BIG TECH, CIA, NATO and the New World Order


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Post Trump Analysis

Date: Published January 19, 2021

January 29, 2021 10:54 GMT+3 – Article Text Removed for Editting Purposes

February 01, 2021 Added Intro

911, the New World Order and Corporate Fascist Information Tyranny: 911 is Still the Litmus Test

The false flag mass-murder psychological terror operation carried out by the ASTEROIDS aka The Old Boys, the Black Operations team of the Nazi-ideologues who truly run the USA, and soon to be global, Shadow Government which in fact runs the embedded USA Deep State and Deep State implanted puppets worldwide operating in corporations, world organizations and the governments of the USA’s Vassal States, including not only those in Europe but in fact around the world, is and will remain the single most important Litmus Test in determining character and honesty for any official or person even dimly aware of or involved in anything requiring a knowledge of the workings of the world.

The crimes against humanity and mass murder that occurred on 911 and the ensuing series of horrendous events, Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Peace that the controlled demolitions served as the catalyst for will never be prosecuted, that should be clear to everyone by now, and today almost everyone who dared to question the fake official narrative has been destroyed and eliminated. However and this is very important, those who carried out the events and who were enabled and more importantly enriched by them, will in fact pay an eternal price and the global construct they hoped to achieve will in fact never happen. It can’t happen, even if they were to place RFID kill chips in the entire human race, control every single bit of information to maintain the false reality created by the actions of the ASTEROIDS and the architects working for the masters and successfully place puppets as leaders of every single country of the world, there are several things they can not destroy, manipulate or control, one of those is the human spirit (which they are trying to kill with the Satanic trans agenda) and another is causality and the very foundations of the reality we all share.

I cannot yet be more detailed on this for several reasons but did briefly touch on this subject at the link below:


January 19, 2021

The “New World Order of the “New” Nazis of CIA Big Tech, CIA Social Media and the Multi-Facetted Global CIA/MOSSAD/HASBARA/MOCKINGBIRD Believe They are Unstoppable

My Predictions Came True

I sit and chuckle, gazing out at the frozen expanses, mentally going over the events that have passed, as I have watched one by one every single one of my predictions fall into place like puzzle pieces in a four dimensional mosaic of covert move and obfuscated counter move. When you realize they are engaged in non-linear warfare pretending to be multi-dimensional chess, and that the “Emperor Grand General Hierophant of both hemispheres and the Sovereign Architect of the World”, is nothing but the leader of a death cult and in fact a common man albeit a pathological megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur and a Napoleonic complex supported by his plebes, things seem instantly clearer and understandable. However make no mistake kids, things have gone from bad to worse and are now way beyond “serious’. The time has passed for niceties and diplomacy and what they fear, the blade of raw truth, is what we must now use.

To be one of the most powerful men in the world one does not have to be a billionaire. Quite the opposite is true in fact. For with those billions and their amassed companies, fortunes and wealth, come a million strings which cajole and jostle and manipulate their every move. These strings are pulled, associated levers engaged and endless buttons pushed by those we know as the Puppet Masters, the “Illuminati” and the other “Secret” manipulators of those who think they have real power.

To be one of the most powerful men in the world does not in fact require any funds whatsoever if one can somehow communicate truth to, and be listened by, those pulling the strings, engaging the levers and pushing the buttons. If one has real truth and the vision and means to communicate that truth, those with power pulling the levers will gravitate towards that truth and inadvertently listen, especially if that truth touches their sphere, their lies and the methods they use to control and hold onto their power and ill or otherwise gotten gains. Those without vision would say it is impossible to carry out such Machiavellian machinations (namely the puppet mastering of the puppet masters) but in fact it is quite simple even in a world of lies, obfuscation and outright censorship. All it requires is truth which is the anathema of the puppet masters those who have self-servingly labelled themselves as the “elites”.

The truth today is that the Cabal is no longer hidden and operating in the shadows, they know that and thus have gone off the rails with what they believe (and want you to believe) to be complete and total impunity in the rolling out of their Satanic New World Order. The host countries and powers of the NWO have become completely infected, corrupted and taken over by the death cult of the New World Order and the Satanic “religion” they have followed for hundreds of years. They had hidden their operations for so long but now everything and everyone involved is crystal clear, even for those who still attempt to keep their blinders on and refuse to believe.

