TEMPORAL (ALPHA) Update: Member Wall and Activity Attachments


28-03-2021 There are too many things to list but the latest includes attmpting to get rid of Google fonts which someone at WordPress decided to use instead of embedded or on-site fonts. Due to one bad apple I have had to turn on comment moderation and poste review in order to prevent certain individuals from posting material not in keeping with our standards, journalistic factuality and/or our staunch stance to prevent dis/mis-information.

11-03-2021 Added blog option for users to publish articles, tweaked Ajax, Json, PHP and Database, further secured architecture, removed user authentication allowing for instant registration without e-mail verification (for those who want to stay Anonymous and to keep their e-mail providers out of my/our loop), removed comment moderation, added social media sharing suite, revamped like button and verified button, removed access to limited front end admin interface, added revolver map which is now RF based,

27-02-2021 – I was given a large amount of material to translate and will be engaged in that for the next couple of days. Sorry for not being more active. Please send me your feedback as to what you want on the site.

21-02-2021 Removed moderation from comments. Say what you want but you must keep things intellectual.

19-02-2021 Please check back often as I am adding functions every day. Added a function to add photos and attachments to status updates on user pages. Working on designing the user wall and default pages.

18-02-2021 Mobile Access and Multi-Language Support: Testing several APPS from the APP store… So far the best appears to be the WordPress APP… Added multiple languages which can be accessed from the small floating menu in the upper right corner…. Added like/dislike buttons…. Messaging speed has been improved by almost 300% and stricter password policies are now in play. At least 8 characters (we recommend 24), lower and upper case letters, a number and a special character are now required. Will keep you all posted.

7 thoughts on “TEMPORAL (ALPHA) Update: Member Wall and Activity Attachments

  1. What I want on site hmm OK then, what’s the scope. .use an app on site ? Plug-in / KVM / VDi

    looks good with the coloured share thing, btw but where’s twitter ?

    I think I can still get the API commands buttons in
    html for it out developers dashboard if you need it , version 1.1 Keys, secret keys and access tokens api .

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