User Post: R-Sends

New World Order User Posts

As an ordained minister of faith who has studied the original documents I can tell you who it is, you will not believe me though
(ironic eh when I used to speak of things I could not prove true most did lol)
It’s the former priesthood of Amon who through their offspring they became Pharaoh 18th onwards dynasties prior 2 fleeing as conquered by Cyrus the Great and the Persian army followed by Darius the king of kings who were the last. This is why they hate Iran, why Israel is a white nationalist Apartheid state that oppresses real Jews and ignores prophecy is attempting to exterminate actual Semites in Palestine Egypt Syria Iraq & Jordan formerly Babylon. They hide in plain sight now and hold almost all key positions. .

In what I call relatively recent times there was a power grab. The old feudal order of monarchs zhars emperors who were by and large the 1st born sons were overthrown or killed by their siblings who traditionally had been heir to nothing.
Their numbers were far greater of course after 1400 years or so of breeding and impregnating our women through primae noctis and added to this number were the other monarchs to be who had no territories at birth due to their number increase which had seen centuries of civil war between the bloodline family’s

{Droit Du seigneur[a] (‘lord’s right’), also known as jus primae noctis (‘right of the first night’), was a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights}
It was decided they would all share power, each having a turn for a number of years. This new order was fought over 800 years across the globe increasing in intensity. The genius part is they make us their slaves vote for which one gets a turn as they believed it was fairer FOR THEM.

This began with the KNIGHTS Templar who were all aristocracy 2nd. 3rd sons etc and as was customary due to the medieval mortality rate, all were trained in warfare etc from infancy in preparation should they become the no1 and rule.

Everything goes back to the time they ruled Egypt, from the “white house ” of the North to the name OSIRIS being the NIH software system

corona the crown of thorns the final FCU you to enki from enlil

the creator who became saviour and the former supreme ruler who ordered our creation AND destruction as detailed in the Sumerian tablets (do not use Zacharias Sitchens translation he was forced to add a lot of unfounded BS about aliens that is not valid by America of course THE NEW WORLD) the story is much like genesis only far earlier and in greater detail literally carved in stone

The Jesus character was like Moses a son of pharaoh (gods as they were known) he tried to have the jubilee year reinstated which was the good news as when a new ruler or administration in today’s terms came in all private debt was cancelled and property returned. This was because they knew that the economy grew slower than the debts increased (we have their models and financial records)

Michael Hudson explains best,
it will maybe help when you understand this: the words Sin and Debt are the same thing in Aramaic the language Jesús would have spoken
he was murdered by ROME because he tried to save us from the sin of debt slavery.

The jubilee was how we as humans lived in peace for millennia.
The Roman Empire was the 1st not too, do, so.
It also attacked and killed any ruler who did just like as America they still do today
any people who have usury laws such as Arab African tribes or Muslim / Jewish / orthodox faith cults

42 Divine Principles of Ma’at
(where the 10 commandments were taken from)

It is natural for all this to seem far-fetched but do not assume so.and move on

Look it up 1st

Everything I say here is our history our human knowledge clearly hidden in the public domain. They took it from us by enforcing school attendance on the world which meant this knowledge is no longer passed down from father to son mother to daughter

(incidently faith is fine if its from free will has no church and has no religion these are all lies of men and cults of control)

There is nothing to fear but fear its self
. . . Anonymous

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