In his openly futile and most likely disingenuous attempt to “Drain the Swamp” and bring about some semblance of overtly visible accountability, he carried out and brilliantly delivered a performance of desperately trying to battle the same evil that you and I have been fighting and I have been writing about for decades. Due to his term as President of the United States Trump has in fact done more to expose the monster hiding in the shadows, than almost anyone in the last decade including the Cabal’s internet Truther operation WikiLeaks and surely more than all of my articles, books and investigations ever could have. However the problem is that coming out into the open was simply one of the steps of the Illuminati and the New world Order Satanists as any New World Order researcher worth their salt will verify, and this was carried out in 2016. In 2020 they have shown that they are “ALL POWERFUL” and there is nothing we can do to stop them. WRONG!

As a critical thinker one must ask the question whether the entire election fraud debacle was a carefully choreographed and staged event, as surely it appears to be given the mountain of evidence, and one I predicted would serve the key goal of providing the justification and the fabrication of consent, for the 100% implementation of programmable electronic voting machines. However as the Cabal operations are always carried out, this of course was not the only goal as permutations were added and modified as the situation progressed. Now, tomorrow, with the inauguration of an illegitimate, mafia-styled proven pedophile, guilty of high crimes, graft, racketeering, money laundering, bribing and threatening foreign officials, violations of sovereignty and already on international wanted lists, what was the “American” experiment called “Democracy”, will be officially dead.

What Happened and What This Means for the People of Occupied Turtle Island and for the Sovereigns

For us hardworking, moral, normal, law-abiding, peace and equality loving “non-whites” with “conservative” (meaning we do not believe in the lie of multiple-genders and that marriage is between a man and a woman) and real human and/or Christian values, since 2000 we have seen our positions and lives qualitatively and quantitatively worsen as first the rich Republican racists and then the Globalist billionaire scum, have taken complete control of healthy democracies and people-oriented-social-systems around the world, corrupting and poisoning them in order to feed their endless greed and insatiable appetite for power and control.

We have watched as the Satanic Globalists have attempted to normalize every perversion imaginable as they first corrupted the fundamental societal building block of marriage and family and then moved on to the attempted normalization of pedophilia and at least 14 other abhorrent recidivist sexual deviations.

We have watched them wage illegal wars of aggression worldwide against weak and mostly brown countries where they have slaughtered what are now hundreds of millions and have destroyed state after state after state.

We have seen them attempt to carry out a corporate coup on the entire planet with the TPP. We have watched as their military arm NATO takes over the world in a 3% GDP protection scam as the North Atlantic has now reached the Pacific from both sides.

We have watched them commit and continue to commit ongoing genocides against brown peoples all over the world, in India with vaccines by Bill Gates, in the Middle East with their fake War on Terror made possible by the worst single mass murder in history that was 911, in Yemen, Myanmar and in Palestine which was handed to the Rothschilds in 1917. These genocides have continued non-stop for decades but during the last four years there was a slight reprieve as Trump moved slightly away for the Interventionism at the root of the genocides and focused somewhat on his own country. However the eugenicists now have their Corona virus, developed at Fort Detrick and manipulated by Gates and “Big Pharma”, and their plans for “depopulation” (the genocide of 8 billion human beings) now seems like a given, rather than a “conspiracy theory”, that is being carried ot right in front of the eyes of the world. This is what a Biden rule will entail.

For Native Americans we saw what might have promised to be recognition for us as humans and sovereigns destroyed by the Obama clan, this continued by Trump and now right off the start promises of the same by the next executive officer of the Corporation, Biden. Meaning the only way to achieve justice is to destroy the Corporation.

The Occupiers and Their Election Spectacle

There can be nothing more patriotic than evicting criminals from power and attempting to return that power to the people. – John Robles

7 thoughts on “BIG TECH, CIA, NATO and the New World Order


    trump is like haider in austria, wilders in the netherlands, nigel farage in the u.k. and marie le pen in france
    they are in the club trump worked with clinton in arkansas(cia drug imports) went to their parties, filled bill aswel as hillary their campagnefunds, hewas on epsteins island so they just play the needed marrionet 4 the time, none of them is on the people their side

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