The Treasonous Duplicity of Post Soviet Russia


The Treasonous Duplicity of Post Soviet Russia

No one seems to have a problem that Mihail Gorbachev was a CIA agent, or that Anatoly Chubais or Nemtsov or Navalny or Snowden were either for that matter. Post Soviet Russia was a playground for the CIA and MI6 and Western Intelligence Agencies and the liquidation of the Russian Federation that was supposed to have taken place and was already signed off on when Putin came to power was supposed to have been the ultimate prize for the CIA. The hundreds of billions of dollars that the CIA and the Cabal spent on subverting and owning Russia left a populace and a government that was so duplicitous in nature that even the top officials themselves did not know who was on what side. The control and the levers that the CIA used are still evident today in the continuing Limited Hangout of Edward Snowden and the continued subversion of Russian Society which is Big Tech is allowed to carry out and which the media are facilitating for the CIA.

Измена и двуличие. Люди искали «свободы», но стали рабами Америки. Я вспоминаю 1990-е. Я пережил их в подконтрольных мафии Люберцах. В 90-е не было ничего чудесного. Это был фильм ужасов 98-го уровня.

To be continued…

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