Russian Medicine: Modern and First Rate

25 Years Asylum JAR2 John Robles Operation Z Russia Uncategorized

Life, it’s something we never asked for, and in the hell world we all live in is something we fight to keep every single day. Life, sweet life… Too short, too hard and too precious, and every single day and with every single fleeting moment we come closer and closer to the end… We fight and fight and fight to move ahead, to get the things we want and need and even simply to hold on to whatever little purchase we are able to obtain. The universe in not just, for some who are privileged the path is easier, but for those who are not every moment can turn into an endless struggle, despite the fact that at the beginning and the end we are all exactly the same, as we are in the fact that none of us every asked to be here, no one.

One of the areas, among practically everything except military force (for propaganda purposes) sports (now taken care of by the Empire of Lies by simply banning Russia from all sporting events and organizations) and ballet (an area of art where transgender freaks will never even come close to being in contention), where the West has always tried to paint Russia and the USSR as being primitive and behind has always medicine and because of my hospitalization I have decided to put this myth, along with all the rest, into the mass-grave of Russophobic stereotypes being slowly filled by Operation Z and the simple cognitive functions of those few in the West who still possess what used to be called critical thinking.

Of all of the areas that the so-called “West” and the Empire of Lies tried to gut, rape and pillage, the Russian Medical Complex was an area where they failed, that is of course putting aside and apart from the decades of tempting Russia’s finest minds to leave their motherland with promises of cardboard houses, fancy cars and the “good” life for which of course they had to sell their souls.

As they used to say in the newsrooms “It can now be reported that…” Russia’s state-run FREE medical system, at least the one under the directorate of the Moscow Region, is a clean modern well-oiled machine that performs its function almost perfectly and with little or no fanfare.

The last time I wrote about an experience with the medical establishment was not in the least in a positive light given that I was flat out refused treatment. However, and this is I think an important point, that was before Z. Something that you will be hearing more and more in the future as Z becomes a time marking pivotal event more important than even 911.

One of the most surprising things that I have noted in several interactions I have recently had with official Russia is the disappearance of what can be described as “the bribe economy” and the qualative improvement in the professionalism of staff, and this is crucially important when it comes to the area of health care and in my case life-saving medical intervention. For those who know me and have been with me from the beginning you may remember the story about my dear son who almost died due to the false diagnosis of a drunk doctor who then demanded $9,000.00 for helping to “save” him, truly one of the most shameful episodes I can recall of my experiences with regard to post-Soviet Russia during my almost three decades here.

Let me be a little bit more detailed and fill you all in on what I have been going through, if you are interested. Recently I was… NOT PUBLISHED FOR SECURITY REASONS

Russia’s state run free healthcare system in a word “works”.

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