The Cabal: What’s Really Going On…

New World Order Uncategorized

… and is there really anything that we can do?

The job of an investigative journalist is to gather facts, investigate, connect those facts and then report the facts and the conclusions reached no matter what those facts may be. I have tried to be true to that credo and even though I have paid a huge price, there can be no other option but to continue down that road, one which I have set myself upon.

Despite the fact that on the surface it looks like we are losing, there have been many positive signs that we are in fact winning and that the truth, as it should, will in fact prevail.   

The transnational criminal cabal continues to use the synthetic Covid-19 panic which they created to rape and pillage the world and along with the consequences of the Covid 19 measures and panic that they created, they continue to use chemtrail constructed climate changes to attempt to rape governments for trillions more.

With Russia now possessing strategic military superiority and the whole 911 operation and the ensuing war on terror exposed for the monstrous fakeries that they were, the MIIC must make the COVID fabricated pandemic pay off even more so than was originally planned.

Russia has again, with effective vaccines, gotten in the way of the Cabal’s profits and genocide plans, with the Cabal’s expeditionary force NATO and its FVEY partners making obscene and almost unheard of bellicose statements regarding vaccines and using FVEY intelligence and information operations being carried out in an attempt to gain Vaccine Supremacy.   x

The QANON Trump “woke” “patriots” were played so artfully and so skillfully that they STILL believe Trump will actually do something to “Drain the Swamp”. QANON was a military intelligence disinformation operation set up with the same purpose as the WikiLeaks and Intercept operations to spread disinformation, misinformation and identify, target and liquidate those who would actively stand up to and oppose the Cabal and just as the Cabal destroyed patriots in Russia and all over the world, every one of those who came out against the stolen election, did their duty and attempted to take down foreign controlled usurpers of power, have been identified and liquidated as threats to the Cabal. Those who fell for the Drain the Swamp poppycock maybe now will realize that Trump was, is and always will be the Swamp and a Rothschild lackey as he has been since 1992. QANON was military intelligence, military grade divert and capture operation and as my evidence of targeting instructions to the Snowden avatar against me personally proves, its ultimate goal was liquidating threats to the Cabal using their controlled MIIC.   

With Rothschild chief agent Miliekowski unable to leave occupied Palestine as the US sanctioned ICC continues its War Crimes investigations into the Zionist entity, things are not looking good on Rothschild Boulevard. Given the Chabad Lubavich Khazarian Mafia Shin Bet MOSSAD MIIC Asteroids orchestration of the 911 mass-murder event, any ICC investigation into the genocides being carried out by the Zionist entity is probably the best news humanity has had in the last 200 years. Unlike the QANON “Stop the Steal” show, the ICC and the Intelligence Services of many countries including the Russian Federation, are quietly and systematically eliminating Cabal structures, levers and leaders.

Given the demise of the MOSSAD Epstein pedo-blackmail operation and the ensuing difficulties in controlling 96% of US lawmakers, putting Pedo Joe in the White House was the only option the Cabal had.

That is all for now. Stay critical in your thinking and don’t believe Trojan Horses.  As for the medi and Big Tech. poison their information gathering and turn it all off. Do not believe a word they say. 

The big secret? It’s all a planned and orchestrated global racist nazi elitist genocide and you are not on the save list. The NSA which is “always thirty years ahead” in technology and Big Tech have developed robotics, AI and automated warfare to a degree that humans are no longer needed, not even for armies, so they decided to wipe us all out. That’s about it. Covid Vaccines are to kill millions but the real killing is of the next generation’s children as the RNA modifications made by the vaccines leads to insterility. Still want that “jab”?


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