25 Years Asylum JAR2 John Robles Operation Z Russia Uncategorized

Russian Medicine: Modern and First Rate

Life, it’s something we never asked for, and in the hell world we all live in is something we fight to keep every single day. Life, sweet life… Too short, too hard and too precious, and every single day and with every single fleeting moment we come closer and closer to the end… We fight […]


FSB Releases Secret KGB Files

ДИВЕРСИОННО-РАЗВЕДЫВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ГРУППЫ УНКВД МУРМАНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ (1941–1942) SOURCE: http://www.fsb.ru/fsb/history/archival_material/DRGmurmansk.htm FILES: http://www.jar2.com/Files/FSB/DRG_Murmansk_Documents.rar Великая Отечественная война коренным образом изменила характер деятельности всех государственных структур, в том числе и органов государственной безопасности СССР. С началом военных действий на советско-германском фронте одним из главных участков деятельности советских спецслужб стало проведение разведывательно-диверсионной работы в тылу противника на всех фронтах. В этой […]



https://www.jar2.com/TEMPORAL/forum/topic/pfizer-vaccine-organism-and-chip/#postid-63 Laboratory footage of what is alleged to be Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine shows puzzled German scientists debating what exactly they’re looking at under the microscope, as apparently organisms separate from the viral particles are discovered.“It is not quite clear to me what we see here,” one scientist said.“So, this is the content from Pfizer’s vaccine?” […]

New World Order Uncategorized

The Cabal: What’s Really Going On…

http://www.jar2.com/Articles/2021/What_is_Really_Going_On.html … and is there really anything that we can do? The job of an investigative journalist is to gather facts, investigate, connect those facts and then report the facts and the conclusions reached no matter what those facts may be. I have tried to be true to that credo and even though I have […]



http://www.jar2.com/ VISIT THE SITE FOR LINKS TO STORIES (RSS Issues being resolved) 03-09-2021 TUESDAY 03/09/2021 00:20 +0300 A Sends – SKY NET and More https://core.ac.uk/display/160428318 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bitbucket+jlippuner+skynet&ia=web https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-google-coop&q=skynet+network&cx= https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Maintenance_Steering_Group-3 https://www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Maintenance_Steering_Group-3_(MSG-3) https://www.afspc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/251769/laii-doubles-gps-tracking-capability/ https://gps.afspc.af.mil/gps/ https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/ https://html.duckduckgo.com/html?q=sci%2Dts%20skynet_neural_satellite_network_programming https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/index.html N Sends https://www.idf.il/en/minisites/special-forces/ 03-09-2021 TUESDAY 03/09/2021 00:20 +0300 Kremlin News Directly from the Kremlin Kremlin News Archive Weekly Bulletins for 2020 […]

Russia Uncategorized

C днем защитника отечества!

C днем защитника отечества! Желаю в День защитникаОтваги, сил, везения,И будут пусть открытымиВсе двери к достижениям! The 23 of February is not an international holiday nor does it pretend to be. It is not “Men’s Day” or something of that sort. It is a day marked to remember and honor those, known and unknow, who […]