CIA of Malaysian Flight MH-17, the problem of investigative reporters or commentators exposing inconsistencies around events is regarded as very undesirable by the CIA, as it does not want any complications at this critical stage in its operation to destroy Russia.

This is clearly the case at RIA, as there is no more talk about Nazis in Ukraine and no “conspiracy theories” concerning flight MH-17. You will also not find any stories about US illegality or the crimes of the CIA and the US Government. Everything is under control, just the way the CIA wants it to be.

Many of the staff who remain in the organisation had hoped and believed the statements by the Russian media, internal pronouncements and statements by the new management that the liquidation of the Voice of Russia and RIA Novosti was to form a more effective “pro-Russian” media outlet. This was welcome news for those who protested about the “westernization” and gutting of the Voice of Russia.

The appointment of Order of Russia winner and an individual who is described as “the Kremlin’s top propaganda man”, Dmitry Kiselyov, as the head of the new media organization had many in the Western media establishment worried and many of the western planted media manipulators trembling in fear, but their fears can be assuaged. In reality it is the neo-liberal western apologists and appeasers who have won the media war inside Russia while real Russian patriots are continuing to be removed one by one.

Perhaps Kiselyov, who is apparently wanted by the Ukrainian SBU, the Right Sector and is on the US sanctions list, is not fully aware what his underlings are up to and that CIA planted agents are actually running editorial policy, although inside sources say he has been warned. Regardless, if one is to judge by content and the staffing at the new conglomerate under the name of RIA Novosti and not “Rossiya Sevodnya”, it is clear the West has won the media war.

Media watchers may have wondered as to the naming of the new agency “Rossiya Sevodnya”, which quite literally means Russia Today. Although we are supposed to have forgotten that RT used to be called Russia Today, this naming is clear evidence that RT has successfully staged a power grab in the Russian media. This also allowed the world the insight that even RIA-Novosti, which many believed was independent, is also a completely Kremlin funded news outlet.

For Margarita Semonyan, the Kremlin Media sweetheart and Hero of Russia Kremlin propaganda man Dmitry Kiselyov, the liquidation and conglomeration is of course a good career opportunity, but for the thousands of employees, writers, commentators, news people, presenters, translators, operators and others who poured their hearts and souls into the Voice of Russia, and were cast aside like yesterday’s trash, the liquidation has been devastating.
The current situation is also a win for the neo-liberal pro-western anti-Putin Bolotnaya crowd, part of the CIA’s fifth column in Russia and for the US State Department, which under the direction of Hillary Clinton stated that the media war was lost. Well, Hillary can celebrate her victory.

The Voice of Russia was being pronounced in the same breath as RT in the recent past as the only places where people in the West could hear the truth about, not only Russia, but about events and issues that were of great concern to millions of people worldwide, but which were ignored or banned by the MSM in the West. With now only one voice (RT) the West has little to worry about, and with the complete destruction of the VOR’s international multi-language short wave network there is now no alternative source for information other than the soft politics of RT and the CIA controlled RIA Novosti.

Now to find news and opinions about Russia there is only one place to go, and it is seriously doubtful that President Putin would be happy about the destruction of Russian patriots in favor of western appeasers - unless this is a sign that Russian has in fact acquiesced and surrendered in the media war. Judging from Russia’s strong statements on issues in the Russian media it is more likely that Putin and Kiselyov just are too busy to actually pay attention to what has been happening, and that their advisors have all been recruited.
The Russian media is now completely locked down and censored and the loss of the Voice of Russia is a testament to who is really behind the censorship. -

The above was part of my "Insurance Package" and written in 2014. Nothing has been changed, edited, subtracted or added.


The Death Cube of Asylum - Official Report on Russian Asylum System

Having barely survived it, is time to publish the facts. In its application the system is just an extension and an instrument of the US Government and the Corporation. Is that the fault of US Agents running it or the nature of its design?

The Law and the Constitution Mean Nothing - This is Russia, we do what we want. - Trolls' Favorite Denunciation

The denial of documents is a fascist nazi tactic which first the US Government employed against me and then which was continued by the CIA's agents inside, first the Russian FMS and then MVD, all under the watchful eye of Valentina Kazakova whom I met personally and begged for help in 2012 at the height of my work at the VOR. Given that William Burns who revoked my US passport is now the director of the CIA, this kind of changes things.

To be populated soon

Where would we be without the CIA's Liberals and Lubertsy mafia in any discussion about "Elites" in post Soviet Russia and their current flight from the country? Most of the issues in Lubertsy were never resolved, investigated or prosecuted so I am forced to revisit.

BKC-ih was an instrument of MI6, SIS and of course the CIA (Michael Bondarev sponsor of Lubertsy Mafia and all mafia groups in the Moscow Region) and the Lubertsy Mafia, bought and paid for by the CIA. This includes MVD Generals, Heads of the Lubertsy Administration and others on the payroll of the "West" or profiting from illegal privatization deals, hundreds of murders and other mafia activities in the 1990s. The Surikov family from Ukraine, Salogub and all the rest.

Here is a good example: Olga Surikova who claimed her husband was an FSB General and is from Zaporozhie running her illegal "elite" pet business out of her 7 room apartment (where no one lives) using my 8 year old daughter without my permission and against my wishes. V Robles is Varvara Robles my daughter. This is the typical Lubertsy mafia corruption which the CIA and USAID were backing in the billions and there is nothing I can do about it because in Russia fathers do not have rights.





For Information on John's Personal Struggle Please See His Blog

For other original work see the blog and the various sections of the site.

For All Leaks See the Files Page the Raw Leaks Page and JAR2 biz


There are literally thousands of articles on JAR2 with the majority of them being

the original work of the site's owner John Robles II. We encourage you to look around and while some may seem dated all work is topical as almost all of the subjects and operations covered continue to this day and continue to affect the world that we all live in. - John


2019: Page With Short Summary of All Articles Written Chiefly for JAR2 and Other Outlets

2018: Page With Short Summary of All Articles Written Chiefly for JAR2 and Other Outlets

2017: Page With Short Summary of All Articles Written Chiefly for JAR2 and Other Outlets

2016: Page With Short Summary of All Articles Written Chiefly for JAR2 and Other Outlets

2015: Page With Short Summary of All Articles Written Chiefly for JAR2 and Other Outlets

2014: Page With Short Summary of All Interviews and Articles Written Chiefly for the VOR

2014: Page With Full Text of All Articles Written in 2014

2013: Page With Short Summary of All Interviews and Articles Written Chiefly for the VOR

2013: Pages With Full Text of All Articles Written in 2013

2012: Page With Short Summary of All Interviews and Articles Written Chiefly for the VOR

2011 and 2012: Page With Full Text of All Articles Written in 2011 and 2012

2010 and 2011: Page With Short Summary of All Interviews and Articles Written Chiefly for the VOR

1995 to 2009: Page With Summmary and Links to Most Important Work by JAR2


Last Update: 01/08/2023 09:17 +0300


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Publishing Banned Truth Since June 06, 2003