We have quietly launched TEMPORAL BETA, this is our own social media site on our own servers based here in the Russian Federation. We offer a free speech zone away from the censorship of FVEY/CIA controlled BIG TECH for serious users who want to discuss, share and communicate with like-minded people. We hope that TEMPORAL will offer refuge on the net to Conspiracy Realists, critics of Western Governments, Whistleblowers, Leakers, Investigative Journalists, Truthers, Hacktivists and anyone with differing views, and encourage those with stories to tell to join us. Membership is free and so is the speech. We will not share any of your data! And cookies and other information we might glean will only be used to improve our service and be deleted monthly. We are not funded by anyone and hope that our members will voluntarily donate whatever they can to keep us going. Unlike the BIG TECH giants, at TEMPORAL you are not a product, you are a person with a voice and an opinion that needs to be heard. Thank you and enjoy your new home.

The Admin

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